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I not sure if this is accurate but if I search a business then hit the refresh button, it will start searches closest then expand outwards, further away. I also prefer to franchise, more money in return, and its free! :)

How to get stock exchange?

It's quite easy. The game offers wonders to increase the value of buildings. Get as many stock exchanges as you can. And you must remodel your buildings to be an office. It does not matter if it used to be a restaurant, you can change them into offices. I used to receive 100 coins every 3 min. Now I receive 500,000 coins every three minutes per building. Careful this will make the game boring after you have more money than you know what do with it!

How do you get stock exchanges. I;m a little confused :S :eek:
I love the upgrades, but my game keeps on closing on me and I lose all coins and goals. Seems like I have to exit out of the game to save progress. Anyone else having this problem?
new levels, new shops.. come franchise

my booyah ID: 31971277

Hello All,

as you may know this game is location based, and if you live in an area that doesn't have many 'super' popular shops, there is a solution to that. is a trick trick you can do, but only once.

in the location services menu in your iPhone, turn off the option for this game.

next time you start the game, it will ask you to choose a location. you can choose one like New York, where there are many popular shops (remember, the more popular the shop, the more coins you get for each job).

if you have done this and you try to franchise shops in New York, it can either ask you to pay bills or coins. if it asks you for bills, it is because the game assumes you are far from that location. if it asks for coins then you ought to be close.

if you get the bills option, close the game completely (not just click the home button) and restart the game. with this, the problem should be solved and the shop should be available to franchise for coins. it has happened to me many times.

if you want to get back to the shops in your original hometown, you just need to turn on the location services again.

additionally, if you are looking for good shops to franchise in New York, you can visit my town, i have a good collection of very popular shops, and the more people franchise them, the more popular they get.

come visit my town.

location: New York city

some shops (and their popularity) I have are:

Starbucks: 24123
Super fashions: 11692
Key Food supermarket: 8413
La cuccina: 8268
Burger king:9547
Dunkin Donuts: 6979
Four Seasons: 6733
3Z restaurant: 5863

and more...

if you have some popular shops i'll franchise from you.

my booyah ID: 31971277
Wow the game caught my attention today once again with the update. I'm getting gifted every once in awhile which helps keep me attracted...

Just to update, businesses with higher levels opens up options for ppl to gift during their visit to ur town.

Currently 26 businesses is no longer the limit. I can open up to 33 atm!!!
I got shops around the world with decent popularity, franchise if it helps u :)

Anyone know any ither businesses that have REALLY high popularity? Excluding the ones i have already.

Booyah ID: 28807351
Message from Booyah:

"Hello Shona,


Thank you for your patience while we worked to fix the negative currency issue.* We have just fixed it so if you log into the game, you should be positive again.* If it is not, please let me know!* Thank you so much!






AND IT'S WORKED! Back to positive coins (£1.9bn rather than £2.1 buy hey ho!)
Message from Booyah:

"Hello Shona,


Thank you for your patience while we worked to fix the negative currency issue.* We have just fixed it so if you log into the game, you should be positive again.* If it is not, please let me know!* Thank you so much!






AND IT'S WORKED! Back to positive coins (£1.9bn rather than £2.1 buy hey ho!)

Woohoo! Back to positives and being able to buy things/do jobs again haha. I too also went down to $1.9B instead of $2.1B-ish.. but whatever. Haha. Wonder if it'll flip again at $2.2B or if theres a new limit?

Also, Tallet, is your towns Earnings, under Stats, still negative? Mine is...

Bought all the new expansions too except for the corner. (Expansions are all still constructions sites and won't let me purchase the last piece yet) But I'm guessing the last piece is going to be around $2M since the last piece I bought was $1.89M.

Finally back to playing though =)
Booyah ID: 29238777
Woohoo! Back to positives and being able to buy things/do jobs again haha. I too also went down to $1.9B instead of $2.1B-ish.. but whatever. Haha. Wonder if it'll flip again at $2.2B or if theres a new limit?

Also, Tallet, is your towns Earnings, under Stats, still negative? Mine is...

Bought all the new expansions too except for the corner. (Expansions are all still constructions sites and won't let me purchase the last piece yet) But I'm guessing the last piece is going to be around $2M since the last piece I bought was $1.89M.

Finally back to playing though =)
Booyah ID: 29238777

Well I'm up to $2.5bn and it hasn't flipped again. Yes, my earnings under stats say -$1.5bn so I guess what it's done is taken the number I was at when they flipped it (-2bn) and I've earnt £0.5bn since so that makes -£1.5bn. It would appear that this number is irrelevant.

I did the same with the land - when we take ownership I'm sure it will let us buy that last square.


My Id is 30611578 if you want to take a look. :)
Less Land?

I bought all of the land after stacking up a few million coins. Now after the update it has about 13 blocks of land that says I have not puchased yet. The land is going for around $820,000 now.
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OnlyLifted: The original size of a fully purchased MY2 was 6 rows X 6 rows (=36). If you count the size now, it is 7X7 (=49). Hopefully the empty plots showing for you are in reality the increased number of plots that were released on Jan 19. I suspect they are since the price $820K is the cost to buy the first plot of the 7th row of land. Keep in mind, each successive plot will increase in cost.

BikeBoyJr: I have been stuck at level 50 since December. If you skim earlier posts here, you will find there are other players also stalled at 50. Blue Stars (EXP) are not being added to the total. Literally thousands of Blue Stars that were generated from jobs, leveling up, Errands (Jan 19 new feature) and Gifts have not been added to my total.

Booyah: Please hear your players' pleas. We need new levels soonest possible! I hope you can offer some remedy to add the stars that were uncounted. They take so much time (which I don't mind) to accumulate. I just hope they aren't gone forever. Thanks!
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restarting game

Hey guys my booyah id is 30138906 please franchise. more importantly i have an important question. If i delete the app and then buy it again (so that i can change my location) does it lose my progress? please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I upgraded to a new iPhone and lost my town. :( Now I have to start from scratch... anyone know how I can get my town back? Wish I could just log in somewhere with my Booyah ID but it doesn't seem like I can.

Word of advice... make sure you back up your iPhone before upgrading. :(
Blue Star EXP Question

sportsdevon: If I understood your question; and I don't actually know, but think about it--deleting then re-buying the app means it will be all new without your information so you'll have to start all over.

MystickStar: Since your town still exists, obviously it's still in Booyah's server. Perhaps Booyah might be able to help you get it installed on your new cell? Doesn't hurt to ask them directly. Good luck.

I have my own question:
For those whose blue stars are no longer being added to your EXP total, are you still working your business jobs and leveling up? Or are you just waiting until new levels will be released?
I've continued to level up and letting 60, 150, 175 stars "float away". Some of my businesses are now ready for level 8, but I sure hate losing 200 stars for each business. :(

What are your strategies with the blue star situation?
Thanks for sharing.
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Hey guys my booyah id is 30138906 please franchise. more importantly i have an important question. If i delete the app and then buy it again (so that i can change my location) does it lose my progress? please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No you will not lose your progress. I have done that several times to get closer to businesses to buy them for lower costs and your town stays the same. I don't know why, what LICAT said does make sense, but your progress does not get deleted.
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Has anybody tried this with a iPod touch?

No you will not lose your progress. I have done that several times to get closer to businesses to buy them for lower costs and your town stays the same. I don't know why, what LICAT said does make sense, but your progress does not get deleted.

I actually found this out by accident because I wanted to restart my town. I deleted the app and reinstalled and saw that my previous town was there.

When you delete the app and go back into the App Store, the Blue Box should say Install rather then Free next to the App Name. This means that you have previously installed the app and your progress is still saved on your device.
I deleted the app (very scary thought I lost it all) anyway wasn't sure what to do next so I just reloaded mt2. Nothing change don't understand about changing location. I have a goal to check in T a cafe with in 25meters and there's nothing that close to where I live
Does anyone know how I can get on My Town 2 on my iPad and iPhone? My friend can play the same game on both iPad and iPhone but I am only able to play on one - my iPhone starts from the beginning level 1. I'm signed in on both with the same game centre account.

Also I can put business tasks on my 3mins,30 mins,2 hours and 10 hours whereas he can only do 3mins, 15mins, 1hour, 4 hours, why is his different?

Any help would be great.

Not completely sure but i think it has to do with different versions of the game. Either iPad to iPhone, or country to country. Just different versions.

Booyah ID:32124930

I'm trying to figure out the formula myself, I have it on my iPhone 4 and iPad and I can play the same game. When I log into it however it tells me that I'm logged in another location and lets me proceed anyway. Funny thing is at first installed My Town 2 onto my iPhone and then I got the iPad and installed it there, on my iphone I had my current location but wanted more popularity so I turned off the location services and selected Boston, and it got stuck that way. On the iPad I turned off the location settings and set the city to Los Angeles. So now when I log into my phone I get all these globetrotter bonuses when I check in, and again when I go back into my iPad. I kind of want the settings on my phone to be Los Angeles though, since that's where I have all my businesses. I only use my phone to check on the game when I'm out and about since it has a constant 3g connection.

I downloaded it onto my husband's iPhone 4, for my son and he has the version where you can select, 3mins, 15mins, 1 hour, and 4 hours. Even after the update the settings are the same.

Also, I turned on location services on both my husbands phone and mine, his phone was right next to mine and I tried to see if his town was nearby on when I tapped "Explore", I didn't see his town nearby at all. Strange huh? I finally had to add him using his Booyah ID

Another interesting thing I noticed was, I visited a town that had a very high popularity business that you could buy with coins, when I was finally able to buy it, it was back to cash. I logged in again later and it was back to coins. I noticed that if I completely get out of the game and turn off the iPad it changes..


I'm wondering if them letting you play it on two devices was a glitch of some sort, I recently downloaded Pet Town onto iPad and it automatically gets installed on to my iPhone because of iCloud, on the iPhone I have to start a whole new game.
Totally addicted to this game. It's like playing interactive monopoly or millionaire's game lol

So at first I bought local biz in soCal and after reading the posts here I was able to reset my location to be in LA. I notice that at least most of the biz here in soCal i can buy using coins. I sold my not so popular biz and bought/franchised the popular ones that I can buy using coins. Only biz I bought using bucks is Univ Studios and it's worth the pay off.

I still don't understand the pricing of the "hot" biz. Like Disneyland, when I searched biz in Anaheim, there are a number of Disneyland biz that came out but only one is "hot" and I have to use bucks (not coins) to buy it. I thought if I'm near a biz, I can buy it using coins no matter how "hot" it is.

BooyahID: 32709371
Population: 39490
Popularity: 8711

As I stated above something is weird, I thought Disneyland was pretty close too, as I have my location set to Los Angeles, I forgot who I franchised from but they had Disneyland that had a popularity of two-thousand something and I got it with coins, somewhere in the twenty thousand range. Not sure how high of a popularity you want but see what it tells you when you go into mine, my Disneyland is the one with the water slide, the person I franchised from had it that way.
Hey I have a quick question...

What is the limit for the number of businesses you can have in your town? I know before I thought the limit was 22 but then I checked in with one of my friends and he has 30+ businesses.
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What does "stacking" mean?

I see where someone said that used the "wonders bought" to stack . I guess the more you have of "wonders" the more it will increse population, $$$, etc.
ID # 35135917


Q-Seems like ever since the new update this last week, me IPOD will blink, reverts to the "BOOYAH" main screen, and reverts to my last "known entered" coin count. I then have to "RECLICK" off my coins off of my screen, again.
Seems like I didn't have this trouble until this week.....anyone have same issue. I have had to do it 3 times before 1pm today.
Thanks, my fellow town supporters.


I am a little confused...I notice when I check into a business using my check-in button, the "jobs" do not update.
Does using the check-in button > my "jobs" so I can level up or does the check-in button add popularity.
Any thoughts to help me straighten out any facts will be appreciated.


LOL....but serious.
I decided I need a financial analist to look over my ROSECREEK, IL town. If anyone has any suggestions on what I can sell to make way for further business adventures, please feel free to give my any suggestions. . I live close to Etown, Rosiclare, Cave in Rock, Il. I cant seem to buy "bucks" all the time.....
Woulk like to see oil wells, car wash, and ATM that converts coins to bucks. Everyone have a good day.
BridgiBOOYAH ID 32135917
MystickStar: Since your town still exists, obviously it's still in Booyah's server. Perhaps Booyah might be able to help you get it installed on your new cell? Doesn't hurt to ask them directly. Good luck.

Thank you for checking for me! I think I will -- I was hoping it would have saved in Game Center but I guess not. I will contact Booyah and see if there's a way.
Screen keeps blinking off and on, too......

I love the upgrades, but my game keeps on closing on me and I lose all coins and goals. Seems like I have to exit out of the game to save progress. Anyone else having this problem?

This is big bridge. See my posting this date, below. I have the same problem. I am getting a little annoyed about my screen going off and then coming back on. Says it cannot connect to the game server? I thought it was our local internet sisnce they are upgrading to fiber optic here in Extreme So. Il but I did not have that problem till this new upgrade. I have been playing nor for about 1 month. I am using my IPOD. My $$$$ reverts to the last known $$$$ that I had, and I have to redo the screen again of the quoins and the money that was there........annoying. If anyone has any ideas, write or email me
We may have to email Booyah and ask there.
Keep playing........ :)
This is big bridge. See my posting this date, below. I have the same problem. I am getting a little annoyed about my screen going off and then coming back on. Says it cannot connect to the game server? I thought it was our local internet sisnce they are upgrading to fiber optic here in Extreme So. Il but I did not have that problem till this new upgrade. I have been playing nor for about 1 month. I am using my IPOD. My $$$$ reverts to the last known $$$$ that I had, and I have to redo the screen again of the quoins and the money that was there........annoying. If anyone has any ideas, write or email me
We may have to email Booyah and ask there.
Keep playing........ :)

I have just gotten into the habit of turn off the game when ever I collect rent. When I open the game again and it "resumes" that save my $$$$

Love the idea re: ATM to convert coins into bucks.
SportsDevon: Glad that OnlyLifted was able to give you an answer to you about re buying the app.

Interesting to learn that someone can re-buy the MT2 app and it will still have the progress. This is something I might want to try. But it's scary to even consider deleting the game :D
(Come to think of it, the app isn't being re-purchased--it's being re-installed so then it does make sense the game's progress still exists.)

This I know ;) prior to the Jan 19 update, the max no. of businesses was 25, assuming the player met the population required size. Since the update, I think someone here has been able to buy a total of 33 businesses, but I haven't read if anyone has max'ed out yet.

prior to Jan 19
404,000 population -- #25 business
after the Jan 19 update
562,000 population -- #27
forgot to note -- #28
forgot to note -- #29
605,000 population -- #30

bigbridge59: MT2 will blank and kick me all the way out. I have to restart. Sometimes I lose all my progress and sometimes not.

My XP has been frozen at 48,020
I know I keep mentioning how blue stars are no longer being added to the XP count but that's because I'm interested to hear what other people think. So far, perhaps 3 thousand stars have been awarded but not added to my total (at least on the screen). I'm hoping XP won't matter anymore, but somehow I doubt that and XP will become a part of the game again.
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