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Visiting other peoples towns

Can someone explain why when I visit other towns I see ginger bread houses, snow park and a countdown ball? But in my own town I cannot purchase these things?
Snoopy1967: The items you listed were all offered for sale during the previous Christmas season. Booyah periodically releases new decorations, community items, and even Wonders, to celebrate various holidays. The items are available to buy for a short time and then removed from the for sale lists.
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No you will not lose your progress. I have done that several times to get closer to businesses to buy them for lower costs and your town stays the same. I don't know why, what LICAT said does make sense, but your progress does not get deleted.

I actually found this out by accident because I wanted to restart my town. I deleted the app and reinstalled and saw that my previous town was there.

When you delete the app and go back into the App Store, the Blue Box should say Install rather then Free next to the App Name. This means that you have previously installed the app and your progress is still saved on your device.

Thanks i am gonna try it out i hope it works!!!!!!!!!!
Making money

So I have made lots of coins by building stock exchanges but as far as earning bucks it is impossible and now everything is super expensive to buy. I would need over 400 bucks to buy a wonder or other cool stuff. What is the deal with that?
So I have made lots of coins by building stock exchanges but as far as earning bucks it is impossible and now everything is super expensive to buy. I would need over 400 bucks to buy a wonder or other cool stuff. What is the deal with that?

It's called addiction:)
Market Task

For the Market task, every market type business i try to check into, it doesnt do anything for the task. Which businesses do i need to check into to get the market tast out of the way?

I was hoping to find good businesses to franchise from here but you all have terrible stats. My best business has popularity of 88,963 and my average business popularity is over 10k if anybody else has good stats I wanna franchise from you. btw when I franchise you make bank notes instead of coins.

Booyah ID: 31796363
I was hoping to find good businesses to franchise from here but you all have terrible stats. My best business has popularity of 88,963 and my average business popularity is over 10k if anybody else has good stats I wanna franchise from you. btw when I franchise you make bank notes instead of coins.

Booyah ID: 31796363

Yeah it's hard to find something that doesn't require so much cash otherwise I'd have more attractive businesses for you.. You can see if you're interested in Begins Cafe Catering in my town, according to the stats it has a popularity of 88,681. I was able to get it with coins.

Booyah ID: 31869580


For the Market task, every market type business i try to check into, it doesnt do anything for the task. Which businesses do i need to check into to get the market tast out of the way?

Tap on any business, then tap on the paintbrush icon, on the left you will see where it says "choose your look". On the right there's a drop down arrow with all the different options to renovate, select Market and whatever style you want, then go to check ins and check into the business you just changed to Market. It should work that way. :)


So I have made lots of coins by building stock exchanges but as far as earning bucks it is impossible and now everything is super expensive to buy. I would need over 400 bucks to buy a wonder or other cool stuff. What is the deal with that?

Did you see the option where you can earn free bucks now?
Do NOT Delete the App

Ya..... I would hold off in deleting the app. I don't know, try it at your own risk I guess, but my town just got deleted.
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Ya..... I would hold off in deleting the app. I don't know, try it at your own risk I guess, but my town just got deleted.

I know literally yesterday I said it was fine to delete the app to change your lcoation. Actually, I have done it probably 20 times with no problems. But just yesterday I tried to change my lcoation by deleting the app, but this time it says I have to restart.

I guess somehow my town got deleted. I don't know how it happened, maybe I powered off my phone the same time the app was uninstalling and that screwed it up, I don't know. But like I said, try it at your own risk. It worked 20 times for me but for some reason this time it didn't.

Actually, even though I can't access my previous town my stats are still in GameCenter. If you could, check me out and see if I appear or yours.

My GameCenter name is Mark Stanchez. In MyTown 2 I am currently ranked #11 overall in popularity with 751,982. My picture is Kid Cudi Man on the Moon album cover to help you find it easier. If you can find me, send me a Friend Request. I will accept check to see if a bunch of stuff is in my town. Franchise my businesses to help your town out at the least.

Please let me know if you can find me. Thanks.

Found you a while ago when I was adding people ranked higher than me and I was wondering why your town was empty but still had high stats. I have deleted over 20 times to change location probably going to be more reluctant to do so now. When you would get franchised by other people did you earn bank notes? just recently it started earning me bank notes...


Yeah it's hard to find something that doesn't require so much cash otherwise I'd have more attractive businesses for you.. You can see if you're interested in Begins Cafe Catering in my town, according to the stats it has a popularity of 88,681. I was able to get it with coins.

Booyah ID: 31869580

I will franchise your begins cafe since I need to repurchase it, I bought it when the stats were much lower. you should franchise some of my businesses so my stats increase and let me know how many bank notes you earn from me and maybe return favor :)
As I stated above something is weird, I thought Disneyland was pretty close too, as I have my location set to Los Angeles, I forgot who I franchised from but they had Disneyland that had a popularity of two-thousand something and I got it with coins, somewhere in the twenty thousand range. Not sure how high of a popularity you want but see what it tells you when you go into mine, my Disneyland is the one with the water slide, the person I franchised from had it that way.

I noticed that after the upgrade, lots of "hot" biz showing when you go Store - Business Search are MUCH more expensive now.
Nyway, I'm in soCal and good thing I was able to franchise Disneyland (Popularity 32372) from a "neighbor", I paid a premium 200k though but in coins.
I've reset my location once to Los Angeles btw.
Still haven't figured the multiple Disneyland entries but franchising is much better anyway. Feel free to franchise from me. =)

Also got Beverly Hills Hotel (Popularity 24610). I've yet to get that Begins Cafe biz. I know these biz are not as popular as the NY ones but oh well, good to know the good biz around here in soCal and imagine it's all in the same town lol. When I can afford it I'll try to get the more popular ones from NY and other places. Enjoy!

BooyahID: 32709371
Ashley2021: Ya you can get a bunch of bucks when people franchise your business. Some dude franchised three of my businesses and I got around 2480 bucks.

Haha. Not anymore though...
iPad and iPhone game diff.

Is it normal or right that I am level 12 on my iPhone but when I put the app on my iPad it's an empty town?? Shouldn't they be the same? :confused:
Does anyone know how many bucks you earn from a gift? my apple store is my only lvl 10 and I've yet to recieve a gift there...

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OnlyLifted: Oh noes! Sorry to hear about losing your town. If you're willing to share your Booyah # maybe someone here can check to see if it might still exists? If yes, perhaps Booyah might be able to help get it back for you?
I don't know. I think my Booyah ID has changed since my previous town got erased. People who added me as friends through GameCenter say there is nothing in my town so I assume it's deleted.

I emailed Booyah but I guess for now I will start a new town and see what happens if they email me back.

Hopefully won't take too long to get a good town going again :)
Ashley, check out my town. 33054518


we had sone of the same businesses but yours were much higher popularity I'm going to have to delete mine and rebuy them. whoa do those stock exchanges really stack? your coin income must be crazy if they do. I was thinking of stacking Eiffel towers but I don't wanna waste the cash
Stock exchange

Ashley, the stock exchanges have give me me over 450 million coins. It was well worth the 30,000 coins to buy it. I have been avoiding buying wonders for bucks because bucks are so hard to get unless you want to buy them for real cash. I thought someone said you get bucks when someone franchises from you? If that is true that would be great.
OnlyLifted: We have to remember, it's only a game. And now you get to try out different things that you learned from your other game. No telling how fast you will be able to progress. Share your # and now you can receive gifts. That's such a great feature that Booyah added that I didn't have when I first started a few months ago.

Just a thought about buying multiple Wonders (e.g. Eiffel Tower or Stock Exchange, or whatever)
It depends on what one wants to focus on while playing the game. The space is so limited, with the exception of buying a whole lot of high rise condos for the steady supply of coins, I've resisted buying many multiples of other items because part of my amusement is making mine look like a little town. I try, anyway.
I suggest visiting other towns and looking at their composition. If you don't mind looking at rows and rows of the same item, then go for it.:) My progress is definitely slower with having to save up dollars and coins, but I like looking at the little characters and moving things around in my town.
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Ashley, the stock exchanges have give me me over 450 million coins. It was well worth the 30,000 coins to buy it. I have been avoiding buying wonders for bucks because bucks are so hard to get unless you want to buy them for real cash. I thought someone said you get bucks when someone franchises from you? If that is true that would be great.

yeah I earned around 2500 cash bucks when a town called "gods town" franchised like 5 of my businesses. every other time I just received coins I don't know if it's because their town was so good or if they bought my franchise maybe with cash bucks instead of coins. I'm saving coins to franchise of your businesses right now let me know if it pays you in coins or cash. my town name is Ashley's town


OnlyLifted: We have to remember, it's only a game. And now you get to try out different things that you learned from your other game. No telling how fast you will be able to progress. Share your # and now you can receive gifts. That's such a great feature that Booyah added that I didn't have when I first started a few months ago.

Just a thought about buying multiple Wonders (e.g. Eiffel Tower or Stock Exchange, or whatever)
It depends on what one wants to focus on while playing the game. The space is so limited, with the exception of buying a whole lot of high rise condos for the steady supply of coins, I've resisted buying many multiples of other items because part of my amusement is making mine look like a little town. I try, anyway.
I suggest visiting other towns and looking at their composition. If you don't mind looking at rows and rows of the same item, then go for it.:) My progress is definitely slower with having to save up dollars and coins, but I like looking at the little characters and moving things around in my town.

yeah I always tried making mine look really good it frustrated me when I would see towns with really good stats but it looked like a mess no decorations at all. mine still looks really good but I have 3 spaceports now which are my only duplicate buildings because I needed population and it only costs 80 bucks a piece.
Booyah ID: 31796363
Bucks so far and few between......

Yep, I suggested the idea of a ATM that would let us convert coins to bucks. How do people purchase these franchises for 400 - 1,000's of bucks? I haven't heard from Booyah yet as to why my IPOD screen sometimes blinks and looses previous action and newly obtained coin count.....I am getting a little frustrated here, sometimes. Anyone having same issue please email Booyah and c/o. Maybe they will listen to and acknowledge us. I personally would like to have a phone number to call......that is better PR in my book since they would like for us to "buy bucks/coins".
Have a good day. :)
I don't know. I think my Booyah ID has changed since my previous town got erased. People who added me as friends through GameCenter say there is nothing in my town so I assume it's deleted.

I emailed Booyah but I guess for now I will start a new town and see what happens if they email me back.

Hopefully won't take too long to get a good town going again :)

Bummer........I don't have alot but welcome to check me out and franchise what I have. ROSECREEK, IL ID 32135917. Near Paducah Ky or Carbondale il.I was raised in Rosiclare, il Good luck
Cwelcome to check out my town

Feel free to check out my town 33054518

I have over 450 million in coins but getting bucks is so slow and now if I want to buy a business most of the time it requires bucks and they want 4000 bucks. I would have to buy bucks for real cash and as much as I love the game I am not going to go broke to play. I like the idea of an ATM to convert coins. Or the ability to earn bucks more frequently. They might have gotten me to spend a little real cash, but it s clear that now it is greed.



I just bought a franchise from you for approximately 500,000 coins. Do you know what you received?

Let me know
Feel free to check out my town 33054518

I have over 450 million in coins but getting bucks is so slow and now if I want to buy a business most of the time it requires bucks and they want 4000 bucks. I would have to buy bucks for real cash and as much as I love the game I am not going to go broke to play. I like the idea of an ATM to convert coins. Or the ability to earn bucks more frequently. They might have gotten me to spend a little real cash, but it s clear that now it is greed.



I just bought a franchise from you for approximately 500,000 coins. Do you know what you received?

Let me know

yeah I just saw that thanks but I only received coins. for some reason the only time I ever get the bank notes is when "gods town" franchises from me so they must be using cash bucks which means I would be getting paid in cash bucks. I wanted your new York times but it only carried a 5% bonus and the one I bought had a 50% bonus but I'll buy something else from you soon making coins usually involves me setting apple store to 10 hour jobs the. finishing it now for 3 bucks a piece earning 15k coins every click
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