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Anyone else have their coins disappear? I had $271,000 coins and I was doing some editing and resumed and I had $35,000. WTF?! So lame.

Either way, I need to be hooked up with some coins or dollars. I have 32 or so Mega Malls but im still not making a lot off my business...only about 2k for an hour job. If someone can hook me up with some franchises and what not thatd be great!

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Thanks heaps Melzzzy for franchising my Sydney Opera House - I got $50 :). You Rock. Have sent pop to both your towns.

I am so loving this double coins weekend + trying out the shake to collect. It feels like I have finally been able to make some great progress in my town.
Of course, now I want Mt Fuji - that's the idea isn't it!
Visit Pusskatown - id 39024513

I will keep franchising you each day. :)

I spend way too much time on both my towns at the moment, and most of it is franchising those who have left me population !!! Sometimes it takes me over an hour ! I do gift back those that leave me bucks etc but that runs out pretty quick.

I wish they will give us more land though, I have had to delete some wonders that were taking too much space to fit things in. I considering getting rid of some of my low population businesses as well to give me more space, but I am kinda attached to them. Oh well....


Are features by time zone? Would you have access "early" if you are in Australia?

Unfortunately not ! I am in Oz and I only get the Friday specials on our Saturday ! Baha !
I will keep franchising you each day. :)

I spend way too much time on both my towns at the moment, and most of it is franchising those who have left me population !!! Sometimes it takes me over an hour ! I do gift back those that leave me bucks etc but that runs out pretty quick.

I wish they will give us more land though, I have had to delete some wonders that were taking too much space to fit things in. I considering getting rid of some of my low population businesses as well to give me more space, but I am kinda attached to them. Oh well....


Unfortunately not ! I am in Oz and I only get the Friday specials on our Saturday ! Baha !

I was able to gift both your iPhone and iPad towns - are they the same (they look it !)
Hi guys. help me to earn bucks by franchising my business. :) I really love to earn bucks with your help so I can buy Mount Fuji. :))

My Boooyahid: 39541049
Town: Paradise Sun
Lob23... you need to find higher popularity businesses, all the ones you have will only give you a buck or two for franchises.

For those of you with businesses that are only netting you a few bucks but want to have businesses that earn you 50bucks, then read on to find out how you can own these businesses for 1buck.

First, check that you have the ability to build a new business (Menu > Stats > scroll along to the far right and if you have a ‘vacancy’ you’re good to go, if it says you need to reach a certain population then you either have to delete a business or reach the required population). Go back to Menu > Social and make sure you’re on the ‘explore’ tab, you’ll see that 'booyahtopia' is the first town and any other towns that you’ve added. Feel free to go into ‘booyahtopia’ and see how much the businesses are to franchise > the only one I don’t have is Zhu's Chinese Kung Fu Studio and it’s currently 2322bucks to franchise (way out of my budget). Come out of booyahtopia and go back to the explorer page.

Ok now exit mytown2 (simply press the home button) and go to 'settings', switch on aeroplane mode (or disable wifi/3G) and go back to mytown2, if you’re still on the explorer page press the refresh button (top left corner) > a warning will pop up saying 'sorry we could not connect to the internet. Please check your connection' hit OK and the only town you should see is ‘booyahtopia’. Go back into booyahtopia, for me Zhu's is now only 1buck to franchise (as were all the other business in this town).

I’ve mentioned I've franchised all the businesses from booyahtopia (except Zhu’s) and I have received 50bucks EVERY time someone has franchised them. I should point out you have to find a generous robin hood to franchise them because I believe it costs a few 1000's bucks for them to franchise.

I hope this helps


MELZZZY I'm constantly thanking you on the forum but I'm not sure if you're actually a member there and I see that you post on this thread quite a lot so I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you for all your franchises and continued support. They have been and are a HUGE help and I cannot thank you enough, most recently as today your franchise netted me 50bucks.

I want you to know the time and effort you put in to franchising not only my town but everyone elses is GREATLY APPRECIATED.
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I just came back on here to thank Melzzy too-I want to make sure you know how hugely grateful I am for every franchise you do. I can imagine it takes you ages to do, but I am SOOOO grateful. I play in London, and all the big businesses seem to be in the US, and everything is SOOO expensive. You have really opened up the game to me in a way that I could never have done without you, so THANKS A MILLION!
Hello players and robin hoods out there!
My town is currently at level 33 and it's name is Paradise Sun.

My booyah ID is : 39541049

I need bucks so I can buy Mount Fuji which cost 400 + bucks and it is enjoyable to shake ur device and automatically retrieve all the coins and exp.

Hope you can franchise my town's businesses everyday and I willreturn you a favor by adding me as ur friend. Thanks!!!!
Hey melzzy

New here, but I just did what melzzy suggested regarding buying popular businesses from booytopia in airplane mode. I bought all the good ones, but now my popularity doesn't match the real popularity of the businesses - my ritz London is popularity of 1! Any way to fix this?

Thanks Del Boca - although I prefer dollars over population - I'm not at that point yet.

Let me know of you have a preference.

No problem! I def prefer bucks... still need to save up now that mt fuji is back at full price

Del Boca Vista
Id: 37077087
Who has the highest populated business or what is it I am getting rid of any of mine that are under 1000 and trying to get half descent ones so would be interested for any ids
Also I have been buying premium looks for my businesses do these help or just looks

I have a few highly populated businesses, feel free to franchise any :)


Del Boca Vista
Id: 37077087
New here, but I just did what melzzy suggested regarding buying popular businesses from booytopia in airplane mode. I bought all the good ones, but now my popularity doesn't match the real popularity of the businesses - my ritz London is popularity of 1! Any way to fix this?


Hey this shouldn't affect you getting 50bucks if someone franchises it. When I bought them from booyahtopia they started off really low in popularity but have just grown over time.
The aeroplane mode trick definitely works, I just bought Hard Rock Cafe from booyahtopia for one buck, but at zero popularity.

Would be eternally grateful if anybody was able to franchise it for me, my ID is 38716557 TomTown.
Might just jailbreak my phone tbh. Does anyone know if updates can stop users editing the file on a jailbroken phone? Or is that out of the question.

Don't wanna do it if booyah are just gonna stop me anyway!
Hey guys! I've been lurking for a little while now and I'd like to ask for some franchises and donations and the sort. I've been playing My Town 2 for a couple of months now and no one that I know really plays :( But thank you for any franchises and gifts, I'll definitely do the same for anyone who helps me out! Trying to save up for Mount Fuji...but I only have 34 bucks and have no idea how to make any...

Any tips for renovating and remodeling and making bucks/more cash are welcome!

Booyah ID: 37743046

City: Alexandria

Highest Popularity: Holiday Inn at 516
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I have got the majority of my businesses to be between 10000 and 90000 popularity and live near London but currently located in San Francisco on mt2 (good ole location glItch still work) :) franchises are really appreciated stil as I am upgrading businesses at the min to level 10


Hey guys! I've been lurking for a little while now and I'd like to ask for some franchises and donations and the sort. I've been playing My Town 2 for a couple of months now and no one that I know really plays :( But thank you for any franchises and gifts, I'll definitely do the same for anyone who helps me out! Trying to save up for Mount Fuji...but I only have 34 bucks and have no idea how to make any...

Any tips for renovating and remodeling and making bucks/more cash are welcome!

Booyah ID: 37743046

City: Alexandria

Highest Popularity: Holiday Inn at 516

Your coin problem would be that your highest populated business only has 516 I'd imagine prob making 400 every 4 hours depending on wonders you may have
Might just jailbreak my phone tbh. Does anyone know if updates can stop users editing the file on a jailbroken phone? Or is that out of the question.

Don't wanna do it if booyah are just gonna stop me anyway!

Don't know how it work my iPhone jailbroken but can't mod what needs to be done It just changes back to original figures so if anyone can help us both out would be a massive help


The aeroplane mode trick definitely works, I just bought Hard Rock Cafe from booyahtopia for one buck, but at zero popularity.

Would be eternally grateful if anybody was able to franchise it for me, my ID is 38716557 TomTown.

Best trick atm I think is what I been doing delete the game then re download from app store then when mytown2 load your town should come back then press home then go to business search and it come up with something like - please enter a location or select use current.
You want to search wherever the business you looking to franchise is I.e my apple San Francisco was in San Francisco so I set mine to that location then went and got the businesses I wanted for coins not buck I think that makes sense if not I will try and do a proper tutorial on it
Hello guys, help me franchise my businesses in the golden era of Paradise Sun Town.
My top businesses here is
Weebo Store San Francisco - 45126 popularity
Ritz Hotel. - 40282
Banana Repulic. - 19320 popularity
Booyah. - 8096

My Booyah I'd: 39541049
Town: Paradise Sun

Help me and thank you so much to whom will help me in franchising my business. :))
New here, but I just did what melzzy suggested regarding buying popular businesses from booytopia in airplane mode. I bought all the good ones, but now my popularity doesn't match the real popularity of the businesses - my ritz London is popularity of 1! Any way to fix this?


Just keep playing. Sooner than later the business will jump to its true popularity. I got the Ritz London, Weebo store SF and the Bowling Lanes of LV from Booyahtopia. They all started low and around the time I got to level 4-5 they jumped up to where they should be...Weebo and Ritz are now my most popular businesses even though I have every one of the NY high hitters!
I figured out how to get 10 social gifts a day - five out your 5 then go into your iPhone settings an turn off auto date/time. Set your time zone to somewhere where it I tommorow. Give out the additional 5 you get.

Change everything back and the next day you still get your 5 and the trick works again etc etc

Hi all

I have just purchased a new Ipad and can't seem to get my old mytown 2 back. I really don't want to start again :-(

I think this is because I connected it to itunes, without backing up my old ipad first. Not really sure. But the problem exists. Which means one of two things. If someone can tell me how to get my old Mytown back I would really appreciate it, but otherwise, I am going to have to start again, and really not happy because there were some stuff on there that I can't replace ! Baha

Would appreciate any ideas ?
For those of you with businesses that are only netting you a few bucks but want to have businesses that earn you 50bucks, then read on to find out how you can own these businesses for 1buck.

First, check that you have the ability to build a new business (Menu > Stats > scroll along to the far right and if you have a ‘vacancy’ you’re good to go, if it says you need to reach a certain population then you either have to delete a business or reach the required population). Go back to Menu > Social and make sure you’re on the ‘explore’ tab, you’ll see that 'booyahtopia' is the first town and any other towns that you’ve added. Feel free to go into ‘booyahtopia’ and see how much the businesses are to franchise > the only one I don’t have is Zhu's Chinese Kung Fu Studio and it’s currently 2322bucks to franchise (way out of my budget). Come out of booyahtopia and go back to the explorer page.

Ok now exit mytown2 (simply press the home button) and go to 'settings', switch on aeroplane mode (or disable wifi/3G) and go back to mytown2, if you’re still on the explorer page press the refresh button (top left corner) > a warning will pop up saying 'sorry we could not connect to the internet. Please check your connection' hit OK and the only town you should see is ‘booyahtopia’. Go back into booyahtopia, for me Zhu's is now only 1buck to franchise (as were all the other business in this town).

I’ve mentioned I've franchised all the businesses from booyahtopia (except Zhu’s) and I have received 50bucks EVERY time someone has franchised them. I should point out you have to find a generous robin hood to franchise them because I believe it costs a few 1000's bucks for them to franchise.

I hope this helps


MELZZZY I'm constantly thanking you on the forum but I'm not sure if you're actually a member there and I see that you post on this thread quite a lot so I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you for all your franchises and continued support. They have been and are a HUGE help and I cannot thank you enough, most recently as today your franchise netted me 50bucks.

I want you to know the time and effort you put in to franchising not only my town but everyone elses is GREATLY APPRECIATED.

My pleasure guys, just hope and pray that my ipad actually syncs correctly or else I will be starting again ! LOL
Hi all

I have just purchased a new Ipad and can't seem to get my old mytown 2 back. I really don't want to start again :-(

I think this is because I connected it to itunes, without backing up my old ipad first. Not really sure. But the problem exists. Which means one of two things. If someone can tell me how to get my old Mytown back I would really appreciate it, but otherwise, I am going to have to start again, and really not happy because there were some stuff on there that I can't replace ! Baha

Would appreciate any ideas ?

Melzzzy this happened to me, or at least something similar. check the ID number of the town currently showing on your ipad, it should be different to the town you lost. To note I've just checked and your town (33855710) and city (36506146) and they're both still there. I e-mailed booyah ( and explained that somehow a new town had been created on my ipad but that I wanted it to be synced back to my 'old' town i.e. for you 36506146. They managed to do it no bother, I just had to delete the app then reinstall (after they'd done the swap). let me know if you've got any issues, I can forward you the e-mail I sent to booyah.
Melzzzy this happened to me, or at least something similar. check the ID number of the town currently showing on your ipad, it should be different to the town you lost. To note I've just checked and your town (33855710) and city (36506146) and they're both still there. I e-mailed booyah ( and explained that somehow a new town had been created on my ipad but that I wanted it to be synced back to my 'old' town i.e. for you 36506146. They managed to do it no bother, I just had to delete the app then reinstall (after they'd done the swap). let me know if you've got any issues, I can forward you the e-mail I sent to booyah.

Hi there
Thanks for that. Both my towns are there at the moment, I still haven't reset my old ipad (thank God). I will email them and see what happens. But at the moment I am trying to franchise everyone who have gifted me so in case I don't have any success at least you guys have got something back !

I am also backing up my ipad to Icloud and then hopefully update my new ipad from icloud (I read this in a forum just now) So, by this tomorrow I will be back to normal.

Thanks again for your help. xxx
thanks Melzzzy and splatshire

thanks so much for the franchising folks! also noticed that my ritz is now at the proper popularity level, hopefully my hard rock will get there soon too... just keep playing!!! as if i could stop! melzzzy i sent population to you, splatshire let me know what you need.

thanks again all!!!!
Booyah id:38037312
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