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Selling a Business

I just found out that when you sell a business and buy a different one (both were local to my area), you cannot find it listed under "check-in". I even tried typing in the name of my new business and it still would not show up. Hard to increase its popularity if you can't check in!
I just found out that when you sell a business and buy a different one (both were local to my area), you cannot find it listed under "check-in". I even tried typing in the name of my new business and it still would not show up. Hard to increase its popularity if you can't check in!

I have done this before with no problem, have you tried hitting the refresh button in the screen where you check in?


Wow, I just got a surprise today.

I have been trying to save up for 50 bills to extend my property and even though I have only saved up 13 bills (being past level 50 and having no one franchise my property from far I'm only saving one bill per day from lottery) I thought I would look at the cost again, this time it changed, it only cost 340,000 coins (might not be exact as I bought the property right away as I couldn't believe my eyes) I then bought more property at 380,000 (again my numbers are guesses as I went on a buying spree). My next property is now at a cost of 420,000. Did this change for everyone? Or did this happen after I past the 25 business level?
RandomRadar: What great news! Some time ago, I read that the last 9 pieces of land cost at least 50 dollars each. I am so glad to hear it has changed to coins.

I've been noting the release notation and it's been changing: early Dec it was
As the Christmas items were released, the last 3 digits would be updated and as of today, it is now
It's a good sign! MT2 is being worked on! Yay!!! I'm looking forward to when new levels are released!
hey guys, im glad i found i place to talk about mytown 2.

lvl 40
population 175,180
17 business, although 5 are franchised

im in nyc and my most popular business is starbucks coffee 40819
3min $271
30min $1,110
2hrs $2,593
10hrs $5,566

i hope this helps those who were interested in knowing the payouts of the bigger businesses.

Hi i am glad that i found a good place to talk about my town 2.
I tried the location services thing that some people posted and i turned the location services off but i dont know how to change my location service to newyork city because i know that they have very high buisness popularity.

Please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ASAP


hey guys, im glad i found i place to talk about mytown 2.

lvl 40
population 175,180
17 business, although 5 are franchised

im in nyc and my most popular business is starbucks coffee 40819
3min $271
30min $1,110
2hrs $2,593
10hrs $5,566

i hope this helps those who were interested in knowing the payouts of the bigger businesses.

Did you have to pay bank notes? I live around detroit michigan and i have to pay 500 bank notes to get starbucks coffee.
Hi i am glad that i found a good place to talk about my town 2.
I tried the location services thing that some people posted and i turned the location services off but i dont know how to change my location service to newyork city because i know that they have very high buisness popularity.

Please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ASAP


Did you have to pay bank notes? I live around detroit michigan and i have to pay 500 bank notes to get starbucks coffee.

no i paid about $400,000 coins, and sorry i don't know how to change your location settings
Sry for late reply.
My co workers n i have nothing to do at work so we basically find ways to play around the My Town 2...

For me, my co worker n I took the file within the /root directory and just shoved it into my iPad 1st gen. (still running old ver of My Town 2 with the lock glitch) so basically I had 40 bank notes, I franchised the business and then he just keep collecting the bank notes while locking and unlocking the screen. I then just copied the new modified file bac to my iphone 4s.

I also know jailbroken ios devices can use iAPCracker, but then sadly it doesn't work with the My Town 2 with the wutever...
However, if ur lucky enough to find a jailbroken device, try downloading the OLD .ipa of My Town 2 and use the iAPCracker to cheat those bank notes. Then franchise your own business by setting your location of ur jailbroken device away from ur default place, resulting in bank notes as reward of someone franchising.

Lastly, my co worker was able to delete his friggin My Town 2 and reset his location everytime, allowing him to purchase every business with only coins...
I wasn't able to do it, it actually deleted my game with it for some reason... so try at ur own risk for this one.

Btw, am I even allowed to talk about this here? lol??
biglou2n, yeah where is that starbucks? I live in midtown (34th/lex) but that startbucks isn't showing up in my neighborhood and i'm willing to go to where is it in NYC to snag it! thanks

I need help with the location glitch or any glitch or cheat i need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad:
biglou2n, yeah where is that starbucks? I live in midtown (34th/lex) but that startbucks isn't showing up in my neighborhood and i'm willing to go to where is it in NYC to snag it! thanks

actually i franchised the starbucks. they're a few players downtown with starbucks.
Need help

Anyone knows one of the highest popularity bussines in mytown? So far I've only found one with 29,000 of popularity. Let me know if you know any bussines :)

I'm at level 17 , 10385 population. I have a problem that I can't see how much coins or bucks I have and how much anything costs ! So I'm just buying blindly :(:mad:


Anyone has or had this issue ? Or has a solution for it ? :confused:
01010: Thank you for your reply.

moh16us: That looks like a serious bug. My coins and bucks have never vanished before. Better ask Booyah directly.

I've noticed some towns have a red convertible driving around. Which item gives that car?

I have the normal ice cream truck, ambulance, police car, taxi, firetruck, blue or yellow VW buses, turkey and pilgrim. Anyone have any unusual animations in their towns? And please share which item gave them. :) Thanks.

I'm at level 17 , 10385 population. I have a problem that I can't see how much coins or bucks I have and how much anything costs ! So I'm just buying blindly :(:mad:

Anyone has or had this issue ? Or has a solution for it ? :confused:

Try to delete App from iphone/ipod and reinstall it.
Looks like it stored on server. I was trying to start from scratch on my ipod, but getting same game from spot i left off.
BTW, best PSI (population per square inch) item so far for coins is “subway station” not “power plant” – you can put 9 of them per cleared square, but only 4 plants. And for noted is “Stature of Liberty”
licat / Thank you for your response. I contact Booyah already and still waiting for their reply.

Try to delete App from iphone/ipod and reinstall it.
Looks like it stored on server. I was trying to start from scratch on my ipod, but getting same game from spot i left off.

Thanks o1o1o
If I delete the app my town will be gone ? :(
Thanks o1o1o
If I delete the app my town will be gone ? :(

Looks like your town stored on game server and bound to device.
So even you will try to start from scratch you will end up with same progress you had. (at list that was my experience)
o1o1o: Thank you for writing the red convertible is from the mansion.

Also, what a revelation to learn that the subway station is actually better than the power plant when it comes to population. Either can be bought with coins, so that makes it easy to choose which to buy.
Looks like your town stored on game server and bound to device.
So even you will try to start from scratch you will end up with same progress you had. (at list that was my experience)

I deleted the app and reinstalled it but the same problem still there and nothing changed :(
My observations

Im a newbie so forgive me if this has been covered.

I'm bummed about the level 50 cutoff. Hopefully they expand the game soon.

The mega mall wonder stacks (as mentioned before). I switched all my businesses to retail and placed 48 mega malls. My business with the highest payout is a Costco. Its incredible how quickly the cash is coming now. Payouts below:
3 min: 5,529
30 min: 22,508
2 hours: 52,583
10 hours: 112,831
Popularity of this business is only 58. All the other businesses are in this general payout range but this one is better than the rest. I'm getting 400k every 30 minutes. Crazy!
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