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Hi guys :)

Just wanted to drop in and say Hello.. Been awhile since I've posted :) new levels are nice but I really wish they would give us even half of all the decorations they have put in that My town Animals app.. :eek: wow.. They have different paths in different colors and even water to decorate with.. The whole things a little confusing though.. didn't this app come out first.. Seems like it should have more ..not less.. :confused:
..Anne-ville 37604375 ;)
Oops... I goofed up and left a digit out of my request on page 111!

My town is Nayville 31735391

I really need some help! I made a mistake with some of my businesses and I'm freaking out!
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I have a business at level 10.

Please gift me a buck and I shall return the favour!!

Business: Ken Purchase

ID: 37946727

Fig City

Many thankyous !!!

Done!! If you are gifting population will be great. :)


Oops... I goofed up and left a digit out of my request on page 111!

My town is Naycon 31735391

I really need some help! I made a mistake with some of my businesses and I'm freaking out!

I can't seem to find the name of your city. Happy to help if you can verify name & number. :)
Getting Closer


Question: I think Booyah didn't expect that anyone would even come close to level 75 (although I saw that Candyland was already on Level 73).
Now my concern is that the game might crash after hitting level 75 since it ain't intended to reach.

What do you all think?

If history has taught us anything, it has taught us that it will probably crash. I am not anxious to level up knowing that they seem to beta test everything on us. My wish is that they would give us more land and allow us to expand our towns. it seems they're more focused on developing new games then actually continuing to develop and maintain this one. I find that disappointing and confusing. It seems an odd marketing move to neglect an audience that you have already engaged in favor of building an altogether new one.

No doubt, you, Candyland, Pekman and a few others will lead the way and let us know where not to go. Thanks Val.


I have actually been finishing off the construction and then deleting. I too would like to know the best way to do this.[/QUOTE]

I franchised my sister and she got the $$ right away, and I deleted before construction was compleated.
Level 75

Soon we will know


It's Save

But same old story again
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What is the maximum population level/population count you can have in this game? (For purposes of planning how much space i need for businesses)

Same as for money I don't think there is a limit.


Val, what are your pics? Won't load for me.

That it is possible to reach Level 75 but after that, the message "More Levels Coming Soon!" is showing again :(
I'd be very grateful if some people would franchise me and will try and return the favour! :)

Booyah ID: 37768922
Town Name: My London

Thanks :)
First to "quote" this post..

I am bored .. so the first person to "quote" this comment with their town name and id ..I will franchise :)
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I am bored .. so the first person to "quote" this comment with their town name and id ..I will franchise for bucks.. 12 of your businesses.. ;) (at least the ones I don't already own) :)


equally as bored. nice idea though!
Done!! If you are gifting population will be great. :)


I can't seem to find the name of your city. Happy to help if you can verify name & number. :)

I need to get more sleep..... No wonder I lost some of my businesses!!!

My ID on ProBoard is Naycon, I had a brain fart and listed it as my town... Oops!

My town is Nayville 31735391


What an awesome community!! *I am sooo greatfull to all you awesome Robin Hoods... Your gifts/franchises are really helping me to get my new businesses up and going! *I was so upset when I had my "brain fart" and lost several of my level 10 businesses..... I can't tell you how much your help means to me! *

"Net hugs" to: *CandyLand, GBaby 521, Big Bucks Fairy, SniBull, Emmaville, Free for all, Cody 7235, Lavainiaville, Boom Town, Springfield, Majdanek, Beautiful Star, *(I hope I didn't miss anyone!) you guys are the best!!

I am still learning the game, I hope one day I can become an Angel/ Robin Hood too! *That will be big shoes to fill... Because you all have set the bar!

Thanks again!
Nayville 31735391

I need to get more sleep..... No wonder I lost some of my businesses!!!

My ID on ProBoard is Naycon, I had a brain fart and listed it as my town... Oops!

My town is Nayville 31735391


What an awesome community!! *I am sooo greatfull to all you awesome Robin Hoods... Your gifts/franchises are really helping me to get my new businesses up and going! *I was so upset when I had my "brain fart" and lost several of my level 10 businesses..... I can't tell you how much your help means to me! *

"Net hugs" to: *CandyLand, GBaby 521, Big Bucks Fairy, SniBull, Emmaville, Free for all, Cody 7235, Lavainiaville, Boom Town, Springfield, Majdanek, Beautiful Star, *(I hope I didn't miss anyone!) you guys are the best!!

I am still learning the game, I hope one day I can become an Angel/ Robin Hood too! *That will be big shoes to fill... Because you all have set the bar!

Thanks again!
Nayville 31735391

I hate that sinking feeling when you realize you shouldn't have done something ..after the It was prob a good move though to get the higher pop businesses.. at least that way you get a full 50$ for the franchises from now on.. :) did you recover ok..? :)
I have been playing for only about a month, and I'm already level 40. But when I do jobs for my businesses it only gives options for 3min, 15min, 1hr, and 4hr. And everybody I know has different options, anybody know the problem?
I hate that sinking feeling when you realize you shouldn't have done something ..after the It was prob a good move though to get the higher pop businesses.. at least that way you get a full 50$ for the franchises from now on.. :) did you recover ok..? :)

Yes GraceGirl, I'm doing much better now! So many have helped me out. My husband was laughing at me all day yesterday.... Anytime I checked my town and saw the hands shaking on one of my businesses, I would shriek!! I can't believe how this little town gives me so much joy! Thanks for asking! :) Nayville 31735391
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Yes GraceGirl, I'm doing much better now! So many have helped me out. My husband was laughing at me all day yesterday.... Anytime I checked my town and saw the hands shaking on one of my businesses, I would shriek!! I can't believe how this little town gives me so much joy! Thanks for asking! :)

I'll come swing by here in a sec.. My name comes up PopOnlyPlease for right now.. the "dollar" "coins" & "lightning" gifts were kinda starting to bum me! I'll be back to GraceGirl in a few! ;)
:/ sorry..

I'll come swing by here in a sec.. My name comes up PopOnlyPlease for right now.. the "dollar" "coins" & "lightning" gifts were kinda starting to bum me! I'll be back to GraceGirl in a few! ;)

I own two of your top four.. and number six in your stats was Pike Place Market and only costs me 31$ ..I'm not sure you'll make much from any of the low ones.. But I did the high ones I don't already have :)
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Facebook contest

Hey, did you guys see the link on MT2's Facebook page about a new contest where you can win big bucks and even a Wonder? Looks awesome. :D
I own two of your top four.. and number six in your stats was Pike Place Market and only costs me 31$ ..I'm not sure you'll make much from any of the low ones.. But I did the high ones I don't already have ;) .. I'll try to do the high ones again later :)

GraceGirl AKA Pop Only,

I always check my town before I go to bed, what a cool surprise! Thanks so much for your franchises! I was able to upgrade 4 businesses... I'm sooo jazzed! Thanks again!
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