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lol, same Mac haters in every thread.Can't afford a mac ? .. poor guys.
Btw all who i know switched to a mac has never used windows anymore.And there is a good reason.Think about it :)
Try both ,then talk.
PPL buy macs just to not "****" like you with that crappy windows wasting 30% of time on cleaning and deleting viruses :D
GL :)
You're in denial. Not as many software options? There are thousands of apps for the Mac. Thats not enough. The problem shouldn't arise regardless of how many software options there are. Period.

So you're saying there are as many software programs on the Mac as there are on the PC? You know, there are some people that can count above 30!

Mac's don't have this problem. You're saying if you install too many bad third party apps you will have problems? Really?

Hate to tell you this, but each time a file is saved onto a hard drive, a record is kept to access and retreive the information. The more files there is, the more records there are, potentially the longer it takes to access files. Macs aren't immune to this, and if you search the forums, you'll find threads about how their systems have slowed down and are not as responsive as they used to be.

Why is it that a Mac can down load as many third party apps and not have any of these problems? It's because of the way the OS file system is set up. I don't have to worry about which third party app might hurt my system.

They can't. It's your imagination that we live in utopia!

Most on here have used Windows 7 and the rest of them. So your speaking to the people who know what Window's is does not do and do. You're no expert, so stop pretending to be. We all know Windows shortcomings and it strengths.

Most of us have run before but it doesn't make everyone an athlete either. Athletes dedicate a tremendous amount of time to hone their skills and fine tune their bodies. I've worked in the IT industry for years and have an insight of where issues exists and what work arounds are available.

I'm not the one that is making out Mac has no problems, every OS has it's short comings. What was provided was a solution, a GENUINE solution to minimising the impact that installing new applications on Windows would create.

If you don't have any data to back up your statements then don't continue to mislead people and continue to say people are at a dead end when they aren't. They have options and it's up to them if they wish to take it or not.
im happy with mac (who needs 100000+ crappy windows software,i have kinda 60 programs and thats more than enough for me)
i was VERY VERY unhappy with windows.(still now,using bootcamp when some new games come out like call of duty or assassin creed,booting windows makes me sad)
wanna argue more ? there is no point to do that.
Mac users are happy.we are not wasting our time fore useless things.thats important.i prefer not thinking HOW my mac is doing some things (installing apps,registry mechanics and stuff (When u're turning lights on,are u thinkin how the electricity pass thru wires and so on ? i doubt that)
it just works and has never given me any problem.thats important.
anyway,i will not change your idea so im going to watch the oscar ceremony,gn :)

p.s. soz for my eng :)
I find it ludicrous that you have to check up on every single new app you want to try when you're using Windows. Funny how people are afraid of Mac OS X becoming like the iPhone OS with its App Store, when Windows basically does the same. It doesn't force you to directly, but indirectly you're forced to look for new apps on trusted websites like etc.

It's only crazy if you have a wide range of software that you can and can not install. My criterias limit the number of applicaitons I need to install. Most software is either purchased or well known in the industry.

I find it ludicrous that I have to run the new apps in a virtual enviroment, risking to lose my work in case of a power failure, a crash (Windows' expertise) or simply a forgettance.

Why is it ludicrous? It keeps your system clean and there are benefits with deploying on multiple systems. Keep in mind this is NOT running a virtual OS. It's only a virtual application so overhead is minimal and you don't have to worry about applications stuffing up your system.

No system is immume to data lose in the case of power outages. Virtualisation applications are at no increased risk than traditional applications. UPSes are available to help protect your system from power outages. Use them if you can't afford to have outages. I have 4 UPSes at home.

I'm sorry, but yours is not a solution, it's a big, ugly and uncomfortable patch on a serious issue. You can put up with it, fine, but don't call it a solution because it isn't.

It is, look up altris (I think that's what it's called). Does the job extremely well. It's better than having legacy files on your computer and in the registry. It takes about an extra 5 secs to virtualise the application and being able to remove the software without any traces it was ever there. Best peace of mind when installing software.
I still fail to see the whole point of the entire Mac -vs- PC debate now when Macs are PCs. Since you can legally (and brilliantly) run both OS X and Windows on the Mac what's the point of a debate over which OS is best?

I happen to love both OSes.

I bought a Mac for this reason.
The mentality of PC users never ceases to astonish..wot a bunch of jokers:confused: The mentality for 90+% of them is this it seems:

"I was always anti Mac's, I'd never used one less seen one but aways hated them anyway. Now that i've used one I'm totally in love with them and will never go back to PC's"

I personally have NEVER, again NEVER known or met anyone that hated Mac's that HAD actually used one, but resoundingly, everyone I've ever known that hates them has NEVER used one.

To think the *"PC lusers" used to give us a hard time about the single button mouse..pfft

The mentality of PC users never ceases to astonish..wot a bunch of jokers:confused: The mentality for 90+% of them is this it seems:

"I was always anti Mac's, I'd never used one less seen one but aways hated them anyway. Now that i've used one I'm totally in love with them and will never go back to PC's"

I personally have NEVER, again NEVER known or met anyone that hated Mac's that HAD actually used one, but resoundingly, everyone I've ever known that hates them has NEVER used one.

To think the *"PC lusers" used to give us a hard time about the single button mouse..pfft


less scrolling with right click

right click on a link, say open in new tab and it's done

except for my wife who still insists on opening up a new instance of the web browser every time
less scrolling with right click

right click on a link, say open in new tab and it's done

except for my wife who still insists on opening up a new instance of the web browser every time

I was actually referring to the days long before Tabs and scroll wheeled mice :)
I'm going to keep this one short.

Was a PC user for over 10 years, then switched to the iMac (21.5") as liked the idea of 'no wires' - and I have an iPhone, Time Capsule and the girlfriend has an MBA, so seemed fairly logical to try one out.

I do enjoy using it, but still getting used to it. I use a PC for work and Mac for home. I'd say for you to make the switch, you'll enjoy it when you get used to it :)
I wanted to chime in with my 2 cents as well. I used PCs my whole life. Got the iPhone and decided I wanted to attempt created iPhone apps so I went and got myself a MacBook Pro and never looked back. I recently bought the 27" i7 and I am totally in love with it. I run Windows 7/Vista/Server/Yellow Dog/Ubuntu all with Parallels and there isnt one piece of software I cant run.

I would be lying if I said I didnt like Win 7, I do. Its one of the better Windows releases Ive used. But whatever it can do, I can find a way to do in OSX.

I too like to think of myself as creative. And as someone else mentioned, an Apple computer wont make you more creative but I do believe it will improve your productivity and in turn you may have more time to work on your creativity!

On another note, anyone (other than gamers) that complains about the Magic Mouse having only one button, please have a look at this thread...
The BetterTouchTool will turn your 1 button Magic Mouse into a multi-gesture mouse that will change your way of mousing! LOL
Hate to tell you this, but each time a file is saved onto a hard drive, a record is kept to access and retreive the information. The more files there is, the more records there are, potentially the longer it takes to access files. Macs aren't immune to this, and if you search the forums, you'll find threads about how their systems have slowed down and are not as responsive as they used to be.

Hate to tell you this, but, in addition to that, which is common to all OSs, Windows has got the registry, which makes everything even slower, unstoppably.

I'm not the one that is making out Mac has no problems, every OS has it's short comings. What was provided was a solution, a GENUINE solution to minimising the impact that installing new applications on Windows would create.

I don't understand why you PC fanboys like to put this "Macs are perfect" affirmation into our mouths. Just because we think Macs are several times better than PCs, it doesn't mean they're perfect.

And your solution may be genuine, but it's plain, plain stupid and too big of a hassle.

If you don't have any data to back up your statements then don't continue to mislead people and continue to say people are at a dead end when they aren't. They have options and it's up to them if they wish to take it or not.

You're the one who's convincing people that using such a bad patchup solution is even acceptable.

It's only crazy if you have a wide range of software that you can and can not install. My criterias limit the number of applicaitons I need to install. Most software is either purchased or well known in the industry.

Obviously, that was my beginning argument. Yet usually people, on their home computers may want to try new apps, and even if they don't regularly, if they even would want to, their system should be able to keep up with them without needing some virtual bandaids.

No system is immume to data lose in the case of power outages. Virtualisation applications are at no increased risk than traditional applications. UPSes are available to help protect your system from power outages. Use them if you can't afford to have outages. I have 4 UPSes at home.

A good virtualizing (or better, sandboxing) app not only sandboxes the app itself, but also the files it produces. That way, if you don't manually exclude the documents you save every time, you risk them. One which doesn't is simply worthless against malware.

And as someone else mentioned, an Apple computer wont make you more creative but I do believe it will improve your productivity and in turn you may have more time to work on your creativity!
I also think that using a Mac may awaken the hidden creativity.
I still fail to see the whole point of the entire Mac -vs- PC debate now when Macs are PCs. Since you can legally (and brilliantly) run both OS X and Windows on the Mac what's the point of a debate over which OS is best?

I happen to love both OSes.

I bought a Mac for this reason.

I hold a very similar view.

I'm currently using Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 8 on my Mini to post this. Four mouse clicks, and I can boot to OS X and use Safari instead. In fact, I think I'll do that now; just 'cause I can!
I also think that using a Mac may awaken the hidden creativity.

Maybe its the placebo effect!??

And why do you guys all say to BOOT to Windows? Why not just run it in a VM? I have yet to find the need to BOOT into Windows. Unless you are gaming, what would the reason be for that?
I'm gaming.

AH HA!!! I knew it!

Regarding VMing Windows, I almost find the OS to be more stable in the VM environment. Not to mention Parallels at least comes with security for the VM. So you dont need to worry about that. If you're not gaming, stick with running Win in a VM. Its so slick.

Someone else mentioned VM Ware and some unity feature. Parallels has something similar to this called Crystal which makes every Win application look native. it also puts the Win start menu on the Mac Menu bar at the top...
Hate to tell you this, but, in addition to that, which is common to all OSs, Windows has got the registry, which makes everything even slower, unstoppably.

Just because you install 10,000 applications every second it doesn't mean that everyone else experiences the same slow down. Enjoy making your own experience as painfully as possible for yourself :) You sir are intelligent!

I don't understand why you PC fanboys like to put this "Macs are perfect" affirmation into our mouths. Just because we think Macs are several times better than PCs, it doesn't mean they're perfect.

You're an idiot! I love macs, I just have perspective from both sides which is a lot more perspective than your mac only side. And when you talk about mac, you only talk about the good, which leaves the impression it's perfect, rather than having the good and the bad, so people can have the full picture of what's going on and make informed decisions.

It's your lazy a$$ approach that makes me ashamed to be a mac user.
Just because you install 10,000 applications every second it doesn't mean that everyone else experiences the same slow down. Enjoy making your own experience as painfully as possible for yourself :) You sir are intelligent!

Actually, my number of apps is closer to 50 than to 10,000, and I know there are quite a lot of people who don't run only their work apps.

You're an idiot! I love macs, I just have perspective from both sides which is a lot more perspective than your mac only side. And when you talk about mac, you only talk about the good, which leaves the impression it's perfect, rather than having the good and the bad, so people can have the full picture of what's going on and make informed decisions.

I haven't said anything bad about Macs because there wasn't any discussion about anything that I don't like about OS X.

Giving the full picture? You're trying to convince users that its perfectly normal for them to have to use virtualizing software to keep their system running optimally. Which it isn't, since Windows is the only OS which requires that kind of crap.
Never in my life have I looked forward to getting home and switching on a PC.

Windows 7 is a vast improvement, but no matter how much I use it I still dislike it.

These silly arguments (mac v PC) are utterly retarded.

I also think computer games are for children but I'm not going to start slagging them off in every thread.
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