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I got the most from Disneyland. My business that has the most population


How much are you guys getting from businesses per 3 minutes. And population is most important right? Then level of course

My businesses are mostly at level 10 so I get anywhere from $3,000 to $10,000 depending on whether it has been franchised or not. (as in someone has franchised me). And I usually set it to 4 hours, I have wasted so much time on this game that I really need to step back from it sometimes LOL

IF you can afford as many of whichever wonder you want your skins to be in until you build your fortune until you finish buying up your land is the way to go. Once you have done that, you can then slowly change the skins to whatever you want later. It looks terrible and unintersting for a while but it is worth it.

I kept one of my Stock exchanges in each of my towns just to remind me how hard it was at the beginning :) Thats why I like to help people. There were a lot of nice people on here that helped me the same way so I am paying back.
My businesses are mostly at level 10 so I get anywhere from $3,000 to $10,000 depending on whether it has been franchised or not. (as in someone has franchised me). And I usually set it to 4 hours, I have wasted so much time on this game that I really need to step back from it sometimes LOL

IF you can afford as many of whichever wonder you want your skins to be in until you build your fortune until you finish buying up your land is the way to go. Once you have done that, you can then slowly change the skins to whatever you want later. It looks terrible and unintersting for a while but it is worth it.

I kept one of my Stock exchanges in each of my towns just to remind me how hard it was at the beginning :) Thats why I like to help people. There were a lot of nice people on here that helped me the same way so I am paying back.

My Id is 34037301.. U can help me franchise my businesses...thanks for your help,Melzzzy.
Wow. That's awesome. I've been trying to convert my businesses to high population. Seeing how that goes. Lol.

I've been logging into some of your guys towns. Tell me what you prefer. I know melzzzy likes population. As for me. Population or bucks works




I see you got rid of Disneyland melzzzy. :-(. Lol.

Thank you very much for your help,i will continue gift you with pop,i received twice 50bucks and 1 bucks for the bussiness in the north,u think it would be a good idea to wait for mt fuji? Or i should buy some bussinesses? With bucks


On a 9000pop i get 624 coins per 3min 160%bonus, i would get really more if i had for example 30k pop?
Wow. That's awesome. I've been trying to convert my businesses to high population. Seeing how that goes. Lol.

I've been logging into some of your guys towns. Tell me what you prefer. I know melzzzy likes population. As for me. Population or bucks works




I see you got rid of Disneyland melzzzy. :-(. Lol.

Lol I just franchise the business, build and then delete it. As you can see I am running out of space, I have left two spots free so that I can franchise people and have somewhere to place them before I build and delete !

Did you lose the bucks then ? I have asked this question but no one has answered... I assumed it was going ok, because no one complained ???? The Disneyland had less population sorry !
Thank you very much,i received 50 bucks from you,i will gift you population every day at both towns,
I have a question please. Aproximately what is the diference between a 9000 pop and a 30k population bussiness? Or it is a big distance so it worth for me to wait until i have 300k coins for franchise a 30k pop bussiness?
I am a bit confused with who is who on here at the moment!

My town is called PleaseBeMyFriendCity, and ID is 37851042. I play near London

I have just opened up a new town on my ipod-its called Vickyville and my ID for that is 39227608. I've set this up in New York so I can get some of the big businesses in time. It also means I can gift twice when people franchise or gift me.

Shout out to GraceGirl, melzzzy's 2 town, Myton, Jooseville, and joose2001's town-they have all helped me out with the VERY elusive bucks! I don't have any Level 10 businesses quite, so I really appreciate it when people franchise me. I have been getting between 12 and 48 bucks per franchise, which makes a huge difference!

I currently have 137 bucks, and so I am playing really carefully cos I dont want to spend them by mistake. What does everyone think is the best thing to spend them on??

So glad I found this forum-it's such fun to be able to talk to you on here too!:)
I would like to say the same question i have 250bucks thanks to your helps. I should keep for mt fuji? Or what would be the best thing to do?
I am a bit confused with who is who on here at the moment!

My town is called PleaseBeMyFriendCity, and ID is 37851042. I play near London

I have just opened up a new town on my ipod-its called Vickyville and my ID for that is 39227608. I've set this up in New York so I can get some of the big businesses in time. It also means I can gift twice when people franchise or gift me.

Shout out to GraceGirl, melzzzy's 2 town, Myton, Jooseville, and joose2001's town-they have all helped me out with the VERY elusive bucks! I don't have any Level 10 businesses quite, so I really appreciate it when people franchise me. I have been getting between 12 and 48 bucks per franchise, which makes a huge difference!

I currently have 137 bucks, and so I am playing really carefully cos I dont want to spend them by mistake. What does everyone think is the best thing to spend them on??

So glad I found this forum-it's such fun to be able to talk to you on here too!:)

Yay. I'm so glad that I found this site too. I hope ur town will grow big and bigger. I will help with whatever I can xD.

I'm having final exams this week so I can't get on this game often. So sorry for who gifted me and I didn't respond :(. Because I forgot to check it yesterday and all the gifts were gone when I woke up :(. Once the finals are over I promise I will franchies and visit you guys twice as much before !!! Have a great week guys ;)
I am a bit confused with who is who on here at the moment!

My town is called PleaseBeMyFriendCity, and ID is 37851042. I play near London

I have just opened up a new town on my ipod-its called Vickyville and my ID for that is 39227608. I've set this up in New York so I can get some of the big businesses in time. It also means I can gift twice when people franchise or gift me.

Shout out to GraceGirl, melzzzy's 2 town, Myton, Jooseville, and joose2001's town-they have all helped me out with the VERY elusive bucks! I don't have any Level 10 businesses quite, so I really appreciate it when people franchise me. I have been getting between 12 and 48 bucks per franchise, which makes a huge difference!

I currently have 137 bucks, and so I am playing really carefully cos I dont want to spend them by mistake. What does everyone think is the best thing to spend them on??

So glad I found this forum-it's such fun to be able to talk to you on here too!:)

Its a personal thing, at the time I was saving for bucks and wanted people to franchise me, it was Mt Fuji. But I also like the other wonders as well. You need to decide what is important to you.

You will also need Bucks to buy high pop businesses or businesses that is not in 'your' city.

I personally got Mt Fuji and then built all the other wonders, just because they looked nice as well as they did help with the income stream. But my interest now is to make my town look nice with stuff I want in it more than the businesses (although you can't really take them out of equation because they generate money !)

I was so glad when they brought the VIP stuff back, I really and truly wanted the Limousines which I now have :) Hoping for a black Limo now...

It seems like Fridays are when they bring out specials. So I look forward to Friday.... Glad you guys are having fun, and I am glad I can help a little.

Myton I appreciate the help. Im still in the need of help. I have a DIRT cheap Loius Vuitton store check it out. All are welcome don't be scared.

South East: 33607168
Polo098: 34355249

Any one who is looking for a spot to put any extra gifts before they reset, feel free to stop by my page. A greenbuck on a level 10 would be great! So fun to see that someone stopped by my page :p Thanx!
Fashionista 37604375

Oh my god, I do not know how many bucks you have! The most I had was 33 and accidentally I upgraded to a business ...
I can not realize how you do it!
I'm probably a bad player: (
Oh my god, I do not know how many bucks you have! The most I had was 33 and accidentally I upgraded to a business ...
I can not realize how you do it!
I'm probably a bad player: (

The beginning of this thread has tons of information, also the "Mytown2" Facebook page and all help a lot! You really need to get the highest population stores you can save up for and find. That way when people franchise you, you will get more coins and bucks! (up to 50$ greenbucks per franchise) ;)
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Hey melzzzy. To answer your question. I have kept my bucks. So whether tou delete it or not I don't think matters. But I just meant I was saving up to franchise your Disneyland. Lol. Hey. Do you think I should delete and set my city to new York? I'm level 22
Thank you very much melzzy,i received 100bucks. (50 twice)
What you think it would be best thing to do with bucks? T,wait for mt fujimormbut good bussinesses?
Hey melzzzy. To answer your question. I have kept my bucks. So whether tou delete it or not I don't think matters. But I just meant I was saving up to franchise your Disneyland. Lol. Hey. Do you think I should delete and set my city to new York? I'm level 22

Aaah I see what you mean about Disneyland. I deleted it because I got another business that was more popular and that was my least popular business. It hurt me to do that but I really need to have more space. :rolleyes:

No don't delete your city... :eek: Just go into your device location and set it to "off". Then go in to search for business on your my town app and when it asks for where you are say you are in New York. You can turn back your location to "on" after you have done this. I think you can only do this once but I have France on mine too. So, I might have got lucky. :p

Also, I saw somewhere that you were asking about the roads. You need the roads if you want traffic on the road. Only some houses/Community give you cars/Vehicles. Here is the thread for another forum that talks about it, it is really a good forum to find out things and also put your name down for being franchised as well.
Hey. Whatdo streets do for you? Can I take them out?

Yes, you can take them out. Subway stations are a better way to mobilise your city anyway, they cost a bit of coin but they come with a fair population boost.

My town is 37284826 . About the only business I have that would be worth franchising is Sydney Opera House, with a popularity of 5241. It has a T-Rex skeleton on the roof.

I'd appreciate if anyone would send me bucks - I currently have 384 bucks and I want to buy Mt Fuji, so I need 58 more. I have about 6 or 7 towns that regularly send me bucks and I send them bucks back, so unless you send me bucks early in the day I might already have run out. 32 out of my 35 businesses are level 10s, so please don't pick a level 9 and send me population instead (I already have 1M+ population, don't need any more).

For those asking what is good to spend bucks on, the first Wonder I bought was the Pyramids, and I found that was very useful when I was building dozens of Stock Exchanges and building up a huge reserve of coins (Pyramids cause all Wonders to build instantly). The 2nd Wonder I bought was a Spaceport - this gives you a handy 20% boost to your population. Those are probably the best ones to go for when you are starting out.
Hi my boyah Id is 36941275 :D the name of town is Pufi's town gift population . I have very good business to franchise most are 10 - 20 k popularity:eek: pls franchise me
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