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Franchises would be super helpful!!! I have to wait like 2 days to buy a piece of land now with the prices at 300,000. My 40 mega malls arent doing what I thought they would. 400% increase seems like a lot, but its not. Franchises would be super helpful and would give me coins and dollars I would need to expand my town and buy land. Ill make a note on who helps me out and when I room ill franchise you too! Thanks!!!
Franchise the 5 home theater stores, NOT the apple stores.
ID: 39373190

It might be worthwhile to look into switching your mega malls to Stock exchanges as the mega mall gets 10% and the stock exchange gets 20%.... also remember you get more coins the more popular the businesses are.


I think this is Ritz specific cos it has happened to mine today too. Just gone down from nearly 40k to only 5k!

It looks like that from all of the people on my Social List. Seems like Booyah is still trying to fix the popularity even after this recent upgrade.
It might be worthwhile to look into switching your mega malls to Stock exchanges as the mega mall gets 10% and the stock exchange gets 20%.... also remember you get more coins the more popular the businesses are.

They are also 3x the price of a mega mall. If I sold my 40 mega malls, I would only get 100,000. Thats only 3 stock exchanges. But If I had 40 stock exchanges, I would be getting 800% vs 400%. Ok im doing it. if anyone wants to franchise me, franchise the 5 smaller offices in front of the enterprises. Those will yield me the $50.
They are also 3x the price of a mega mall. If I sold my 40 mega malls, I would only get 100,000. Thats only 3 stock exchanges. But If I had 40 stock exchanges, I would be getting 800% vs 400%. Ok im doing it. if anyone wants to franchise me, franchise the 5 smaller offices in front of the enterprises. Those will yield me the $50.

Make sure you're using the aeroplane mode to get high pop businesses from Booyahtopia.

If you're doing that and build a good number of stock exchanges, it shouldn't take days to get 300k coins.

I have 22 businesses, about half of which are over 10k popularity, the other half around 1000 (bought before I knew the aeroplane mode trick), and about 15 stock exchanges, and I get just over 100k coins every hour.
Make sure you're using the aeroplane mode to get high pop businesses from Booyahtopia.

If you're doing that and build a good number of stock exchanges, it shouldn't take days to get 300k coins.

I have 22 businesses, about half of which are over 10k popularity, the other half around 1000 (bought before I knew the aeroplane mode trick), and about 15 stock exchanges, and I get just over 100k coins every hour.

I did the airplane mode you talked about earlier. I got 5 businesses from Booyahtopia. 1 of the businesses is 41,000 popularity, the other is 24,000 15,000, 13,000, and 10,000. I have 10 other businesses that I started with before I knew about the airplane mode that only have 200 popularity. Right now I have 9 stock exchanges so im not getting much, but if I can get up to 40 like I had in the mega malls, I should be getting a grip load every hour.

If people franchise me, franchise the 5 offices, NOT the enterprises. I get nothing from the enterprises, and I get 50,000 coins or $50 for the offices.
Hey evryone who Wanted to help me out by franchising me: I mistyped my booyah id!

It should be: jellybelly town Booyah ID 38319894 !! Sorry, pretty lame :p

So franchise one of my high popularity businesses and I will be eternally grateful and gift back :)
Hey evryone who Wanted to help me out by franchising me: I mistyped my booyah id!

It should be: jellybelly town Booyah ID 38319894 !! Sorry, pretty lame :p

So franchise one of my high popularity businesses and I will be eternally grateful and gift back :)

HAHA I've been trying to find you, it kept saying 'user is added' but couldn't see the name, thought my eyes were playing tricks since it's bed time.

Found You, hopefull you've gotten a few coins for the franchises
I could use all the franchises I can get. Any help would be appreciated, and I always try to return the favor.
Thanx Much
My Booyah ID is

:D :D :D :D D :D :D :D :D


Oh yeah and how do you franchise for something other than bucks?
HAHA I've been trying to find you, it kept saying 'user is added' but couldn't see the name, thought my eyes were playing tricks since it's bed time.

Found You, hopefull you've gotten a few coins for the franchises

Thanks a million for your franchises, I got 50k for each :-D !!
Can anyone explain what the meaning of the various bonuses are that rise up the screen when I check in. I understand the 2x as that is straightforward, but am I suppose to do something to get the other bonuses. Confused :confused:

Jac's town
ID 37743171
Shoutout to splatshire who franchised my business. One question, he franchised me but my business does not appear in his town. How is this so? Anyone willing to enlighten me? Metzzy also franchised one of my business yesterday but i do not seem to find it in their town. How come?

Lol if we kept every single franchise did we wouldn't have room in our town at all. Personally I have room only for two franchises at a time. Then I build and delete. This way I can go ahead and franchise someone else and get that business into that empty spot. Does that make sense? Not sure what you do Splats?
Doing the best I can but doesn't seem enough. Please help.

Hi everyone. I have been reading these and have gotten some great tips. But I don't think I am doing something right. I can't seemed to get any bucks without signing up for all kinds of things which now i cant seem to do anymore

I've been looking around and love other people's sites but can't figure out how they get so much money to do all is this. My popularity is way down too.

Please tell me what I'm doing wrong. I'm level 55 but not making much money even though I have a full lot. Your help is much appreciated.

My town is Terriville
Booyah I'd: 37201710
Last edited:
Hi everyone. I have been reading these and have gotten some great tips. But I don't think I am doing something right. I can't seemed to get any bucks without signing up for all kinds of things which now i cant seem to do anymore

I've been looking around and love other people's sites but can't figure out how they get so much money to do all is this. My popularity is way down too.

Please tell me what I'm doing wrong. I'm level 55 but not making much money even though I have a full lot. Your help is much appreciated.

My town is Terriville
Booyah I'd: 37201710

Stack some wonders like a mega mall or stock exchange and change all your business to whatever those wonders gain (retail or office, etc).

P.S. Your town is a cluster fu&%!
Phoenix Rising

Hi all

Thank you U03d for your help with telling me about emailing Booyah. They have reinstated my old town back but in honour of that I am going to rename it Phoenix Rising ! LOL

Will be franchising soon when I can get away from work.

I am going to be taking a good look at some of my businesses too. Might as well clean up whilst I am at it. Let me know if you have good pop businesses and I will take a look.

thanks again xx
Hi all

Thank you U03d for your help with telling me about emailing Booyah. They have reinstated my old town back but in honour of that I am going to rename it Phoenix Rising ! LOL

Will be franchising soon when I can get away from work.

I am going to be taking a good look at some of my businesses too. Might as well clean up whilst I am at it. Let me know if you have good pop businesses and I will take a look.

thanks again xx

Franchise ME! Weebo store has a 41,000 population, 4 seasons is 24,000 and the other 3 are in the 18,000 range. They are the smaller OFFICE buildings, NOT the enterprises. Those wont yield anything. Thanks brother!
Lol if we kept every single franchise did we wouldn't have room in our town at all. Personally I have room only for two franchises at a time. Then I build and delete. This way I can go ahead and franchise someone else and get that business into that empty spot. Does that make sense? Not sure what you do Splats?

I see i see. Hope u do help me more and i will definitely return u a favour in the ay u want. Try my best too. My town is called joshua fyi
Game Centre Bonuses

If anyone is interested in getting some free decorations that usually cost bucks (and one that isn’t even available to buy) then read on.

Ok first check you have the vacancy to build one more business, if not you either need to reach the required population or delete a business. Now change the skins of 9 of your businesses (it has to be exactly 9, I don’t think it works if you have more than 9) then build a 10th business of the same type and you will get the below decorations as a bonus:

Restaurant - Ice-Cream Truck
Office - Clock Tower
Café - Ice-Cream Truck
Market - Koi Pond
Retail - Koi Pond
Clothing - Koi Pond
Salon - Dinosaur Topiary
Fitness - Dinosaur Topiary
Entertainment - Dinosaur Topiary
Nightlife - Clock Tower
Travel - Clock Tower

A box will pop up saying you’ve reached a goal centre goal:
Goal Complete: Decoration + 3360coins + 100xp

A few things to be cautious of, be familiar of the skin of the business your trying to build, I’ve found that when I go into Menu > Store > Business and search for the type of business I want i.e. restaurant, it’ll show you anything but a restaurant which means I’m screwed for building the 10th business. If this happens I suggest you go to Menu > Social > Explore and find someone local to you that has a business of the type you want, it should only cost you coins since they’re local. Let me know if this works for anyone.

For claiming the decorations, simply go to Menu > Store > Decorations and scroll along to the items, you'll find there is a red circle in the right hand corner of the item with the number you currently have (if you collect them as you're receivign them then there will be a 1, if you wait until you've gone through all the businesses then you'll have a 3 in the corner for the Koi pond and so on. The ice-cream truck will be located right along at the end since it's not available any other time.

One other bit of advice, be carefuly when placing these itmes in your town, they're instant build items which means you can keep clicking the green arrow and they'll keep building - it's quite easy to do, but you'll only get the number that was displayed in the red circle free then it'll start charging you for the rest

I found out about it here so can’t take any credit for this (I’ve just updated what you get for each business):
Someone franchised ALL of my businesses for bucks!! Whoever it was I am so thankful!! Let me know how I can return the favor :)

Any other buck/coin franchises are more than greatly apreciated, Im close to being able to buy mount fiji now! (Feels like a little girl in the candy store with cash in her hand all over again :p)
The best way to get high pop businesses is how somebody mentioned a couple of pages back. I've added 5 or 6 new business all with over 10,000 pop since then. (most around 20k, one with 36k)

Put your phone in aeroplane mode. Open mytown and go to social. It will give you warnings about no connection, ignore them. Visit booyahtopia (the only one you have access to withouth a connection)

Booyahtopia has LOTS of businesses all with very high pop. With your phone in aeroplane mode, they all just cost 1 buck or 200 coins or so to franchise. So franchise them!

When you switch aeroplane mode off, the businesses you franchised will be very low pop. But don't worry, within a day or so they will have adjusted themselves back to their high number.

TomTown - 38716557 Franchise me :)

I tried to do this just to see what happens, but it keeps telling me that I need a connection wifi connection to access Mytown. Has anyone had this problem. I can't play unless I use data or wifi....
I tried to do this just to see what happens, but it keeps telling me that I need a connection wifi connection to access Mytown. Has anyone had this problem. I can't play unless I use data or wifi....

Yes this happened to me a few times but I can't give you a rhyme or reason as to why it happens but try this to see if it works:

You know when you load up my town 2, and it goes through all the login steps ('full' login) (there's a little orange progress bar at the bottom) - this only happens when you haven't been in, in a while. if you come out the game and go back in soon after, it doesn't go through all the login steps ('mini' login), it pretty much just loads up. Well I think it has something to do with 'full' login and 'mini' login.

So make sure you're in my town 2, and it's went through the 'full' login then come out, put your aeroplane mode on and go back in, it should load up no bother.

Let me know if this works, like I say it happened to me then I just sort of worked but this is my take on why it didn't work.
I thought I was doing this.

Stack some wonders like a mega mall or stock exchange and change all your business to whatever those wonders gain (retail or office, etc).

P.S. Your town is a cluster fu&%!

Thanks for the encouragement. The errands keep wanting busineses like cafes or a salon. So I tried having one of each type. Guess I should have ignored them. So do I just sell all my wonders and go with one kind. I was reading another site and it seemed as though they may have stopped that affect w the update. But I'll try it. Thanks.
Yes this happened to me a few times but I can't give you a rhyme or reason as to why it happens but try this to see if it works:

You know when you load up my town 2, and it goes through all the login steps ('full' login) (there's a little orange progress bar at the bottom) - this only happens when you haven't been in, in a while. if you come out the game and go back in soon after, it doesn't go through all the login steps ('mini' login), it pretty much just loads up. Well I think it has something to do with 'full' login and 'mini' login.

So make sure you're in my town 2, and it's went through the 'full' login then come out, put your aeroplane mode on and go back in, it should load up no bother.

Let me know if this works, like I say it happened to me then I just sort of worked but this is my take on why it didn't work.

I did do that, but the franchises were still astronomical.... I was just curious. I really don't want any more businesses :) I just deleted some bad population ones in one of my towns, just need space. I wish they will give us more land ! 'sigh'
I tried to do this just to see what happens, but it keeps telling me that I need a connection wifi connection to access Mytown. Has anyone had this problem. I can't play unless I use data or wifi....

I always have MyTown pre-opened and running in the background when I switch to airplane mode, don't know if that makes a difference.

And are you trying from your iPad? Maybe it's different to iPhone? :shrug:
By the way I was trying to do entertainment lick stockexchange bc sckxg was not available when I started. How is that any different?

It's all based on the bonus percent. The stock exchanges give the best based on how much land they take up and the bonus they give (20%).
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