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Yes, you can take them out. Subway stations are a better way to mobilise your city anyway, they cost a bit of coin but they come with a fair population boost.

My town is 37284826 . About the only business I have that would be worth franchising is Sydney Opera House, with a popularity of 5241. It has a T-Rex skeleton on the roof.

I'd appreciate if anyone would send me bucks - I currently have 384 bucks and I want to buy Mt Fuji, so I need 58 more. I have about 6 or 7 towns that regularly send me bucks and I send them bucks back, so unless you send me bucks early in the day I might already have run out. 32 out of my 35 businesses are level 10s, so please don't pick a level 9 and send me population instead (I already have 1M+ population, don't need any more).

For those asking what is good to spend bucks on, the first Wonder I bought was the Pyramids, and I found that was very useful when I was building dozens of Stock Exchanges and building up a huge reserve of coins (Pyramids cause all Wonders to build instantly). The 2nd Wonder I bought was a Spaceport - this gives you a handy 20% boost to your population. Those are probably the best ones to go for when you are starting out.

Id is me/..
So on this friday will be took off both exclusive and vip items? And there will be available again at a certain time or only on the next event (noone knows when)?
So on this friday will be took off both exclusive and vip items? And there will be available again at a certain time or only on the next event (noone knows when)?

Usually on Friday they either offer specials bring back stuff they sold before etc. it is on sale until the following Friday. So check your "featured items"
Help! Can somebody franchise me!

My town is divinedivatown and I desperately need population and franchising.
Please visit me. I have very little cash.

Please help me! I would appreciate it and I will return the favor.


Booyah ID: 36033533
If the featured items will be took of,someone knows if there will be another featured items? I start playing 1 week ago so i dont know if there are events anytime here
My town is divinedivatown and I desperately need population and franchising.
Please visit me. I have very little cash.

Please help me! I would appreciate it and I will return the favor.


Booyah ID: 36033533

Have you changed your town name. Because I couldn't find it. Happy to help you.
Franchise me :)

Good morning! I have been working on MY TOWN forever!!! Please franchise some of my businesses. I will try to do the same back!! :D

My town name:
Booyah id # 31033332


Lol I just franchise the business, build and then delete it. As you can see I am running out of space, I have left two spots free so that I can franchise people and have somewhere to place them before I build and delete !

Did you lose the bucks then ? I have asked this question but no one has answered... I assumed it was going ok, because no one complained ???? The Disneyland had less population sorry !

I just franchised you and sent you population!!
id # 31033332


Thanks I love my towns I have one each on my iPhone & iPad. Lol

It depends on the population and where you are I think with what it asks for bucks or coins. Sometimes it is easier just to change your location on your game to buy things for coins. Mt fuji is expensive but it collects all your coins for you with a shake of your device. Unfortunately it doesn't start business woking again again you have to go and do it manually ( yeah never satisfied hey)

How much did you get when I franchised you? I will go in and do it again before I to to bed tonight.

I only need population. So if you feel like gifting it would be much appreciated. Any questions just ask. I know what it is like.

could you please also franchise my businesses? :) i would be happy returning the favor by gifting you :) thanks !

Town. AkiBoee's Town
id 37617791
Good morning! I have been working on MY TOWN forever!!! Please franchise some of my businesses. I will try to do the same back!! :D

My town name:
Booyah id # 31033332


I just franchised you and sent you population!!
id # 31033332



Ok franchised you both :)


could you please also franchise my businesses? :) i would be happy returning the favor by gifting you :) thanks !

Town. AkiBoee's Town
id 37617791

Ok done :)
Ok franchised you both :)


Ok done :)

Thank you :) ! I will gift you as soon as i get next gifts :) i hope u can also help me in the future, I will gift u every day ! :) but thanks again :)

Town. AkiBoee's Town
id 37617791
Melzzzy,thank you very much but i received only 13 and 14bucks for your franchise. But thank you very much aniway,i will keep gifting you
Please Help Build my town

Fairly new to my town 2 and am looking for some help:

$$$$ > to buy land
Bucks > to buy the Intergalactic Spaceport
People > to buy another business
franchise > I believe this leads to me getting bucks?? (not 100% sure how the franchising works yet)

However you can help is greatly apprecaited. I have four gifts left for today so am happy to gift you back (no businesses to level 10 yet so don't think I can gift you bucks)

Some background about my odd looking town > I started building it like an 'actual' town and after reading a lot of these boards about how to get more land/buinesses/nice things I realised that approach wasn't going to get me very far anytime soon so I've changed tactics, I've just bought a few Megaballs (I hope they stack otherwise I've just wasted 1000's) and I'm hoping to blitz the profits so I can buy land and make it into the town I want. so that's me and my town. Appreciate any help.

Booyah ID 39105233
It seems that I am not getting the spinning rewards every time I spin. Last night the spins for money and level points didn't register, but the night before they did. Does anyone else have this problem? I haven't received the rewards of any bucks after the first two nights in spins.

I also need some bucks. Will someone franchise some of my level ten businesses or send presents with bucks? I can't afford to spend real money.

Booyah ID # 34729416
Last edited:
Stats issue

I currently have over 5 billion coins. at 2.6 billion coins, that showed on my stats but now it shows 300 and some million ant not the proper amount :( what happened?
Booyah id: 38057638
Last edited:


How'd you get 5billion coins. Lol.
All my business are high level and entertainment. I have like 81 VIP theaters I'm making over 50 million on each business I have every 3 minutes. It's over half a billion for 4 hours each so it ain't hard. I have 14 billion now. I have 18 business. I could have more my population is 999 some thousand. In goin for a trillion coins then I'll sell off everything and remodel my entire town. On my stats my coins earned keep going up and down and doesn't show how many I actually have :( I don't know why it's acting funny like that. I put my booyah ID in my last post check my town out. It looks ridiculous but I make dat money :p honkytonkville I added you and sent you a gift. If I could gift you a billion coins I would bro lol I'm sureyyaville level 49
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Fairly new to my town 2 and am looking for some help:

$$$$ > to buy land
Bucks > to buy the Intergalactic Spaceport
People > to buy another business
franchise > I believe this leads to me getting bucks?? (not 100% sure how the franchising works yet)

However you can help is greatly apprecaited. I have four gifts left for today so am happy to gift you back (no businesses to level 10 yet so don't think I can gift you bucks)

Some background about my odd looking town > I started building it like an 'actual' town and after reading a lot of these boards about how to get more land/buinesses/nice things I realised that approach wasn't going to get me very far anytime soon so I've changed tactics, I've just bought a few Megaballs (I hope they stack otherwise I've just wasted 1000's) and I'm hoping to blitz the profits so I can buy land and make it into the town I want. so that's me and my town. Appreciate any help.

Booyah ID 39105233

Franchised you. Hope it helps.


It seems that I am not getting the spinning rewards every time I spin. Last night the spins for money and level points didn't register, but the night before they did. Does anyone else have this problem? I haven't received the rewards of any bucks after the first two nights in spins.

I also need some bucks. Will someone franchise some of my level ten businesses or send presents with bucks? I can't afford to spend real money.

Booyah ID # 34729416

Hello everyone :D

Please franchise my businesses or gift me (level 10 on costa coffee / theme park look only). Im desperately in need of bucks so I can buy all the wonders! I will do my best to franchise you back and will gift you as much as I can in return!

Does anyone also have a premium seafood restaurant look on a high pop business? I dont mind paying high prices for them :).

The town's based in London with ID: 38367804

i just started haha im kind of addicted. Between Facebook, Instagram, Words with friends, and My town 2, I now can spend my entire day on my phone.
Hello everyone,

Im wondering are there any guys from Europe on this forum cause im from Belgium and if i have to Franchise ur businesses it usually costs me a lot of bucks certainly the more popular ones, so i guess it is like the farther away some town is the more it costs for u to franchise there business.

Anyway if anyone wants to give me some presents or franchise some of my businesses still feel welcome to :D, havent got a lvl 10 yet but i hope to soon. If u give i will mostly give u back if I havent spend my gifts yet that day.

My ID is38255486. Cheers guys
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