i dont know where you come from ,but in my world if i would buy
a computer for near £2000
i expect it to be clean when i open the box
it seems you are the best customer to which for , i could sell you everything in any condition and you would sort it out by yourself and still say thank you for selling it
just a example when i sold my old computer on ebay,after i bought my new(used ) one i cleaned it inside and outside to a as new condition , i cleaned it so the fans, heatsinks had been shiny and dust free , so was the whole board not a single bit of dust to find after i cleaned it ,as i want
to make sure the buyer gets a as new computer from me even it was 3 years old , ok i did not make profit when selling it as i calculate i take the price of the cheapest i can find on ebay of same kind and ad the ebay feees to it and thats my buy it now price ,then i pack it go to the post office and get the price for shipping , and thats what i charge then not more not less but i know i have a happy buyer and he/she can enjoy their "new "computer , and for me thats the whole point
so why should i expect less from a company who wants to sell me a BRANDNEW product
they SELL it , i BUY it , i spend MONEY on it , and when i spend money i want
in return something i can enjoy from the point when opening the box , i dont expect to have to clean it first ,
warranties are for breakdowns that happen after use ,
a product has to be in perfect working order when new out of the box
and if you buy a Mac which cost more then a equal pc (there are pc with nearly same spec )
you can expect a higher standard because thats the whole point of paying MORE for something