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Can someone pass on the trick to stacking. I wasnt able to stack my stock exchange. Then all of the sudden I could do it. Bought another one and can't stack this one
Can someone pass on the trick to stacking. I wasnt able to stack my stock exchange. Then all of the sudden I could do it. Bought another one and can't stack this one

You should be able to stack them. I have 12 businesses, all turned into offices, at level 5, and i pull in roughly, 100,000 on each building every 4 hrs. with 21 stock exchanges. Just make sure your buildings/businisses are all Offices for the stock exchanges to work, and build a lot of stock exchanges. It also helps to have franchised businesses, you make more with them, plus it's free to run them!

Hope this helps. :)

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My Goals.

Not sure if someone has posted this yet, I apologize if it is a repost!!
The "Goals" on my game have disappered, not sure if that's a part of the game. As soon as I hit level 26 she isn't on my screen anymore. Anyone know what it could be?! :confused:

Thanks for the help!.
Not sure if someone has posted this yet, I apologize if it is a repost!!
The "Goals" on my game have disappeared, not sure if that's a part of the game. As soon as I hit level 26 she isn't on my screen anymore. Anyone know what it could be?! :confused:

I believe this is normal. It just means you've checked into everything, and built everything, the goals required, up to this level. More goals should open up as you progress further into the game. Up to level 50, which at this moment is the furthest you can go.

I'm the same; no goals, level 36.

I believe this is normal. It just means you've checked into everything, and built everything, the goals required, up to this level. More goals should open up as you progress further into the game. Up to level 50, which at this moment is the furthest you can go.

I'm the same; no goals, level 36.


Thanks so much! I thought it was just me or a bug :(.

Waiting for Higher Levels and Land

Hi there!

Who has maxed out?
Are you waiting for:
- levels 51+?
- more lands?
- new goals?
- all?

How long have you been waiting?
I've been waiting since mid December. I like the game very much, its theme, its graphics, but being stalled for so long is a huge disappointment. The holiday items helped a great deal, but now it's a new year, so c'mon please expand My Town2!
Still can't stack

You should be able to stack them. I have 12 businesses, all turned into offices, at level 5, and i pull in roughly, 100,000 on each building every 4 hrs. with 21 stock exchanges. Just make sure your buildings/businisses are all Offices for the stock exchanges to work, and build a lot of stock exchanges. It also helps to have franchised businesses, you make more with them, plus it's free to run them!

Hope this helps. :)


I have all my buildings as offices just not at level 5. Most are but three are not don't know if that might make a difference Still can't stack. It's odd that I was able to stack two but not the third.
I have all my buildings as offices just not at level 5. Most are but three are not don't know if that might make a difference Still can't stack. It's odd that I was able to stack two but not the third.

That is wierd, hope you don't have a bug. Try and get 4-5 more Stock exchanges going and see if there is a difference in your income. I wrote down the exact $ and the specific business before I opened up my first five stock exchanges to make sure I was getting the %20 offered from building them, and I was, so I kept on building more and noticed a major difference when I had about 15 stock exchanges running.

That is wierd, hope you don't have a bug. Try and get 4-5 more Stock exchanges going and see if there is a difference in your income. I wrote down the exact $ and the specific business before I opened up my first five stock exchanges to make sure I was getting the %20 offered from building them, and I was, so I kept on building more and noticed a major difference when I had about 15 stock exchanges running.


I just bought 2 more a cou
Casino Question

Does anybody know what the Lucky Chance Casino does? I bought it but i don't see much of a difference in my business's income.

my booyah id: 29511616
Add Me!;)
lucky chance casino

I have the same question about the's taking up alot of space and I haven't noticed a difference in my income.

I assumed "2x coins chance" in its 'details' meant that I had a better chance of getting 2x's the amount of coins (at times) with this "wonder".

Any ideas??
Getting coins or bucks

Does anyone know ow to get more coins and bucks without paying for them? Also, where can I go to settings? I have no sound in the game from my iPad2 but my sound is on high for the iPad

I just started playing and am confused.

Snoopy--you get coins from completing "jobs" for the businesses you own as well as by collecting rent on the property you own. The cash is rewarded three ways (check the other posts here...lots of info on cash).

As for settings, get there by tapping 'menu' then go to 'stats'. At the top to the left of your town name, tap on the icon of the gears.

Hope that helps.
More help

Hi arc,

Thanks for the help. I went to setting and it says sound is on but I cannot get sound, weird. I have sound on my iPad for other things.

I have been reading that their are cheats for getting more coins and bucks does anyone know how to get them?

Also, I only opened one local business the rest I bought (Nintendo store, Oprah, radio city music hall, etc). How do I check into businesses that do not appear on the check in list?
My town 2......lots of questions??

Hello everyone....First time one here, today....
I have so many questions...hoping to get lots of answers. I am on level 25, have pop of 62,000, and land going for 115,000 is killing me. My Booyah ID number is 32135917. My town is ROSECREEK. play off a IPOD.
If I can give someone a e-mail address to correspond i would be glad to....
1-I have seen business that are 30 mi from where I live only show up one time when I have "checked-In" There are alot bigger town around me that are 60 mi away and none of them are listed or I cannot type them to access any towns.
2-How do your "franchise" ?
3-Tiny town 10 mi from me has 2 business listed when you "check in". How did they get in the game?
4-Some of the business I have chosen do not show up when I choose to "check in"...why are they not listed?
5-I chose a leading heart cath lab as part of a leading hosptial....It shows "0" popularity.....????Why? I set the timer to collect money, but still show "0" popularity. How do you increase popularity?
I have alot other questions......enough for now. Hope someone can help me. I just bought a new york stock exchange building like I read in one of the forums pages. It takes forever to build money up to balance everyting before you can buy more business......and I am a VERY patient person.....
6-Any shortcuts or tips anyone has would be helpful since Booyah has not provided any helpful hints or legends to help us enjoy the game more. I LOVE THIS GAME!!!!!
Thank to all.
I am needing help, too.

hey Ive been playin my town for 2 weeks now, theres like no guides or tips or strategy talks anywhere about this game... I guess I'll have to start it out...
where im living, all the businesses have low popularity... the highest is 200 and others are around 100... do u have a business with a high popularity? What i figured out was that thehigher the popularity of the business the more you get paid per time although it is expensive to buy one...
What i figured out was that wonders help alot. and for example if your a starter and want to make fast money, you get wonders with the same bonuses and remodel all your businesses for the bonus, this way you could make more money.

Also does anyone know the popularity for the businesses you buy with like 100 bank notes in the business search section? for example booyah building

I really get jealous of people that have businesses with thousands of popularity... Wondering how much they cost to buy and how much they giv for 3 mins
I posted as bigbridge59 a new posting 1-14-2012. I have alot of questions i am sure like you have. BooyahID # is Any help would be very helpful.
My town is in hardin county, il. My booyah town is called ROSECREEK
Become a billionaire

It's quite easy. The game offers wonders to increase the value of buildings. Get as many stock exchanges as you can. And you must remodel your buildings to be an office. It does not matter if it used to be a restaurant, you can change them into offices. I used to receive 100 coins every 3 min. Now I receive 500,000 coins every three minutes per building. Careful this will make the game boring after you have more money than you know what do with it!
Selling a business

I just found out that when you sell a business and buy a different one (both were local to my area), you cannot find it listed under "check-in". I even tried typing in the name of my new business and it still would not show up. Hard to increase its popularity if you can't check in!

My town il ROSECREEK and ID I am with same problem.
I dont know why they don't show up. You would think that maybe with a GPS that booyah would use a GPS to let ALL and ANY players be able to click on any business around "se" to use our business to "check in" on. How does one do a "franchise"?
I need lots of help.
Hope to help you, too
How to increase coins

My town billionaire, ou said to change them to offices to increas coin count. Does it matter what type of office you remodel to?

Also, is there a way to increase bucks without paying?
Can u update a "owned" business to a "franchise", like -Mcdonalds?

If I am beginning to understand this a little better---ihow can u pick out a business & upgrade it into a "franchise"? I have saved up and picked one of someone elses. I don't know what to do. Any suggestions?
My ID 32135917. Town isROSECREEK. Emai is
My town billionaire, ou said to change them to offices to increas coin count. Does it matter what type of office you remodel to?

Also, is there a way to increase bucks without paying?

It does not matter which office you upgrade to, as long as your stacking your stock exchanges, your buildings can look whatever you like as long as your in the office category.
Only way to get bucks for free is to level up and the daily lottery, so save your bucks. Hope this helps!

If I am beginning to understand this a little better---ihow can u pick out a business & upgrade it into a "franchise"? I have saved up and picked one of someone elses. I don't know what to do. Any suggestions?
My ID 32135917. Town isROSECREEK. Emai is

You can only franchise someone elses business or if someone visits your town and likes your business, they can franchise from you. Hope this helps!

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Don't try to become a billionaire

After your coins reach the maximum amount, the game messes up a you have negative coins. All others players report the same issue. This game is setup poorly, compared to the original tap games 3 years ago.
After your coins reach the maximum amount, the game messes up a you have negative coins. All others players report the same issue. This game is setup poorly, compared to the original tap games 3 years ago.

Is that maximum amount around the 2.2 billion mark?

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