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Thanks melzzzy for all the franchises!! :) those bucks will definately come in handy! Peace

Ok, I am interested in knowing how much you got for them, because I studiously went through and franchised a different one each time, because of what you said yesterday.

---------- come my starbucks just went down from 330.000 to 26 today? Thats kinda annoying...when i look at the same starbucks (even the one i franchised) everywhere else, its still 330.000!
Will mine find its way back, or do i have to delete it and franchise it again? It sucks to have to spend 3milions again....and get it up to level 10 again....bah!!!!
Has this happened to anyone else?


I noticed that in yours. And also the Seven Eleven and Star bucks ? Mine stayed the same. I would be keeping it if you can afford to just to see what happens. What a shame ! :confused:


Hi Mel! Thank you so much for your franchises. Finally I am able to build a few bucks.

I was reading a couple of posts and I am abit confused. Am I right in saying:

1. The best way to get high populated business cheap is through bouyahtown (mostly what I have now)
2. I get there by using airplane mode
3. If I want to franchise one from you located in say... san fran then I must change my location (phone location off) to san fran and go to your town then franchise for coins not cash?
4. To get my businesses from leve l6 or 7 to level 10 I must upgrade with cash?
5. I should get rid of my lower popularity businesses for higher popularity ones (though my lower popularity ones get 25 - 35,000 per 4 hours because of the higher levels pretty much like my higher pops)

Also, I saw where we may be able to expand and get summer fun beachy scenes soon - heard anything? I noticed some people have already purchased a few - is that from last summer?

Thanks again for the franchises and love your town!

Franchises are always welcome! :)

Ok I am going to try and answer these questions, but if someone can correct me if I am wrong....
1. Yes. through airplane mode and you get them for 1 buck, but it will be low popularity and it is supposed to get back to its 'normal' popularity after a few days. I know I did this once just to check whether it actually works, but I can't remember which it was and I have deleted so many businesses now as well.
2. yes
3. Yes
4.the only way I know to upgrade is with bucks or playing the game and it will upgrade slowly but surely.
5. If you are happy with the 'income' you are getting just decide whether you want to keep the business. For instance I have a Lucky stricke that the population was good but now has gone down to less than 2000 BUT it gives me like 30k every four hours so I kept it.

When I cleaned up my businesses I actually did an Excel spreadsheet with the business names, popularity and income and decided from that which ones I wanted to delete. Yes I am compulsive !

Yes apparently the beachy scenes are coming soon. I have only been playing this game since about March this year and haven't seen the beachy scenes. Do you know who has them ? I would love to see. Personally I would love some more land !


Melzzy. How do you find my town? I have searched but don't seem to be able to locate it. Many thanks for all your franchises by the way. Trying to get my businesses to level 10 so please keep it coming. :)

I cant find MyTown either, I have tried several ways. I just franchised the business from someone else.
Ok I am going to try and answer these questions, but if someone can correct me if I am wrong....
1. Yes. through airplane mode and you get them for 1 buck, but it will be low popularity and it is supposed to get back to its 'normal' popularity after a few days. I know I did this once just to check whether it actually works, but I can't remember which it was and I have deleted so many businesses now as well.
2. yes
3. Yes
4.the only way I know to upgrade is with bucks or playing the game and it will upgrade slowly but surely.
5. If you are happy with the 'income' you are getting just decide whether you want to keep the business. For instance I have a Lucky stricke that the population was good but now has gone down to less than 2000 BUT it gives me like 30k every four hours so I kept it.

When I cleaned up my businesses I actually did an Excel spreadsheet with the business names, popularity and income and decided from that which ones I wanted to delete. Yes I am compulsive !

Yes apparently the beachy scenes are coming soon. I have only been playing this game since about March this year and haven't seen the beachy scenes. Do you know who has them ? I would love to see. Personally I would love some more land !


I cant find MyTown either, I have tried several ways. I just franchised the business from someone else.[/QUOTE]

Thank you so very much... I thought I was doing it correct but wanted to make sure I was on the same page as you guys. This forum has really helped because I was getting so frustrated. I hope my questions and your answers help others. Some of this information I found by combing through previous posts.

Right now I am sitting tight until I see new stuff come in like expansions.

I saw the Hawiian dancers on Phoenix Rising:)

I think I had like 140 before.....and I think I got two franchises from someone else, and now I have 840 bucks. That would be like 600bucks from your franchises, meaning 12 franchises from you then. :) :)

could that be right?

yeah, probably gona keep'em for a some days to see what happens....just hope they get the popularity back somehow. :)
Need Bucks!

All you Robin Hoods out there, I am in dire need of Bucks, and invite anyone who can to franchise me. I have 2 high popularity businesses i got from booyahtopia. I will gift population etc if you would like
Thank you for all those who have helped me out already.
I have just been playing on my ipod touch, and when I went to load it up, there was a message saying 'sory, there is an update available and you can't play until you update'. The messgae then took me straight to the app store, and I have now updated. I was getting all excited thinking this is the big expansion coming, but I can' tsee anything different. Has anyone else had this message yet?
I saw the Hawiian dancers on Phoenix Rising:)

The Hawaiian dancers were a community purchase I think a month or so ago ? I have them in both my towns. I just checked and it isn't for sale. Lucky i didn't delete them when I was cleaning up my town ! haha


I have just been playing on my ipod touch, and when I went to load it up, there was a message saying 'sory, there is an update available and you can't play until you update'. The messgae then took me straight to the app store, and I have now updated. I was getting all excited thinking this is the big expansion coming, but I can' tsee anything different. Has anyone else had this message yet?

Have you got two towns on the same Ipod ?

I updated both my devices and it is all good and nothing new unfortunately ! UGH !



I think I had like 140 before.....and I think I got two franchises from someone else, and now I have 840 bucks. That would be like 600bucks from your franchises, meaning 12 franchises from you then. :) :)

could that be right?

yeah, probably gona keep'em for a some days to see what happens....just hope they get the popularity back somehow. :)

That sounds good ! I know I studiously went through every single business I could franchise that could give you 50 bucks. Great. I will do it again soonish. Have about 12 people for lunch on the weekend so I am a 'tad' busy !
mr keys or mel, can u tell me whats the location of the airport in phoenix rising, cant find it man =(

Hi all, so glad I found this forum. I love this game but am really struggling for cash and bucks :( if anyone out there can help me by franchising I would be eternally grateful. :) I have lots of hi pop businesses from booyatopia, I think my highest is the weebo store at around 35'000 ish!!! I'm desperately wanting the mount fuji.
Thanks in advance
S xx
Town id 40913652
Name Star Town
Let me know if I can gift you anything back.
Last edited:
Awesome they finally added more land and some new stuff. Gonna be at it a while to get my town legit again!
Hi Melzzy... Thank you so much for your franchises. I hope our glitch is fixed. I was able to build up a great stash of cash and used most of them to upgrade a couple of businesses to a higher level.

Does the level really matter? Other than a few hopeful gifts of 1 buck ever so often? Is it a good investment of my precious cash? Wish the higher levels would give bucks instead of coins... since they cost bucks, why not reward with bucks?

If you have any extra time or space I would truly appreciate any additional franchises you may can offer. I know you are not interested in gifts but I do want to thank you somehow.

By the way how do you and several others level up in the 70s so fast? I think I have been loosing my levels at times. I am at 59 and I am almost certain I was around 62 at one time. Oh well.:(

Thank you so much!
Terri @ terriville

My Melzzy's town is having a glitch at the moment and I can't seem to visit those that have gifted me. I know who some of you are so I will go in and do it myself.

Please don't leave me any gifts, I feel bad when I can't do anything about it. With Phoenix rising is the same. I dont need the gifts and thank you to those that have gifted me all this time but please gift someone else that really needs it.

Pl leave your ID AND town name here and I will franchise. If you don't leave your town name it is really hard to find you because I have so many people added and it is tedious to go into every town to check ID.

Mel xx
I read where someone was asking others to send them things like this. Is this possible?? There are some pretty cool things out there that I would love to get but dont see for sale. One is the alien mother ship... soooo cool!:cool:

The Hawaiian dancers were a community purchase I think a month or so ago ? I have them in both my towns. I just checked and it isn't for sale. Lucky i didn't delete them when I was cleaning up my town ! haha

I read where someone was asking others to send them things like this. Is this possible?? There are some pretty cool things out there that I would love to get but dont see for sale. One is the alien mother ship... soooo cool!:cool:

The Hawaiian dancers were a community purchase I think a month or so ago ? I have them in both my towns. I just checked and it isn't for sale. Lucky i didn't delete them when I was cleaning up my town ! haha


No I don't think it is possible to gift them to others. That's why ppl runout of room because we all hang on to one off items. Btw the Hawaiian dancers are up for sale. But for bucks :-(

So guys.. Just had surgery and will be home for a few days, figured with the new update id start reorganizing my city and all, if you wanna help me out in any way to make my time on the couch more exciting- ill take notice and hit ya back! Glad to have new land finally!! Wish that water park wasnt 14 dollars though- lame. I have some great businesses but others that are local that are level 10 already- bringing is a very Small amount of money- would you keep them to represent my area or sell for some of these booyah business you guys talk about? Im someone who has always played without cheats so I dunno.. I'm worried like someone said before- it will take the fun out of it.
My Melzzy's town is having a glitch at the moment and I can't seem to visit those that have gifted me. I know who some of you are so I will go in and do it myself.

Please don't leave me any gifts, I feel bad when I can't do anything about it. With Phoenix rising is the same. I dont need the gifts and thank you to those that have gifted me all this time but please gift someone else that really needs it.

Pl leave your ID AND town name here and I will franchise. If you don't leave your town name it is really hard to find you because I have so many people added and it is tedious to go into every town to check ID.

Mel xx

Hey girl, one question, what's the ID to
Booyah or mytown to get higher business. Saved a few bucks and would love to get rid of a few low income local bizz I have. Second- what's your ID- I see you always posting on here and would love to check your town out:)
Franchise me please

Can someone please franchise some of my businesses.....I need some bucks!! I will send gifts. My Booyah ID 29276636 Thanks :D
Hey girl, one question, what's the ID to
Booyah or mytown to get higher business. Saved a few bucks and would love to get rid of a few low income local bizz I have. Second- what's your ID- I see you always posting on here and would love to check your town out:)

Hey Emily
Sorry to hear about your surgery, hope you are up and well pretty soonish.

My ID for both my towns are on my signature, I think I have franchised you before.

The best and cheapest way to get good businesses is through booyatopia in airplane mode for 1 buck. It is low popularity when you do this, but in a few days it gets back to normal. Mytown businesses are different. I actually franchised them from someone else. I can't and have tried to find it with Business search but couldn't
Franchise please

I am really low on bucks and would like to upgrade a few businesses and buy some of the nice things on offer. If any one has the time and means I would be very grateful. Thanks :apple:
Nobody plays this thing? Even tho it's like one of the top 50 apps?
Um, hi everybody! Just like some other people here, I really need some bucks. To be honest, before I came to this forum I thought it was impossible to get a mt Fuji. I only have like 20 bucks since I accidentally upgraded a business. So I would be really thankful if some people would help me out in getting some bucks. XD

ID: 37874466
Name: dallasville
Hi there

Yes those crazy extremes are correct!! But I am not sure for how long. And yes I had a few others that I had franchised from someone that HUGE popularity on there town and even I had it for awhile and then the popularity went down on mine but not on theirs so I deleted my businesses because they got really low and were taking valuable space :-(
The current ones cost MEGA bucks but as I said fingers crossed the pop will stay up there. Notice they are all from MyTown.

Does all this make sense ? Xx

But no one seems to know mytowns ID to log in to get the businesses.. I searched wverywhere for it, or booyahtopia ID -Or maybe it's just not working on my iPhone 4, I turn airplane mod on then open mytown And it won't let me do anything but edit/play with my town, won't let me search for mytown/ tho I don't even have its ID or go to my saved friends or search for businness. It's driving me crazy. Im sick of playing for months on end and my best business only brings in 2k every 3min and 14 every 4 hr but most others are pretty sad.. Oh well.. I guess ill just take my time buying this new land:( I just wanna be able to spread my **** around and re organize now that I saved a tiny bit of bcks but now out of cash for land.. It's either one or the other haha.

Oh healing well and stitches are all comin put tomorrow- and yes, you have franchises me:) thanks for that! You did twice last week:)
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