In Reference of #288 posting, first thank you SOOO much for looking over my town. I really appreciate it. Should I just do subways, first. I agree with the condo many but didn't know what to do. I will change over some of the business, more.
I am still not sure what you mean about more "enhancers"? You mean add more than one "wonders" and what type? I have to get bucks before I can really add alot more stuff. That is some of my bucks. And a friend of ours has 555million bucks......
So when you change your business over to offices, the game realizes that and you get more $ coinage? Sorry, I am not very business orientated..Thanks so much. I give a personal invite to give me any "NEW" ideas ANYTIME bt working on my town. Just say, hay bridge, you might wanna think about....... and explain it to me. Thanks again. Be sure to keep an eye on me.....please. Thanks again.
What is your ID number is you dont mind?
Let me try. We can build many Stock exchanges to stack up the effect. Each of them give u 20% more on the income of Office business. So let say you have 1 Stock exchange and 10 businesses of all the categories, you can remodel them all into Office. That way, when you finish a job of any business, you get 20% more cash.
Now, if you build 10 stock exchanges, make it 200% more on the income of each office business. Each time you finish a job of that 10 businesses, you get triple the income. Isn't it great?

So, go build gazillion of the stock exchange (30k coin each, in Wonder) and 23hs later, remodel all your businesses to Office. I don't see it "sacrifice the look" at all cos the office is nice loh

After 1 day, you might get millions of cash

, and don't forget to come and franchise hot businesses from me.

<<< All the above process costs yellow cash only. No buck needed.
strange thing....when i try to buy from someone on my friendslist, its very expensive and mostly costs bucks, but when i go to search, find my friend there, i can buy the same business for much less in coins...
Hi, my town is Emerald City, ID: 32603471.
And for your question, if a business (no matter where its town locates) has address near your town, like both in New York, you can franchise it for gold coin. You can check for the address when you click on the business.
I think you may want to change your location to New York or Cali..., Berlin has not many good business to buy, I checked there ytd.
Small question: do you see my sign?

Well, how about this thought.
People rally around and say, "Write a political person" and let your thought be know....OK...
Lets all rally together and ask/suggest and text/email to booyah and ask request we would like more options of obtaing bucks. Lets make our wishes known.
There are 2 e-mails: I am not sure what the second one is but one I know for sure is a support:
1-Support (prob tech issues) mt2support
2-Unknown, but is is located I beleive on or around in the stats>setting page.
3-Wished we had a phone number.....
Lets email them and let them hear our pleas...
You can contact the company