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Businesses far away always cost bank notes watso ever. Businesses that are close and have high popularity like over 1000 will cost in bank notes. Franchising close by always cost coins. For example if business popularity 3000. It will cost around 30000 coins. So its around 10 times the popularity. Franchising far away always cost bank notes. Even popularity 1.
My Booyah ID is 30291134.
You can check my town by getting in to menu>Friends> and type ID in friends tab.
I have been playing for about 3 weeks now. I reached level 50. My population is 310390. I have 22 businesses. I own the MegaMall and 6 Stock exchanges.
What I noticed after 20 businesses it is better to put 30k in to stock exchange to get 20% income then get population up and try to build new one.
I guess after I get all cash need it I will start remodeling my “all offices” to real businesses.
At start better to save noted cash till 10 and unlock last building in housing – gives best population and income.
As of noted cash – there is 4 ways to get them:
1. Daily lottery each day after fifth
2. For getting level up
3. If someone franchise one of your businesses with noted cash
4. Or you can buy them with real cash.
Popularity go up if you check in into business, real life people check that in around me app, or by buying and selling it back.
Benefits of franchising: all jobs cost free, and popularity goes up if original owner keeps razing it.
Biscotti, how do you check the popularity of the business before buying it? I figured out how to do it before franchising but not before purchasing.

i found a bug and now im stuck. this is stupid
i had 1,967,410,209 coins.
and suddenly it just turned to negative.
i cant buy anything nor can i do nething...
u asking me how i got so much coins? well i built alot of wonders to stack.
this is stupid..
tony, you can check the popularity by checking in to the business first.

crystal, i figure that going too high in the coin account/coin income it might hit some sort of bug. My guess is that the coin balance is implemented using a 32bit sign number. The limit would be at 2^31 - 1, which is about 2.147 billion. Past that the 32th bit will flip making it being interpreted as a negative number. I'd think that if you accumulate another 2.147 billion the count will increment to the 33th bit and the 32 bits will go all 0s, going back the positive end. If you do get yourself back into the positive territory, remember to not exceed ~2 billion.

Maybe you'd want to report this as a bug to Booyah. But it might also bring their attention to how easy it is to make money by stacking wonders... I have already cut down on the number of Stock Exchange I got after getting about 4 million dollars with some ~20 Stock exchanges.
Biscotti, how do you check the popularity of the business before buying it? I figured out how to do it before franchising but not before purchasing.

You can chack popularity before you buy it by cheking-in on lower left corner and scroll down to see local businesses or chekcing friends towns stats.
In think better to franchise high popularity business for coins vs pay noted cash for them if you buy them directly. If you find one you want to franchise just go to that location and it will apear with coins option vs noted cash.

My most popular business is at 38. Wow! 100. I would be excited to have 100 popularity.


Can you all post what State you are located in or that you use for the game? It would be interesting to see.
I am at Boston MA
just franchised 3 last night:
1639, 1917 and 8111 popularity.
found on friednds towns went to business location and got them for coins.
If I start playing game all over I will set my lock to Paris - planty high pop businesses there.
I explored 'friends' from Paris, but they don't seem to have businesses that are really high pop?

There is this Starbucks in New York that have a pop of 150,000... The highest I got is only ~5000...
My most popular business is at 38. Wow! 100. I would be excited to have 100 popularity.


Can you all post what State you are located in or that you use for the game? It would be interesting to see.

I am from Victoria, BC, Canada my Booyah ID is 30716950.
My population is 370,135 and popularity is 7,253 with 24 businesses.
I have been at level 50 for 2 weeks now. I only have 8 bucks and need 50 to by more property, so it looks like I won't be buying any property anytime soon.
Here are my Stats:
BoyaahID: 30709300

Val's Town
Population: 363'130
Popularity: 12'486
23 Businesses
Level 50

Extended land up and including to 300k, now stuck at the 50 Bucks land :(
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Businesses limit

Looks like there is businesses limit at this time - 25
for 26th you need to raze population to 1,000,000,000
My Town Experience

I haven't been playing for very long but am currently at level 27 with 40,850 population. Some of my businesses are only up to 60 popularity but have noticed and realized that the more times you check in to them businesses you own the more the popularity rises. When you franchise someones business you get a certain percentage bonus, I have had 2 business franchised so far. But am really wondering how you earn the 'wonders.' I have placed the mega mall and it gives you about a 10% retail bonus, which isn't much, but how do you earn the other wonders that are available. My name on here if anyone wants to add me is KatieMarie and my ID is 29506299... :)
I kinda rigged my town a bit LOL...

Booyah ID: 28807351
Level: 46
Populations: 439,992
Popularity: 193, 409
Businesses: 25
Land: Completed

anyone know how da heck some ppl get 8xx,xxx popularity?!?!
my most pop bussiness is like Starbucks from NY City... I can only avg out 5xxx pop businesses =/
I kinda rigged my town a bit LOL...

Booyah ID: 28807351
Level: 46
Populations: 439,992
Popularity: 193, 409
Businesses: 25
Land: Completed

anyone know how da heck some ppl get 8xx,xxx popularity?!?!
my most pop bussiness is like Starbucks from NY City... I can only avg out 5xxx pop businesses =/

How did u rig it. R u on a jail broken device.
My Town 2 Blue Stars Stops at Level 50

1. At level 50, when collecting income from the rental properties or businesses, the blue stars are no longer being added to the count. I'm frozen at 48,020. Anyone else experiencing this too? What is your blue star count?
2. It also appears my population count has also stopped increasing.
Because both blue stars and population are so important for playing the game (at least as far as I've figured out), I'm hesitant to buy or open new businesses or new wonders since any bonuses are probably lost for good.
3. Anyone hear/read when higher levels will be released?

Nice to have found this site. Thanks to all who have posted here. A good read! :)
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1. At level 50, when collecting income from the rental properties or businesses, the blue stars are no longer being added to the count. I'm frozen at 48,020. Anyone else experiencing this too? What is your blue star count?

Mine froze at 48,054. That's normal I guess since there ain't any levels over 50 yet.

2. It also appears my population count has also stopped increasing.
Because both blue stars and population are so important for playing the game (at least as far as I've figured out), I'm hesitant to buy or open new businesses or new wonders since any bonuses are probably lost for good.
You can increase you population to whatever number you can, but currently it stops after 25 businesses, with about 400-and something thousand population.

3. Anyone hear/read when higher levels will be released?

No idea :( I wonder the same thing.


EDIT:// btw suddenly you can get also cash prices at the daily lottery instead the bills! :( :mad:
valmorra: Thank you for your reply. I haven't bought anything in a while. Guess it's time to spend some coins. lol!

kchkwan: Your town is amazing. It looks like you have every Wonder and so many great town items. I am impressed that you figured out how to have a large population with so few residences.
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I literally just started after reading this thread, so far it seems pretty fun. I an level 2 with 4k popularity. Just curious how long it takes to accumulate enough bucks to franchise? I was looking into franchising from a few people who posted their ID's and it's something like ~50 bucks.. seems like a long time to wait before I can franchise.

ID: 32126089


Also, do housing payments accumulate (i.e.: 3 homes @5$ each) If I don't play for like 2 days will i get the full amount OR one payment of 5$?
Maximum population limit?

I have been playing since the starting of November. When I hit the 25th level at first, there was a bug that caused the program to crash and then they fixed it.

My question is, does anybody know if the game crashes at a certain level for the population limit? Reason why I ask, is I find it odd that #1 population is 1.7 billion. and basically from #2 to #9ish is 1.0 billion and I have not seen rank 2-9 move for a while. My best guess is that the person at #1, made statue for 50K and then built the wonder to get 20%.

So does anyone know, does the game crash at 1 billion population?

**Also, I can say with a strong confidence level that checking into local places in your town, will add to your popularity. I do not know the other factors, but after 1 day of doing a lot of checkins, I noticed the next day that my numbers went up.
dhelsdon: Rental income does not accumulate. Once the coin appears alerting rent is ready to be collected, the clock stops and only begins again after collecting the revenue.

radicalrom: I agree, checking into any business, owned or not, will boost its popularity. So it makes sense to check into your own businesses to try and build it up,

Does anyone recall when a Wonder has finished building and its balloons are tapped, are any blue stars given?
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