@KatiesDream, Anne-ville, and Sandieopolis
you are all very welcome

I will continue franchising you for a while until you can all buy nice wonders and other things which cost bucks

I know how hard and unfair it was when I just started out with MyTown, so I decided that I will franchise almost everyone who gifts me at least one time. But for some people I've decided that I will help them over an amount of time until they have truly "enough" bucks
one thing I'm unsure of, is when I franchise a business from someone, do I actually have to wait until the person collects the bucks from the franchise I've made until I'm allowed to delete the business, or may I delete it immediately?
I usually wait 6-10 hours after I make a franchise, until I delete it. Because I'm not sure that if I delete it earlier the person still gets bucks or not.
does anyone know more?
thank you