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Ashley, tell me how?

Just wanted to show off my town but I can't upload my screen shot :(
I am ranked #5 in this game and I did it without cheating or having an ugly town full of stock exchanges.
Booyah ID: 31796373

Hi Ashley, tell me how you did it? I am playing 2 weeks and have not cheated but want to know how you accomplished this
Hi Ashley, tell me how you did it? I am playing 2 weeks and have not cheated but want to know how you accomplished this

I started about two months ago and it definitely took a good month before I really started to figure the game out. The thing that vhanged the game for me was when I started only focusing on businesses with the highest popularity stats. Once I had Starbucks and mixer bar as well as all the other top businesses people started franchising from me like crazy and the cash bucks and coins started rolling in. Right now I have almost 30k in cash bucks all from getting my businesses franchised. I used that to finish my 10 hour jobs instantly to keep making tons of coins(only costs 3 bucks to instant finish a job). This was all only possible though because I finally figured out how I could change locations and purchase all the top businesses with coins rather than bucks. Only problem is that now I'm sorta bored because its like I conquered the game lol
Just wanted to show off my town but I can't upload my screen shot :(
I am ranked #5 in this game and I did it without cheating or having an ugly town full of stock exchanges.
Booyah ID: 31796373

It's just that Stock Exchanges will give you the same result in about 2 weeks, but I definately wouldn't have the patience to build it up for 2 months.
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I have a grand vision for my town but need help

Alright, so I have been playing for about 5 days and am at Level 33. I have begun creating a massive city-town that encapsulates the best parts of Old Louisville, Miami, New York and Las Vegas. The problem is that I need a solid cash flow and a lot of bucks to really bring this vision to life. You can check out my town, as my sig contains my Booyah ID.

I am not in this to hoard cash or bucks, and I understand that there are ways to exploit the system such as building tons of stacking Stock Exchanges and making all your buildings into offices, but I don't want to take that route. I am a designer and I wanna really focus on making the town accurate and flavorful.

For those of you out there with tons of cash and bucks, help a brother out! It's a cool town and with some contributions, it could be AMAZING. I want to eventually pimp out the NY and Vegas sections with Radio City Music Hall, Statue of Liberty, Caesar's, Paris Casino, etc., so franchise from me!

I do have a few popular buildings: the IBM Building from NYC, the Louis Vuitton store from NY, and a hugely popular Dunkin Donuts from Brooklyn.

Hope you all enjoy and check back as I continue development.

ID: 33760646
Barracuda bay

Hey, nice start to your town. Are you on long island? I will franchise. Some of our businesses shortly

My own 33054518
Kchkwan, I accept!

anyone who wants BUCKS, send me ur Booyah ID. I'll come franchise ur most expensive business. So then you don't have to learn how to change the files on the iphone. Jailbreakin the phone doesn't actually help nemore... they patched it ever since v2 came out...

Yeah, please franchise from me. I have 3 decently popular properties. The more you can do, the better! I should get more over next few days as I am in NYC nearly every day.

Town is Barracuda Bay, ID 33760646

EDIT: Snoopy, thanks man! Yes I am on Long Island and work in Manhattan. Will add you. Been hooked on the game since Monday but don't want to spend real money. So many people here seem to have "broken" the game. I just wanna make a beautiful city. I like how "Main Street Long Island" and the other subsections are coming along. It's a process, but I am gonna get there.
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I just went through ppl who quoted me. The franchises are done, but its btr if u have higher popularity stores so i can refranchise them everyday to give u bucks. I have 555 billion bucks, so i got lots to spare if neone needs.

Booyah ID: 29238777

Town Name: MT2 Billionaire


Just wanted to show off my town but I can't upload my screen shot :(
I am ranked #5 in this game and I did it without cheating or having an ugly town full of stock exchanges.
Booyah ID: 31796373

I'm #35 and I didn't cheat either.
I did stack stock exchanges, but that was before I read about people doing it, I thought of doing that myself to see if it worked and it did so I 'stacked' them to bank some coins. And my town isn't that ugly with them haha.
Booyah ID: 29238777

Town Name: MT2 Billionaire


I'm #35 and I didn't cheat either.
I did stack stock exchanges, but that was before I read about people doing it, I thought of doing that myself to see if it worked and it did so I 'stacked' them to bank some coins. And my town isn't that ugly with them haha.

How in the world did you end up with that many bucks lol. Well bad news is that i might have to start all over my game keeps shutting down when i try to play it is really frustrating i spent so much time getting to be ranked so high and now i might lose it all :'(
anyone who wants BUCKS, send me ur Booyah ID. I'll come franchise ur most expensive business. So then you don't have to learn how to change the files on the iphone. Jailbreakin the phone doesn't actually help nemore... they patched it ever since v2 came out...

I'm in Toronto Canada. The businesses here are not too popular. I haven't stacked any wonders and have just been playing the game normally. I'm level 50 already... Getting coins is not too difficult but getting bucks is ridiculous!

Please help and franchise my businesses and help me earn some extra bucks.

ID: 28970569
Town Name: Wonderland

Greatly appreciated and I thank you in advance!
I need to franchise some good businesses.

Leave me your ID if you have businesses over 60,000 and I'll franchise them so you can get bucks.

Here's my ID just in case if you need some popular businesses as well: 29740387.

Have a good day.

Hi, my ID is 30316587, Mage Town. come check it out :D


How in the world did you end up with that many bucks lol. Well bad news is that i might have to start all over my game keeps shutting down when i try to play it is really frustrating i spent so much time getting to be ranked so high and now i might lose it all :'(

If you are playing on iPhone, try delete the app and re-install, it may resolve the problem.
I just went through ppl who quoted me. The franchises are done, but its btr if u have higher popularity stores so i can refranchise them everyday to give u bucks. I have 555 billion bucks, so i got lots to spare if neone needs.

32464323 Brown-Eye

Thank you so much
I just went through ppl who quoted me. The franchises are done, but its btr if u have higher popularity stores so i can refranchise them everyday to give u bucks. I have 555 billion bucks, so i got lots to spare if neone needs.

today i woke up and found out that 2 of my businesses were franchised by wetdream town. i'm assuming it was you because i asked your help :) thank you. if it's not you, then thank you WETDREAM TOWN :) i got a total of 76 bucks from it.

but i still need a lot more to franchise good businesses so if u're up for it i may still need your help :) my ID is 33914829 my town name is cankiss's town :)

and btw ppl r saying they can't see who franchised their businesses, just a tip:
go to your stats and click your franchised business and voila ! it shows u who franchised it :)


491 bucks to franchise your dolce & gabbana from the west coast, usa. :)

thank you :) u satisfied my curiosity :) i added u to my friends list btw. i just sent you population :)

your disneyland costs 14k from my country btw :) i may never franchise from you :(
today i woke up and found out that 2 of my businesses were franchised by wetdream town. i'm assuming it was you because i asked your help :) thank you. if it's not you, then thank you WETDREAM TOWN :) i got a total of 76 bucks from it.

but i still need a lot more to franchise good businesses so if u're up for it i may still need your help :) my ID is 33914829 my town name is cankiss's town :)

and btw ppl r saying they can't see who franchised their businesses, just a tip:
go to your stats and click your franchised business and voila ! it shows u who franchised it :)


thank you :) u satisfied my curiosity :) i added u to my friends list btw. i just sent you population :)

your disneyland costs 14k from my country btw :) i may never franchise from you :(

lol yea thats me, try to get more expensive business so i don't have to go bac and forth and franchise haha
Hi everyone!
I just started the game in Jan 1st and was struggling with it. Although I leveled up quite fast, the coin earning was tough. Few days ago, my friends and I found out that we could franchised businesses with coin but the coin-bizs just on and off and we couldn't get to know the rule. My head was almost bald cos of me scratching it while surfing from towns to towns for decent and affordable coin-bizs :p. But thanks heaven, I found this thread. I was like :eek::eek::eek: reading your tips.
So I have to sacrifice the view for offices and stock exchange buildings first. 8 stock exchanges are under construction. I want to be a millionaire! :cool: 24hs can never be this long.
Now that the coin starvation has gone, hopefully the high pop bizs will get me some bucks for the special features.
Do you think I should sell off the low pop bizs, which I have 17 of them and earn only 150-170 coin per 3 mins for those uber duper super ones like Apple Store SF or 4 Seasons Hotel in Booyahtopia town?

By the way I have a question about popularity. The popularity of a business is often different, for example my friend's 7-eleven store is 700 sth (checking in his own device), but if I visit him, in the stat board it can be 600 and when I click on the building to franchise, it's only 500. :confused: Is it just me or anyone else get the same problem?

And finally, my town is Emerald City (I wish there were yellow brick road :eek:), ID 32603471. Please visit and give me some advices. Right now,the town is under attack of the T-rex but soon the skyscrapers will rise and a golden era shall begin. :rolleyes:

Big thanks for all your great tips! :apple:

I just went through ppl who quoted me. The franchises are done, but its btr if u have higher popularity stores so i can refranchise them everyday to give u bucks. I have 555 billion bucks, so i got lots to spare if neone needs.

555 billion bucks! Faintzzz. It would be freaking awesome if they are real bucks, right?
Thanks a lot for your help! :apple:
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Some questions

My ID: 29210914

I am in Europe, Germany, Berlin

hello, I would like to know: when i sell one of my enterprises, do I have to wait for my population growing up again to buy a new one, or can i just exchange one enterprise for another without bothering about the population account? and another question: what happens, if the original owner of my franchised enterprises deletes his account?...does it mean, my franchisings will be deleted too?
and last not least: does anybody know by now when they open the levels again above 50? we lose so many stars atm...!
Come by and visit me please, I am happy to return the visit:)
My ID: 29210914

I am in Europe, Germany, Berlin

hello, I would like to know: when i sell one of my enterprises, do I have to wait for my population growing up again to buy a new one, or can i just exchange one enterprise for another without bothering about the population account? and another question: what happens, if the original owner of my franchised enterprises deletes his account?...does it mean, my franchisings will be deleted too?
and last not least: does anybody know by now when they open the levels again above 50? we lose so many stars atm...!
Come by and visit me please, I am happy to return the visit:)

For the 1st question: no, you can buy another business right away. the level of population is the number of bizs you can have, I sold 2 and have 2 vacancies now.
The 2nd, I guess it won't be deleted.
Lastly, nice town there, very neat and organized. :)
Speed boosts ...???

What exactly do the yellow lightening speed boosts do when someone sends/receives them from mayors?

Thank you all for the gifts yesterday talk abbot feeling like it's Xmas in Jan. I'm like a kid in a candystore. Thanks booyah for making the game more fun
What is wrong with this pic ?

It's 5 am
I just awoke out of a completely dead sleep, and it is my day OFF.
I had to get my morning fix of My Town2 !!!!!! LoL
Now, how crazy is that?
besides, when I woke up. I hadn't reset ANY of my timers before I went to
bed !
Whew.....if our town had laws, that " so called city fine" could have cost me a hefty fine.....ha ha
Timers reset.....going back to sleep.....zzzzzz
You all have a good day!
To kchkwan

Hi, if you get a minute can you see if there are any businesses in my town for you to franchise?

Thanks so much

What exactly do the yellow lightening speed boosts do when someone sends/receives them from mayors?

Thank you all for the gifts yesterday talk abbot feeling like it's Xmas in Jan. I'm like a kid in a candystore. Thanks booyah for making the game more fun

It is exciting when u get a gift. Especially when it's bucks. I have the same problem as everyone with no bucks but I think I have a pretty decent city w/o out cheats.

I think the lightening bolts boast speeds up ur job times.

My question is when u sell a biz that someone has franchised with u what become of their stats.

And I would love to know if mt2 is keeping count of our blue stars. So when the ever do "add more levels soon" we will get all the bucks etc... That go with them


Just wanted to show off my town but I can't upload my screen shot :(
I am ranked #5 in this game and I did it without cheating or having an ugly town full of stock exchanges.
Booyah ID: 31796373

Today I just franchised with you ny times and long island beef. Tried it yesterday but could only do it with bucks not coins. Today they were available with coins. Did u move back to the NYC area which was great because I haven't had any franshises with bucks.

Thanks 30059692. Puppetville

hey ! to the gamers who got millions of bucks;

could u please pretty please franchise from me? i really need the bucks so i can franchise :) so to complete the cycle, please franchise :)

my ID is 33914829 cankiss's town

thx :)
I just went through ppl who quoted me. The franchises are done, but its btr if u have higher popularity stores so i can refranchise them everyday to give u bucks. I have 555 billion bucks, so i got lots to spare if neone needs.

If possible, would love some more Bucks! Thanks a million kchwan, your a savior. :)

BooyahID: 32124930
My home stock exchanges

Q- I own 3 of them. It says where u purchase them in "wonders" I
The screen says I own 0 offices. I own bt 23 business and 6 of them were switched over to office buildings. Have I not been collecting off of them?

Q-how does the space galactic wonder, work when buying for population? How work with population? My population is bt 115,000 plus.

Thanks for any advice......ROSECREEK. ID32135917
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