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Yo guys, could someone please give me a couple of franschises? I really need a bunch of bucks....! Ill return the favor in anyway i can...


I still franchise if someone gifts. Don't get me wrong, all I was saying was that if someone wants franchise just let me know here and I will do so. I am sure there are others who really need the gifts and so you might as well gift them.


Ight. I feel u.
Yo guys, could someone please give me a couple of franschises? I really need a bunch of bucks....! Ill return the favor in anyway i can...



Did a few franchises for you. Let me know if you need anymore. No need to leave any gifts :)

BTW did you change location to get the Starbucks? I can't seem to find it in locations :-(
Did a few franchises for you. Let me know if you need anymore. No need to leave any gifts :)

BTW did you change location to get the Starbucks? I can't seem to find it in locations :-(

Yeah, i saw that, thanx man! ;) I need a few hundred bucks right now, so if you got the time and energy i would really really appreciate some more!

Yeah, i changed location to san fransisco to be able to franschise starbucks from you :) for coins...i read somewhere that it should work, and it did. Never looked for it in the "business-search thing" though, but i suppose it should be there too if its available for coin-franschise....

In an update of the game they should really enhance the business search function so that you more easily can see the popularity of a business, and maybe search for possible fanschises....and get more search hits at once....
Yeah, i saw that, thanx man! ;) I need a few hundred bucks right now, so if you got the time and energy i would really really appreciate some more!

Yeah, i changed location to san fransisco to be able to franschise starbucks from you :) for coins...i read somewhere that it should work, and it did. Never looked for it in the "business-search thing" though, but i suppose it should be there too if its available for coin-franschise....

In an update of the game they should really enhance the business search function so that you more easily can see the popularity of a business, and maybe search for possible fanschises....and get more search hits at once....

How much exactly are you getting when I franchise a business and how much do you need ? What are you shopping for ? LOL

I tried changing to san fran to search for some businesses but couldn't find any good ones. How much was the starbucks for coins ?

Yeah I agree it is impossible to tell the popularity when you do a business search. I just depend on looking for businesses under towns now. I got your airport one from Holland yesterday ! :)
How much exactly are you getting when I franchise a business and how much do you need ? What are you shopping for ? LOL

I tried changing to san fran to search for some businesses but couldn't find any good ones. How much was the starbucks for coins ?

Yeah I agree it is impossible to tell the popularity when you do a business search. I just depend on looking for businesses under towns now. I got your airport one from Holland yesterday ! :)

I got 50 for each franshise, so your last raid gave me 100 much appreciated ones! :) im scanning the world for great businesses right now(an almost impossible task) changing location once a day, and trying to get them to level 10. First to level 5 or 6 by hand, and then upgrade with bucks (depending on my amount of bucks, and time to play the game)

Yeah, i saw your franshise, it gave me +50% :) :) on the holland-airport....usually a franschise just gives +5 or 10%.

I think i got your starbucks for 3mils....pop: 330.000 costed me 3.3 milions....the airport at 170.000 costed me 1.7 milions....i think. So the seven eleven market with pop: 3milions would cost me like 30 milion coins....(a bit to steep i think...haha)
I got 50 for each franshise, so your last raid gave me 100 much appreciated ones! :) im scanning the world for great businesses right now(an almost impossible task) changing location once a day, and trying to get them to level 10. First to level 5 or 6 by hand, and then upgrade with bucks (depending on my amount of bucks, and time to play the game)

Yeah, i saw your franshise, it gave me +50% :) :) on the holland-airport....usually a franschise just gives +5 or 10%.

I think i got your starbucks for 3mils....pop: 330.000 costed me 3.3 milions....the airport at 170.000 costed me 1.7 milions....i think. So the seven eleven market with pop: 3milions would cost me like 30 milion coins....(a bit to steep i think...haha)

I did more than 4 franchises this morning for you !
The reason why it gives you 50% is because I kept it ! all the other franchises i build and delete hence the 5%

You will get the seven eleven in coins no problems and all my other booyah town ones for coins ! lol

Let me know when you get a good one and I will franchise and keep it for sure.

So how many more franchises do you need/want ?
Hi melanie what is ur location so tt i can change to and franchise ur businesses for coins? Appreciate it!
Hi melanie what is ur location so tt i can change to and franchise ur businesses for coins? Appreciate it!

My location is set to NY. But I think if you want to franchise my businesses for coins, just check where it is from first and then change your location accordingly.

I have businesses from NY, San Fran, Holland, Rome, and France from memory.:D
My location is set to NY. But I think if you want to franchise my businesses for coins, just check where it is from first and then change your location accordingly.

I have businesses from NY, San Fran, Holland, Rome, and France from memory.:D

I saw u have businesses that has 2 mil plus pop. Which location are they from?
melanie i franchised ur 7 eleven market for like 30 mil lol. but with a popularity of 330000. and ur businesses with 2 over million popularity i cant even see how much coins they are going for haha. how did u get them though haha


melanie i franchised ur 7 eleven market for like 30 mil lol. but with a popularity of 330000. and ur businesses with 2 over million popularity i cant even see how much coins they are going for haha. how did u get them though haha

i would like to ask ur popularity of 330000 for 7 eleven market how much are u getting for a 4 hour job because mine at level one its only 20k for a 4 hr job though
melanie i franchised ur 7 eleven market for like 30 mil lol. but with a popularity of 330000. and ur businesses with 2 over million popularity i cant even see how much coins they are going for haha. how did u get them though haha


i would like to ask ur popularity of 330000 for 7 eleven market how much are u getting for a 4 hour job because mine at level one its only 20k for a 4 hr job though

I don't get much for it, it is probably about 8k ?
I did more than 4 franchises this morning for you !
The reason why it gives you 50% is because I kept it ! all the other franchises i build and delete hence the 5%

You will get the seven eleven in coins no problems and all my other booyah town ones for coins ! lol

Let me know when you get a good one and I will franchise and keep it for sure.

So how many more franchises do you need/want ?

Did you franchise the same business several times? Maybe thats why i "only" got one franchise for each business? Anyway....I would probably need like 1000 bucks total, but I dont need it all right now(got to find some more top businesses first) and definately not all from you...6 more franchises now, and im set for some time! :) but seriousely, im grateful for one....aight? really really apreciate all your help!

Haha...yeah, ill probably reach up to the seven eleven sooner or later, if im stubborn enough! :) and ill definately let yiu know as soon as i find a business i think you want! :)

mr keys. yeah sorry i mixed up the numbers. i got the 7 eleven pop ar 3.3 mil for 30 million coins. and i saw her top businesses was like 2 over BILLION pop i was like wtf. cant even see the price to franchise. and yeah, the 7 eleven gives 20k for 4 hours though with a pop of 3.3 mil at level 1 business. whats ur ID mr keys so that i can see ur town. my town is messed up though. i just wanna earn more coins first.

anyone can oso franchise and gift me too

booyah ID 38963710
mr keys. yeah sorry i mixed up the numbers. i got the 7 eleven pop ar 3.3 mil for 30 million coins. and i saw her top businesses was like 2 over BILLION pop i was like wtf. cant even see the price to franchise. and yeah, the 7 eleven gives 20k for 4 hours though with a pop of 3.3 mil at level 1 business. whats ur ID mr keys so that i can see ur town. my town is messed up though. i just wanna earn more coins first.

anyone can oso franchise and gift me too

booyah ID 38963710

yo, my ID is 39954052, KeysTown
But my town is also kinda messed up.....focusing on makin money and aquiring good businesses.
20k for 4hours at level 1 is kinda best one gives me 28k at 4hours at level 10......though I dont think I got the exact same amount of stockexchanges as you, but anyway....

Thank you for your franchises!! Your the best!

My Melzzy's town is having a glitch at the moment and I can't seem to visit those that have gifted me. I know who some of you are so I will go in and do it myself.

Please don't leave me any gifts, I feel bad when I can't do anything about it. With Phoenix rising is the same. I dont need the gifts and thank you to those that have gifted me all this time but please gift someone else that really needs it.

Pl leave your ID AND town name here and I will franchise. If you don't leave your town name it is really hard to find you because I have so many people added and it is tedious to go into every town to check ID.

Mel xx

Hi Mel! Thank you so much for your franchises. Finally I am able to build a few bucks.

I was reading a couple of posts and I am abit confused. Am I right in saying:

1. The best way to get high populated business cheap is through bouyahtown (mostly what I have now)
2. I get there by using airplane mode
3. If I want to franchise one from you located in say... san fran then I must change my location (phone location off) to san fran and go to your town then franchise for coins not cash?
4. To get my businesses from leve l6 or 7 to level 10 I must upgrade with cash?
5. I should get rid of my lower popularity businesses for higher popularity ones (though my lower popularity ones get 25 - 35,000 per 4 hours because of the higher levels pretty much like my higher pops)

Also, I saw where we may be able to expand and get summer fun beachy scenes soon - heard anything? I noticed some people have already purchased a few - is that from last summer?

Thanks again for the franchises and love your town!

Franchises are always welcome! :)
Dont really understand how to earn buckss!!!..??

Its been almost more than 3 4 months,, earned a lot of coins,, levelled up quite a bit,, expanded fully,,, but still stuck with horrible stock of buckss..!! I really dont get how to gain bucks..??

PlZzz, some help.???
Melzzy. How do you find my town? I have searched but don't seem to be able to locate it. Many thanks for all your franchises by the way. Trying to get my businesses to level 10 so please keep it coming. :)
I appreciate all the gifts everyone sends me, but I really don't need them. Save them for people who do need them. come my starbucks just went down from 330.000 to 26 today? Thats kinda annoying...when i look at the same starbucks (even the one i franchised) everywhere else, its still 330.000!
Will mine find its way back, or do i have to delete it and franchise it again? It sucks to have to spend 3milions again....and get it up to level 10 again....bah!!!!
Has this happened to anyone else?

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