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8 business and the highest population business is 148 at level 5. Next is 74 population at level 6.

That might be where your problem is. The more the pop business the more money you get. My lowest pop business is 12000.

I know it is hard. But this is where you need to get some good businessess with good pop. Sometimes you need bucks for this, but if you change your location to a good city ie New york. you can get them for coins.

Also the more pop your business is the more bucks you get (a limit of 50 bucks applies I think) when someone franchises you.
That might be where your problem is. The more the pop business the more money you get. My lowest pop business is 12000.

I know it is hard. But this is where you need to get some good businessess with good pop. Sometimes you need bucks for this, but if you change your location to a good city ie New york. you can get them for coins.

Also the more pop your business is the more bucks you get (a limit of 50 bucks applies I think) when someone franchises you.

I am in NY. I actually live in NYC so thats the location it gave me. How do I get my population for business up?
I am in NY. I actually live in NYC so thats the location it gave me. How do I get my population for business up?

I think you need to get business with high pop to start off with. And I think checking in on your businesses helps as well. Have a look at my towns. Places like Dominoes, Starbucks, Strike 10 etc

Having said that, you will find when you do franchise from someone with high pop, it will decrease when you actually place them on your land. But hopefully by not much. There used to be a post on here where people were talking about buying and clicking on it really quickly and that you don't lose much of the pop that the person you were franchising it off already had. But I havent done that.
This game is starting to piss me off. I have 40 mega malls and 8 retail businesses. They are all at level 6 and i getting about 5k coins each 4 hr job. Prices of land are crazy. Im at the point where 1 piece of land is 220,000 coins. Anybody have any idea how to get more coins? Should I franchise a level 10 business?

that has less to do with it then grabbing higher popularity businesses. When we got my sister-in-law up and running I believe she had over 50 mega malls and 8 businesses, some extremely high popularity.

Also I believe stacking wonders still works, but it doesn't compound any more, meaning if your 10% bonus is worth an extra 50 coins, you will get 50 for each mega mall and not 50 for the first then 55 for #2 then 61 for #3 and so on.
This game is starting to piss me off. I have 40 mega malls and 8 retail businesses. They are all at level 6 and i getting about 5k coins each 4 hr job. Prices of land are crazy. Im at the point where 1 piece of land is 220,000 coins. Anybody have any idea how to get more coins? Should I franchise a level 10 business?

You are going to wish that land still cost 220,000 soon! The last piece....2.2M:eek::D
The best way to get high pop businesses is how somebody mentioned a couple of pages back. I've added 5 or 6 new business all with over 10,000 pop since then. (most around 20k, one with 36k)

Put your phone in aeroplane mode. Open mytown and go to social. It will give you warnings about no connection, ignore them. Visit booyahtopia (the only one you have access to withouth a connection)

Booyahtopia has LOTS of businesses all with very high pop. With your phone in aeroplane mode, they all just cost 1 buck or 200 coins or so to franchise. So franchise them!

When you switch aeroplane mode off, the businesses you franchised will be very low pop. But don't worry, within a day or so they will have adjusted themselves back to their high number.

TomTown - 38716557 Franchise me :)
just have a whole heap on there, they used to compound. For example if you got $10 per every 3 minutes +10% per Stock exchange X 30. I think that was how it worked, I used to get heaps of cash that way. But as I said I had over 30 stock exchanges and changed all my business skins to offices.

Hope this makes sense

I've poached this from another forum but I think it helps explain the 'stacking' of wonders. Old (before the recent update) Vs New (after you've updated). I think the lesson is, if you haven't updated yet then don't, wait until you've saved up enought coins that you're happy with before updating. Ok so the explination is:


100 + 20% = 120 + 20% = 144 + 20% = 172.8 + 20% = 207.36, etc. .........

Office business:
Zero Stock Exchanges - 100 coins for 3 minute job = 100
5 Stock Exchanges - 100 coins for 3 minute job = 248.83
10 Stock Exchanges - 100 coins for 3 minute job = 619.17
50 Stock Exchanges - 100 coins for 3 minute job = 758,369
60 Stock Exchanges - 100 coins for 3 minute job = 4,695,626
70 Stock Exchanges - 100 coins for 3 minute job = 29,074,079


Office business:
Zero Stock Exchanges - 100 coins for 3 minute job = 100
5 Stock Exchanges - 100 coins for 3 minute job = 200
10 Stock Exchanges - 100 coins for 3 minute job = 300
50 Stock Exchanges - 100 coins for 3 minute job = 1,100
60 Stock Exchanges - 100 coins for 3 minute job = 1,300
70 Stock Exchanges - 100 coins for 3 minute job = 1,500
This game is starting to piss me off. I have 40 mega malls and 8 retail businesses. They are all at level 6 and i getting about 5k coins each 4 hr job. Prices of land are crazy. Im at the point where 1 piece of land is 220,000 coins. Anybody have any idea how to get more coins? Should I franchise a level 10 business?

Migdaddy, I've ammased a small fortune in coins (I took advantage of the stacking before the update). My location is currently set to 'NYC' so I should be able to franchise some of your businesses for coins, which means you get coins. Add you're booyah town ID to your signature and I'll try and help.

Another bit of advice, I don't know what businesses you have in your town but if you want businesses in NYC that will pay you a lot of coins (if someone local franchises you) or bucks (if someone far away franchises you) then click on my profile and read a post I did on buying businesses from booyahtopia (21st May): Saks Fifth Avenue, Four Seasons, Modern Dance Studio, Apollo Theatre will all give you high returns if someone franchises them.

I hope this helps, don't hesistate to get in touch if you need me to explain further - I remember how frustrating it was when I was trying to buy all the land and as Mr Nice Guy 113 has said, the last piece of land costs 2.2M coins, the piece before that is maybe 1.8M, then 1.6M and so on and so on, I was just lucky to take advantage of the 'old' stacking formula and am happy to 'pay it forward'


Still waiting for Booyah to get back to me about switching my towns, but in the meantime I have franchised all who left me gifts :)

Melzzzy I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you but I have faith that booyah will be able to help, your problem sounds very similar to mine and they managed to help me no bother
Migdaddy, I've ammased a small fortune in coins (I took advantage of the stacking before the update). My location is currently set to 'NYC' so I should be able to franchise some of your businesses for coins, which means you get coins. Add you're booyah town ID to your signature and I'll try and help.

Another bit of advice, I don't know what businesses you have in your town but if you want businesses in NYC that will pay you a lot of coins (if someone local franchises you) or bucks (if someone far away franchises you) then click on my profile and read a post I did on buying businesses from booyahtopia (21st May): Saks Fifth Avenue, Four Seasons, Modern Dance Studio, Apollo Theatre will all give you high returns if someone franchises them.

I hope this helps, don't hesistate to get in touch if you need me to explain further - I remember how frustrating it was when I was trying to buy all the land and as Mr Nice Guy 113 has said, the last piece of land costs 2.2M coins, the piece before that is maybe 1.8M, then 1.6M and so on and so on, I was just lucky to take advantage of the 'old' stacking formula and am happy to 'pay it forward'


Melzzzy I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you but I have faith that booyah will be able to help, your problem sounds very similar to mine and they managed to help me no bother

Remember everyone, franchises are based off the location of the business in relation to your city location/current location. If your in New York and try to franchise a San Francisco business with someone close to you in New York, it will cost you Bucks. The best thing to do is when you look at the list of local business to buy, not franchise, you will hopefully see ones that are bucks even though they are local. Write down those names and try to find a town in your current location that has those businesses, you will be able to franchise them as coin.

High popularity business will cost bucks to buy once you have started the game but they will always be coin to franchise if your within 50 miles of them.
help appreciated

Hi everyone im currently very new to this game. Can anyone explain to me how to get more bucks. i read the forum about franchising businesses from other countries and so on. Correct me if i am wrong. and about the businesses how do i bring up the pop and so on

by the way my Booyah ID is 38963710.

If somebody franchises a business for coins from you, what kind of amounts do you get? Like, if it's a popular business that in bucks would get you 50 bucks, how many coins would you get relatively?

I'm at the point now where each land is costing 500k+ and I missed the stacking opportunity so progress is slow.


Booyah ID = 38716557
Still waiting for Booyah to get back to me about switching my towns, but in the meantime I have franchised all who left me gifts :)

Hey, thanks for everything you do! My businesses that will give me the most are the theatre businesses at the bottom of the grouping...should net me a cool 50! Thanks again and I'll keep the population coming your way!

Town ID: 32264460
If somebody franchises a business for coins from you, what kind of amounts do you get? Like, if it's a popular business that in bucks would get you 50 bucks, how many coins would you get relatively?

I'm at the point now where each land is costing 500k+ and I missed the stacking opportunity so progress is slow.


Booyah ID = 38716557

I'd hazard a guess at 100's of thousands (as opposed to millions) I think I've franchised a few high popularity business that have cost a million or two in coins and I'm sure I read somethere the person gets around 10-20%.

I just franchised your 'Urban Zen Retail Store' in NYC for 8858coins - let me know how much you got (unfortunately I already own the high popularity NYC business you have so can't franchise them)

Screw it, I've just deleted my 'four seasons hotel' NYC. t19j, I've just franchised it back from you for 250,188coins. Let me know what you get for it.
Last edited:
Thank you robin hoods out there in franchising my business. ) I finally bought mount fuji!!,
and I bought eiffel tower.

Help me again by franchising all my business so I can buy big Ben.

ID: 39541049
Town: paradise sun

if you franchise I might send you a gift in return.

Anyone looking for a sainthood that could franchise my theatre businesses would be eternally owed by me (and I will do my best to repay that debt) thanks so much to all you robin hoods out there looking out for the little guys!

Mt2 ID: 32264460
I'd hazard a guess at 100's of thousands (as opposed to millions) I think I've franchised a few high popularity business that have cost a million or two in coins and I'm sure I read somethere the person gets around 10-20%.

I just franchised your 'Urban Zen Retail Store' in NYC for 8858coins - let me know how much you got (unfortunately I already own the high popularity NYC business you have so can't franchise them)

Screw it, I've just deleted my 'four seasons hotel' NYC. t19j, I've just franchised it back from you for 250,188coins. Let me know what you get for it.

Thanks mate! I collected the franchises earlier before I saw this message so I didn't make a note of which business gave which :-\

But I got 50,000 coins for one and around 9000 for another. So I assume the four seasons gave me 50,000. Quite a high percentage of the price you paid, but in the grand scheme of things not loads of money. I guess franchising for bucks is more worthwhile
My booyah ID has been added to my signature, so any franchises would be super helpful!! Thankssss


The best way to get high pop businesses is how somebody mentioned a couple of pages back. I've added 5 or 6 new business all with over 10,000 pop since then. (most around 20k, one with 36k)

Put your phone in aeroplane mode. Open mytown and go to social. It will give you warnings about no connection, ignore them. Visit booyahtopia (the only one you have access to withouth a connection)

Booyahtopia has LOTS of businesses all with very high pop. With your phone in aeroplane mode, they all just cost 1 buck or 200 coins or so to franchise. So franchise them!

When you switch aeroplane mode off, the businesses you franchised will be very low pop. But don't worry, within a day or so they will have adjusted themselves back to their high number.

TomTown - 38716557 Franchise me :)

They all have population 0. Is that because im in airplane mode?
Hi everyone im currently very new to this game. Can anyone explain to me how to get more bucks. i read the forum about franchising businesses from other countries and so on. Correct me if i am wrong. and about the businesses how do i bring up the pop and so on

by the way my booyah id is 38963710.


regarding the popularity on my businesses how do i really bring it up? is checking in the only way because if it is then it would be quite slow. and the popularity of my business fluctuates. why is it so?

my booyah ID is 38963710. i really hope some of you can really help me and also tell me your IDs so that i can help you back in any way u want me to. and also if you can franchise my business too

Thanks to whoever just franchised me. I think it was Moose-Town. I only got 400 coins for each business. I suck!
My booyah ID has been added to my signature, so any franchises would be super helpful!! Thankssss


They all have population 0. Is that because im in airplane mode?

Yes. Don't worry about that they'll shoot up again within a day or two.
Thanks to whoever just franchised me. I think it was Moose-Town. I only got 400 coins for each business. I suck!

That was me:D Take a look at the businesses I have. They are the best ones available from NYC. They give a LOT more coins than 400 when they get franchised! :D
Melzzzy - should I be continuing to gift you population to BOTH your cities? I've been able to give 4 gifts a day (2 per town) using the time zone trick.

Also gave you some more splatz

Thanks to ENJOY!! Whoever you are !!
Cheers guys for franchises today dont suppose some one feels like doing one more so o can get the 108 buck alien land I completely forgot to buy this and upgraded my highest business 'quick' to level 10
And to anyone looking for high businesses look on the higher towns an move to where the business location is but you nee to delete and reinstal mytown (I have businesses from San Francisco, new York, Berlin, London, California. Cheers again guys
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