I need to get more sleep..... No wonder I lost some of my businesses!!!
My ID on ProBoard is Naycon, I had a brain fart and listed it as my town... Oops!
My town is Nayville 31735391
What an awesome community!! *I am sooo greatfull to all you awesome Robin Hoods... Your gifts/franchises are really helping me to get my new businesses up and going! *I was so upset when I had my "brain fart" and lost several of my level 10 businesses..... I can't tell you how much your help means to me! *
"Net hugs" to: *CandyLand, GBaby 521, Big Bucks Fairy, SniBull, Emmaville, Free for all, Cody 7235, Lavainiaville, Boom Town, Springfield, Majdanek, Beautiful Star, *(I hope I didn't miss anyone!) you guys are the best!!
I am still learning the game, I hope one day I can become an Angel/ Robin Hood too! *That will be big shoes to fill... Because you all have set the bar!
Thanks again!
Nayville 31735391
Ok done ! I will go in and do some more once I have cleaned up my own mess!!! LOL