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Hello guys! Thanks to the robin hoods out there who helps me to earn bucks by franchising my business. Right not my goal is to earn a thousand bucks by you franchising my business here. It's too high for that amount because I wanna buy the remaining wonders which cost bucks and some of the community building.
I have amost 9 business with popularity greater than 3000 .
If you help me I will return a favor.

My booyaid: 39541049
Town: Paradise Sun

If you guys have a high popularity business thats worth coins, let me know and ill franchise you. Also i want the business to be well known ex/ in n out, best buy, whole foods. Businesses people know about. Ill franchise no problem. Thankss
Not sure if mine are coins or bucks, but you are welcome to take a look. I will return the favour if coins, I need the bucks unfortunately
Hey everybody, I'm looking to change some things up in my town, since i ran out of room for expansion so long ago. I'm looking for bucks to buy some of the things I want. Feel free *to swing by dingusville and drop me off a gift or help me out with franchising. You can be my honorary best friend! LOL

If you guys have a high popularity business thats worth coins, let me know and ill franchise you. Also i want the business to be well known ex/ in n out, best buy, whole foods. Businesses people know about. Ill franchise no problem. Thankss

you can only franchise for coin when your "town location" or current location is within 50 miles of the business
I think it is more than 50 miles because I have found that anyone in the uk has coins unless they have franchised previously for bucks. :)

Jac's town
If you guys have a high popularity business thats worth coins, let me know and ill franchise you. Also i want the business to be well known ex/ in n out, best buy, whole foods. Businesses people know about. Ill franchise no problem. Thankss

I have 6 business that are high popularity. 1 has 40,000 and the others are in 20,000 area. They are the 6 office buildings, NOT the enterprises. My ID is in my signature.

Oh and thanks to "woo its friday" for franchising 6 of my businesses. I got $50 for each 1.
Is it wise to build alot of stock exchanges for getting alot of coins? I have 8 but it doesnt seem tt efficient though

Franchise me ID 38963710
Is it wise to build alot of stock exchanges for getting alot of coins? I have 8 but it doesnt seem tt efficient though

Franchise me ID 38963710

Thats what im doing. I have almost 20. Im undecided on whether I wanna build more or buy land. Im at the point where land is 270,000 coins now :eek:

Oh and i looked at your town, and you need to change ALL your business to offices. Just change the skins.
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Thats what im doing. I have almost 20. Im undecided on whether I wanna build more or buy land. Im at the point where land is 270,000 coins now :eek:

Oh and i looked at your town, and you need to change ALL your business to offices. Just change the skins.

I understand. I tried changing all to offices before. But the miney doesntbseem to increase alot in my opinion. Or am i wrong?.......
I'm guessing your located near to melzzzy hence the reason you've been able to franchise her businesses for coins. If its now asking you for bucks, try going back to the social page > explore > then refresh. Then try going back into melzzzy's town and you should be able to franchise the businesses for coins. Mytown2 sometimes 'forgets' your location but the refreshing seems to work.

Another reason for this could be that I am actually located in Australia but have my town set at NY. But when I am franchising sometimes I have to change my location so I can franchise for the the most amount of bucks and do change my location back to Australia during this time. You might have caught me at this time? Sorry !!!


Franchises would be super helpful!!! I have to wait like 2 days to buy a piece of land now with the prices at 300,000. My 40 mega malls arent doing what I thought they would. 400% increase seems like a lot, but its not. Franchises would be super helpful and would give me coins and dollars I would need to expand my town and buy land. Ill make a note on who helps me out and when I room ill franchise you too! Thanks!!!
Franchise the 5 home theater stores, NOT the apple stores.
ID: 39373190

Are you looking for bucks or coins. What is the name of your town and what location are you at?
Are you looking for bucks or coins. What is the name of your town and what location are you at?

My town is called Migdaddy's town and Im looking for coins more so I can buy land. Im restricted on building stuff because only half of my town's land is bought. Im located in NYC. If you franchise, do the 6 office buildings NOT the enterprises. Those will get me the most coins or bucks and they have 40,000 population.
Im also trying to look for bucks. I use to be able to make bucks but they took it away. Anything woild be helpfull. If there is anything you guys want let me know. Thankssss

30230386- eazyb23
My town is called Migdaddy's town and Im looking for coins more so I can buy land. Im restricted on building stuff because only half of my town's land is bought. Im located in NYC. If you franchise, do the 6 office buildings NOT the enterprises. Those will get me the most coins or bucks and they have 40,000 population.

Ok franchised for coins. Let me know how you go. :)


Just letting you know. Franchising of a business can only be done if you don't already have it in your own town. Soooo... that means, it maybe the best business in your town, but if I already own it (same business in same city ) I cant franchise and therefore will look for the next best business I can franchise.

Apple for example is different, because they have businesses everywhere, so, if I have an apple store in San Fran, I can franchise an apple store somewhere else ie New York.

Just saying.....

Melanie xx
Hmmm I've reached maximum population! Didn't know that was possible. I have even deleted one of my sci fi tower wonders and it is still at max.
I understand. I tried changing all to offices before. But the miney doesntbseem to increase alot in my opinion. Or am i wrong?.......

8 stock exchanges is defiantly not enough even with the highest popularity businesses. To start making decent coins you probably need over 50


Thats what im doing. I have almost 20. Im undecided on whether I wanna build more or buy land. Im at the point where land is 270,000 coins now :eek:

Oh and i looked at your town, and you need to change ALL your business to offices. Just change the skins.

Me personally I would always build stock exchanges until you don't have any available space. Then clean 1 lot of land, use a buck from a previous franchise to speed it up and then build 4 more stock exchanges. This always helps if you get the pyramids, as that builds those stock exchanges instantly.
Thanks splats for helping me and i hope u would be able to help me and my mom's town her id is 39027081. We willmdefinitely send u population andngifts back. I think my mom is in need of coins. And help of other guys will be so appreciated. Thank you robin hoods:)
Just wait now and whenever I get an insta build I just get the stock exchange
Once again cheers guys for the franchises I am currently trying to get all my businesses above 15,000 popularity per one so if anyone has any please let me know
I have quite a few over 15000 now but that is mainly through franchising with booyahtopia using the aeroplane mode. (see the tips a few days ago). They started off at 0 and I got them for about 1 buck each. Within two days they were up to the right figures. I was really grateful for that tip and made a big difference to my game. It also meant I could then spend some bucks on nice things. Thanks for your help everyone.
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