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Yeah I gets up to the millions.
Migdaddy...I must say the first time I posted here u were pretty harsh on my messed up town. But If it was not for ur critique, I would still be frustrated w this game. Thanks so much.

Check me out now. Am I doing any better? Feel free to offer advice.

I'm still working on my quest for better businesses and bucks. Working on building my population so I can sell some of my businesses and buy better Booyah ones.

Wish there was a build everything instantly wonder. Thanks again.
Hi I recently found this forum
I am on level 55 but still need help:)
Question when I go into some people's towns it says that their business location is how did they find this place?
Franchises would be appreciated....I have some good NYC businesses
Thank you!
What do u recommend next. Also what's the best housing and community for the coins or bucks. My space is filling up quickly. I really need to build up my population.

If you're trying to build up pouplation without using too much surface area, I'd recommend the Toucan Topiary. It's quite expensive at 178bucks, but it only takes up one square and gives 19,000 population.

If I've maxed out in game play pretty much and have almost 2 mill in population, do you guys think I should also jail break my phone to get these bucks you speak of to help others out. Because I'm bored of waiting for 50bucks that I do kindly get from splat and GG that wants to not be mentioned:) I've been playing for 7 months and I love this game but checking in is getting old, and for the amount of time I have invested, 50-100 bucks a day isn't enoughz. I save up to 400ish then do some upgrading, have baught a few fun thigs but then I'm down again and just wait a week or two to do more. Plus if I had the bucks i could rearrange my filled town the way I'd love to and like I said help others. Just never knew of jail breaking stops you from doing regualr sync with my laptop for music and such? I'm savey with computer stuff but that's one thing I never fully understood. I have so many coins from just saving and have decent business's, so what's a girl to do now?? Again, thanks to the two loyal players on here who have made this game fun for me the past month or two. It's the only thing I wait for-
If you do add me, but not asking like everyone else, and do franchise, leave me hat youd like in return, I assume population sense you have plenty coins/cash:)

Thanks guys! As always, love this forum!

If I've maxed out in game play pretty much and have almost 2 mill in population, do you guys think I should also jail break my phone to get these bucks you speak of to help others out. Because I'm bored of waiting for 50bucks that I do kindly get from splat and GG that wants to not be mentioned:) I've been playing for 7 months and I love this game but checking in is getting old, and for the amount of time I have invested, 50-100 bucks a day isn't enoughz. I save up to 400ish then do some upgrading, have baught a few fun thigs but then I'm down again and just wait a week or two to do more. Plus if I had the bucks i could rearrange my filled town the way I'd love to and like I said help others. Just never knew of jail breaking stops you from doing regualr sync with my laptop for music and such? I'm savey with computer stuff but that's one thing I never fully understood. I have so many coins from just saving and have decent business's, so what's a girl to do now?? Again, thanks to the two loyal players on here who have made this game fun for me the past month or two. It's the only thing I wait for-
If you do add me, but not asking like everyone else, and do franchise, leave me hat youd like in return, I assume population sense you have plenty coins/cash:)

Thanks guys! As always, love this forum!
I think booyah has patched the game in version 2.4 and it is not easy to modify the amount of coins and bucks as easy as several months ago... my experience was that all hacking tutorial on youtube are not applicable for version 2.4.....but I figured out another way after spending a weekend. I haven't try it on version 2.5 yet.... Maybe more difficult than ever. There is a very high chance that you won't be able to hack the game any more even done the jail break.
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If I've maxed out in game play pretty much and have almost 2 mill in population, do you guys think I should also jail break my phone to get these bucks you speak of to help others out. Because I'm bored of waiting for 50bucks that I do kindly get from splat and GG that wants to not be mentioned:) I've been playing for 7 months and I love this game but checking in is getting old, and for the amount of time I have invested, 50-100 bucks a day isn't enoughz. I save up to 400ish then do some upgrading, have baught a few fun thigs but then I'm down again and just wait a week or two to do more. Plus if I had the bucks i could rearrange my filled town the way I'd love to and like I said help others. Just never knew of jail breaking stops you from doing regualr sync with my laptop for music and such? I'm savey with computer stuff but that's one thing I never fully understood. I have so many coins from just saving and have decent business's, so what's a girl to do now?? Again, thanks to the two loyal players on here who have made this game fun for me the past month or two. It's the only thing I wait for-
If you do add me, but not asking like everyone else, and do franchise, leave me hat youd like in return, I assume population sense you have plenty coins/cash:)

Thanks guys! As always, love this forum!

When you have more bucks and coins than you can ever spend the game quickly becomes meaningless. After buying everything I wanted and then jailbreaking, the only reason I've had to play is to give other people money....I'm sure that will become boring soon and then what?
I think booyah has patched the game in version 2.4 and it is not easy to modify the amount of coins and bucks as easy as several months ago... my experience was that all hacking tutorial on youtube are not applicable for version 2.4.....but I figured out another way after spending a weekend. I haven't try it on version 2.5 yet.... Maybe more difficult than ever. There is a very high chance that you won't be able to hack the game any more even done the jail break.

I have a iPhone Which is jailbroken and can confirm it does work with 2.5 as I have done it literally in the last week or so I am just working my businesses to level 10 then wil franchise from others to help out my town was turtleopia now it is called what not.
Also thanks to splats and mel for helping us out before I done it :)
Migdaddy...I must say the first time I posted here u were pretty harsh on my messed up town. But If it was not for ur critique, I would still be frustrated w this game. Thanks so much.

Check me out now. Am I doing any better? Feel free to offer advice.

I'm still working on my quest for better businesses and bucks. Working on building my population so I can sell some of my businesses and buy better Booyah ones.

Wish there was a build everything instantly wonder. Thanks again.

I didn't mean to be an ass. People (and I'm not singling you out) post pictures of their trucks on truck forums and get pissed when you critique something. Same thing goes for this game. I was just giving you sme friendly critique. And yeah your town looks much better. Just wait until you have enough money saved up from all those stock exchanges and then your able to delete them and start really building your town. Have you done the airplane mode mod? That's a great way to get booyah's businesses for 1 buck or 800 coins.
My daughter want me to say thank you so much to Melzzzy, Splats, Snibull Bigtown and all other nice folks supports for her town. Best wishes to everyone!

Downtown: 37151747

Your right guys, it probably gets just as boaring once you have all the bucks. I appreciate moose and splats again for today's franchises:) I'll prob not jail break and keep playing the usual game.. tho helping my locals out would be nice. never the less, I can't seem to take myself away from this game.. And will keep truckin along..
How the h*ll do i get the "Creperie o'regal valengaux"?? Is it even possible without several thousands of bucks? Popularity 80.000 is kinda cool... :)
How the h*ll do i get the "Creperie o'regal valengaux"?? Is it even possible without several thousands of bucks? Popularity 80.000 is kinda cool... :)

Unless Booyahtopia has it and you can do the airplane mode mod, then there's really no way to get it unless u do have thousands of bucks ie jail broken. I wish there was a way to send business to other towns.
I didn't mean to be an ass. People (and I'm not singling you out) post pictures of their trucks on truck forums and get pissed when you critique something. Same thing goes for this game. I was just giving you sme friendly critique. And yeah your town looks much better. Just wait until you have enough money saved up from all those stock exchanges and then your able to delete them and start really building your town. Have you done the airplane mode mod? That's a great way to get booyah's businesses for 1 buck or 800 coins.

No worries. Again if it were not for u I'd still be struggling. Thank u for any franchising as well as splats, melzy and moose town. The bucks help a lot and are much appreciated!

Ur the best and yes I do airplane mode now for all my businesses. Thank again!


Hey. I left my town for a moment and went back in my check ins went from 10 to 2. Anyone else seen fluctuations like that for no reason? Also I think some of the levels of my businesses have dropped and my over all level dropped but I can't say for certain. :confused:
I would really like to get some of my businesses up to level 10 but it takes so long with check ins which is so boring. Would very much appreciate any bucks for franchises that are going spare to upgrade them. I will send population to any kind RH. Thank you in advance ....:)
I just wanna thank all the heroes for helping with franchising! Thanx to you guys i have the fuji now... :) with the access to some bucks this game is so much more fun! gona try getting a few of my best businesses to level 10 now....! I am gifting you guys as soon as i get new gifts! :)

Thanx again! Peace
How the h*ll do i get the "Creperie o'regal valengaux"?? Is it even possible without several thousands of bucks? Popularity 80.000 is kinda cool... :)
Unless Booyahtopia has it and you can do the airplane mode mod, then there's really no way to get it unless u do have thousands of bucks ie jail broken. I wish there was a way to send business to other towns.

Actually there is a way to do this and buy the business for coins. It requires you to change your location to the location of where the business i.e. Paris for 'Creperie o'regal velengaux'. You can do this once without deleting Mytow2 but if you want to change to multiple locations it requires you to 'delete' mytown2 and then re-install.

detailed instructions can be found here.....
Actually there is a way to do this and buy the business for coins. It requires you to change your location to the location of where the business i.e. Paris for 'Creperie o'regal velengaux'. You can do this once without deleting Mytow2 but if you want to change to multiple locations it requires you to 'delete' mytown2 and then re-install.

detailed instructions can be found here.....

Yeah, that totally works...thanx for the info! Now i can get the creperie and probably all the top-popularity businesses in the world for coins instead of bucks!
One question though, the booyahtopia never changes, right? Cause I just changed location from New York to Paris, but my booyahtopia is still the same with the same businesses as in new york!
Or did I do something wrong, or maybe it'll take a while to update?
Doesnt really matter as long as i can get them for coins instead of bucks, but anyway...allways nice to be able to do the AirplaneMode-trick...

Thank you so much to those that are franchising my businesses, epically moose town! You are really helping me out:)
Allie 37076659
Yeah, that totally works...thanx for the info! Now i can get the creperie and probably all the top-popularity businesses in the world for coins instead of bucks!
One question though, the booyahtopia never changes, right? Cause I just changed location from New York to Paris, but my booyahtopia is still the same with the same businesses as in new york!
Or did I do something wrong, or maybe it'll take a while to update?
Doesnt really matter as long as i can get them for coins instead of bucks, but anyway...allways nice to be able to do the AirplaneMode-trick...


I'm glad it worked :) My understanding is that Booyahtopia doesn't change it's businesses no matter where you are located.
Moose!!! Wow! Your making my day!!! Haha! I'm at work and every time I check in, I see those hands over my business haha:)
Hey everyone i've just started playing my town2 i am on level 24 but i have some decent businesses so can anyone help me out pleasee?:)

Thanks so much in advanced if you guys do help:)
my Id is: 40193827
Moose!!! Wow! Your making my day!!! Haha! I'm at work and every time I check in, I see those hands over my business haha:)

Im happy to help! You're lucky, when I open my social screen your town is one of the first in line! Makes franchising easier...
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