If I've maxed out in game play pretty much and have almost 2 mill in population, do you guys think I should also jail break my phone to get these bucks you speak of to help others out. Because I'm bored of waiting for 50bucks that I do kindly get from splat and GG that wants to not be mentioned

I've been playing for 7 months and I love this game but checking in is getting old, and for the amount of time I have invested, 50-100 bucks a day isn't enoughz. I save up to 400ish then do some upgrading, have baught a few fun thigs but then I'm down again and just wait a week or two to do more. Plus if I had the bucks i could rearrange my filled town the way I'd love to and like I said help others. Just never knew of jail breaking stops you from doing regualr sync with my laptop for music and such? I'm savey with computer stuff but that's one thing I never fully understood. I have so many coins from just saving and have decent business's, so what's a girl to do now?? Again, thanks to the two loyal players on here who have made this game fun for me the past month or two. It's the only thing I wait for-
If you do add me, but not asking like everyone else, and do franchise, leave me hat youd like in return, I assume population sense you have plenty coins/cash
Thanks guys! As always, love this forum!