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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Riots broke out on Wednesday at the world's largest iPhone factory in the Chinese city of Zhengzhou, according to video shared on social media.


Footage widely circulated online shows hundreds of Foxconn workers marching in protest, clashing with police and some being confronted by people in hazmat suits.

Some video captured workers complaining about the food they had been provided, with others protesting that they had not been paid bonuses as promised.

The Zhengzhou plant is Foxconn's biggest iPhone factory with around 200,000 workers. Foxconn is responsible for assembling around 70 percent of the iPhones that Apple sells, and it has been struggling to keep employees on site due to COVID lockdowns.

China's zero-COVID policy requires cities to quickly quell outbreaks through restrictions, and with COVID spreading in Zhengzhou, workers have wanted to return home to avoid being stuck at the factory should there be a more stringent lockdown.

Workers have also been unhappy with restrictions at the factory, such as the closure of the dine-in cafeteria, and a shortage of supplies that caused a panic.

Employee issues at the Zhengzhou plant could cause ‌iPhone‌ output to fall as much as 30 percent. Foxconn has attempted to mitigate the supply issues by offering bonuses and ramping up production at another factory in Shenzhen, but workers at the Zhengzhou plant have accused Foxconn of not living up to contract agreements.

"They changed the contract so that we could not get the subsidy as they had promised. They quarantine us but don't provide food," said one Foxconn worker on video shared online. "If they do not address our needs, we will keep fighting."

Update 11/24: Foxconn has apologized for a pay-related "technical error" when hiring new recruits at its iPhone factory in China. "We apologize for an input error in the computer system and guarantee that the actual pay is the same as agreed and the official recruitment posters."

The company is communicating with employees still engaged in smaller protests, a Foxconn source familiar with the matter told Reuters on Thursday. Apple said it had staff at the factory and was "working closely with Foxconn to ensure their employees' concerns are addressed."

Article Link: Angry Protests Break Out at Key iPhone Factory in China [Updated]
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Mar 22, 2009
These workers will likely bring about changes because they are just damn angry about the whole situation. They are thumping the tub, threatening and making noise about it, but if they just were silent and thought "Well, gradually wisdom will come to those who are in this business and they will do right by us," that day would never come. Apple workers have a lot to be grateful for that these guys are as insistent as they are, but it's a block-by-block fight.


macrumors regular
Aug 5, 2022
This is really sad. We have to stop letting corporations screw us and reap all of the profits because it’s these poor people who pay the price for it. Apple is a nasty company for doing things this way while they post record profits and yank out millions upon millions per executive. They’re all about their fake diversity BS with their all white old man board of directors.

Does this look like “diversity” to you?

I mostly don’t care, but I get sick of their patronizing “Black Unity” trash when all they do is violate people left and right so they can pull the same maneuvers every other rich corporate bloodsucker does.

I may very well forego this year’s purchase over this. America needs to stop this before the tables turn and we’re all eating microchips for dinner. We’d well deserve it at this point.


macrumors newbie
Apr 11, 2022

Riots broke out on Wednesday at the world's largest iPhone factory in the Chinese city of Zhengzhou, according to video shared on social media.


Footage widely circulated online shows hundreds of Foxconn workers marching in protest, clashing with police and some being confronted by people in hazmat suits.

Some video captured workers complaining about the food they had been provided, with others protesting that they had not been paid bonuses as promised.

The Zhengzhou plant is Foxconn's biggest iPhone factory with around 200,000 workers. Foxconn is responsible for assembling around 70 percent of the iPhones that Apple sells, and it has been struggling to keep employees on site due to COVID lockdowns.

China's zero-COVID policy requires cities to quickly quell outbreaks through restrictions, and with COVID spreading in Zhengzhou, workers have wanted to return home to avoid being stuck at the factory should there be a more stringent lockdown.

Workers have also been unhappy with restrictions at the factory, such as the closure of the dine-in cafeteria, and a shortage of supplies that caused a panic.

Employee issues at the Zhengzhou plant could cause ‌iPhone‌ output to fall as much as 30 percent. Foxconn has attempted to mitigate the supply issues by offering bonuses and ramping up production at another factory in Shenzhen, but workers at the Zhengzhou plant have accused Foxconn of not living up to contract agreements.

"They changed the contract so that we could not get the subsidy as they had promised. They quarantine us but don't provide food," said one Foxconn worker on video shared online. "If they do not address our needs, we will keep fighting."

Article Link: Angry Protests Break Out at Key iPhone Factory in China
Not many people will complain about these worker's conditions because they are benefitting directly from cheap electronics. It's not like Qatar where its easy to complain about migrant workers conditions 😀


macrumors 68000
Oct 30, 2020
I may be wrong here, but I read this as more of a China specific issue - namely, due to COVID lockdowns, the conditions and rights the workers were used to are no longer being met, which is what is causing the protests and outrage.

Everything in the article points to this being a China issue as opposed to an Apple issue - clashing with police, hazmat suits, and closed dining areas.

The fact that it's happening at an iPhone factory is like pouring gasoline on a fire from a media perspective.

If I am wrong and this is an Apple caused issue, I am open to being educated. But please, be polite and bring facts.


macrumors 6502
Apr 14, 2010
It really bothers me that Apple still doesn’t have a grip on this. These workers deserve better and its high time Apple step up and do (actually) something about it. They can invent all this incredible technology - but they can’t fire a business partner who treats humans like dogs? Psh.
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