Yes, you can take them out. Subway stations are a better way to mobilise your city anyway, they cost a bit of coin but they come with a fair population boost.
My town is 37284826 . About the only business I have that would be worth franchising is Sydney Opera House, with a popularity of 5241. It has a T-Rex skeleton on the roof.
I'd appreciate if anyone would send me bucks - I currently have 384 bucks and I want to buy Mt Fuji, so I need 58 more. I have about 6 or 7 towns that regularly send me bucks and I send them bucks back, so unless you send me bucks early in the day I might already have run out. 32 out of my 35 businesses are level 10s, so please don't pick a level 9 and send me population instead (I already have 1M+ population, don't need any more).
For those asking what is good to spend bucks on, the first Wonder I bought was the Pyramids, and I found that was very useful when I was building dozens of Stock Exchanges and building up a huge reserve of coins (Pyramids cause all Wonders to build instantly). The 2nd Wonder I bought was a Spaceport - this gives you a handy 20% boost to your population. Those are probably the best ones to go for when you are starting out.
Id is me/..