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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Indeed. So do all of us. So whining about it on the internet while privately using the very devices made in that factory is pure hypocrisy. The truth is, we don't care. We (well, some of us) just want others to think we do.
Not “everybody” is “whining” and therefore not everybody is hypocritical. People can care about causes that are close to them and not be hypocritical.

Vlad Soare

macrumors 6502a
Mar 23, 2019
Bucharest, Romania
No, not everybody, of course. I never said that. I was only talking about those who are.

People can care about causes that are close to them and not be hypocritical.
Exactly. People care about causes that are close to them. What happens in a distant dictatorship might sadden them a bit for a few seconds, but not enough to actually do anything about it. They will continue buying whatever devices they like and want, provided the price is acceptable. Which is why Apple doesn't need to do anything more than what's legally required of them. They may (or may not) wish to do something, but contrary to some of the opinions expressed above they don't need to.
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macrumors 6502
Sep 4, 2010
No, not everybody, of course. I never said that. I was only talking about those who are.

Exactly. People care about causes that are close to them. What happens in a distant dictatorship might sadden them a bit for a few seconds, but not enough to actually do anything about it. They will continue buying whatever devices they like and want, provided the price is acceptable. Which is why Apple doesn't need to do anything more than what's legally required of them. They may (or may not) wish to do something, but contrary to some of the opinions expressed above they don't need to.
This was essentially the outcome of Tim Cook goes to congress in 2016 to chat about Apple's taxes. Much drama, endless rambling, culminating in: I see a lot of you in Congress enjoy our products. That's what we do, we make great products at Apple. We have complied with all relevant tax codes, national and international, if you're unhappy about that, then we suggest you change them since you're Congress and you're the ones who pass them in the first place.

The end.

Easy enough to google. Here's a Tim quote:

“It is the current tax law. It’s not a matter of being patriotic or not patriotic, it doesn’t go that the more you pay, the more patriotic you are.”
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macrumors G4
Nov 9, 2015
Silicon Valley, CA
Recent developments of change

China’s zero-Covid policy, which stalled the world’s second-largest economy and sparked a wave of unprecedented protests, is now being dismantled as Beijing on Wednesday released sweeping revisionsto its draconian measures that ultimately failed to bring the virus to heel.

The new guidelines keep some restrictions in place but largely scrap the health QR code that has been mandatory for entering most public places and roll back mass testing. They also allow some Covid-19 cases and close contacts to skip centralized quarantine.

They come after a number of cities in recent days started to lift some of the harsh controls that dictated – and heavily restricted – daily life for nearly three years in China.

Locations classified by authorities as “high risk” can still be locked down, but these lockdowns must now be more limited and precise, according to the new guidelines, which were circulated by China’s state media.


macrumors G5
May 30, 2002
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
1. Wow- you are twisting things again. Amazing- show proof apple hasn’t moved

2. Actually it isn’t breaking the law- Apple does allow that. But we are talking about ethics right?

3. Amazing you continue with BS. All I said was other Apple CM also have labor issues. It’s not only isolated to Foxconn or China.

Common factor is Apple. Ain’t no way around it.

The proof is in the news.
Apple has not moved all business out of China:
Retail Sales - still a huge boon for Apple there as well as all their retails stores.
Manufacturing and Assembly ... still has over 80% of their products manufactured, and assembled in China.

Look up anything on either using an internet search today and you'll find the proof. It's literary fact.

If you've understood anything about Apple's supply chain since 2008 you'd see this is an improvement for them - moving some manufacturing and assembly outside of China. This is not just to avoid any affects on production and shipments - such as lock downs would and have the last 2 years (this heavily affects sales, revenue and profits btw), yet also diversifying in case of any issues with yields or shipments. it's just Apple being prudent.

An old phrase is being applied: Don't keep your eggs all in 1 basket.
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