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Settings and location

I turned off my location in settings but I am playing on my iPad and do. Not know how to turn of the my town app
I just tried going in to delete My Town so that I could change the location; it didn't give me the option to keep the data, this is all it said:


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I turned off my location in settings but I am playing on my iPad and do. Not know how to turn of the my town app

You double click the home button, and all the apps that are running will show up at the bottom, hold down the app you want to close completely, they'll all start to jiggle, you'll then see a red little minus sign on the top left corner, click on that to stop it.

Let me see if I can get a screen shot for you.
I just tried going in to delete My Town so that I could change the location; it didn't give me the option to keep the data, this is all it said:

Press and hold the app icon on the main screen, they will all start to shake and you will have an X in the corner. Press the X and itll ask you the same question in that picture, and then after you press delete itll ask you if you want to Keep and Remove from GameCenter. Press Keep.
Press and hold the app icon on the main screen, they will all start to shake and you will have an X in the corner. Press the X and itll ask you the same question in that picture, and then after you press delete itll ask you if you want to Keep and Remove from GameCenter. Press Keep.

Ok I will try.. Gulp.
Press and hold the app icon on the main screen, they will all start to shake and you will have an X in the corner. Press the X and itll ask you the same question in that picture, and then after you press delete itll ask you if you want to Keep and Remove from GameCenter. Press Keep.

Yay it worked on the iPhone so I'm going to do exact same thing in iPad I presume?
I need bucks :/

I have been playing this game for about 2 mo and I had saved up lots of bucks then used them to buy wonders. Then one day I logged in and my hole town was gone. I am doing ok now with my 2nd 1 but I have no bucks is there anyone who could help me out with getting some please??

30339967 is my town please help me out!!
Crap it didn't do the same for iPad arrrrrrgh.... It started a new game from scratch. I can almost cry..

=( =( =(
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I think you can actually edit the location through the iphone root file. I just changed up my cash amounts again right now lol...


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bigbridge59: You asked a few questions in post #206. My replies are from what I've observed while playing. I believe they are correct, but I welcome anyone to share their observations too. :)
Q- All my other business that I built up from scratch are BLUE. Will eventually my blue backgrounds change over to another color after I complete so many check-ins which go to jobs being completed ?
- Blue indicates businesses you bought on your own.
- Purple indicates businesses that you franchised.
- As far as I know there is no color to indicate which of your businesses were franchised by others.

Q-how many levels are there in the BLUE screen and then what happens?
- I don't think there are levels per se. Blue just shows they are businesses you bought.

Q-How many levels in the franchised levels them what happens if those levels Are reached?
Prior to the Jan 19 update, the top level of a business was 5.
After Jan 19, the highest I've seen for any business is 9. (Hopefully there are or will be more.)
A business' level is increased after completing X number of jobs.
From what I can figure:

from level 1 to level 2, requires 3 jobs
2 to 3, 15
3 to 4, 30
4 to 5, 60
5 to 6, 120
6 to 7, 240
7 to 8, 480
8 to 9, 960
9 to 10, unknown

Q-I gone to the game center page and that only page shows me what job% I have accomplished. Is there some other page in the game center to go to look up other players achievements/ or whatever else? Domineer to go app store and download something to go along with this question?
Sorry, I know almost nothing about Game Center.

To Everyone: I am very interested to hear what folks can say about using Game Center. Any advantages? Any disadvantages? Do you like GC? Any tips and tricks on using GC? Thanks for sharing!

Bowman88 and to the other poster who suggested it too: An ATM to convert coins into Booyah Bucks is a good idea. I wonder what the conversion might be? 1,000 coins for 1 buck? Less? More? It could still be expensive. :(

OnlyLifted: I found your new town. You are moving along. I sent a few coins your way.;)

Snoopy1967: Buying many multiples of the Stock Exchange is exactly what other players have done to generate lots of coins.
Have you seen the towns with huge numbers of the Subway Station to boost population?
There are many ways to play MT2.
Even so, you have managed to accumulate 450 million coins and it looks like without using a jailbroken iphone. My little town is slow compared to you, you Business Mogul!
I've leaned towards restaurants, cafes, and clothing so I bought 2 Eiffel Towers and as a result, my town progresses at a slower pace, but over time it still has progressed.
Personally, it really "hurts" me to sell off anything at a fraction of their original cost. I hate wasting money--even virtual money.

Kevinator: I think that happened to me, they were the koi pond and the ice cream truck. Were these what you received? If not, what were yours?

Ashley2021: I agree, the first 2 months were a grind. The game is faster now for me too.
Way back in November, I wanted to test out the game's search function on international locations. My secondary location was set purely by accident and I've never changed it. If I had known what I know now, I would have chosen New York City. oh well.

Many thanks for the gifts received from so many folks. I wish I could return gifts to everyone that gifted me.

Booyah: 10 gifts each day to give away would be better!:)
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slight edit* the 36th business u get to lvl 10 is also the building u built LAST... i kept tryin to figure out if its a specific business but i guess not lol
sry, bad explanation. the last building that u can build (theoretical assumption the 36th) cannot reach lvl 10, or else the game crashed and goes bac to like matter of minutes ago? im gonna try to see if not using bank notes n upgradin makes a diff
Does anyone out there experiencing what is happening to my town i cant access it im not sure if MT2 is down or is this one there many gliches::(
Grace girl needs mercy.. :)

Hey guys.. Thanks for all the great advice.. I don't have a way to get "bucks" other than the daily lottery ..and ugh.. I'm dying here.. any chance someone with bucks to spare would (however you guys work your magic) shoot some my way.. pretty pleeeeeease... :) even if you could just gift my "Grace Bible Church"'s a level 10 so you can leave a "buck" instead of coins.. Yay.. and thanks my fellow MT2er's :) #31405501 :)
Free decorations items

Kevinator: I think that happened to me, they were the koi pond and the ice cream truck. Were these what you received? If not, what were yours?
Hi Licat, my free ones were koi pond, Dino topiary, and Clock tower.
Is it true?

Is it really true that if u delete the app you will still have your process?
Please Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:confused:
Not stacking

I have been getting stock exchanges and my % is not going up!!

Can someone help me?
30339967 is my town!
Kevinator: You received three freebies! I wonder what other people received?

sportsdevon: Read post #185; OnlyLifted wrote additional information.
I think you can actually edit the location through the iphone root file. I just changed up my cash amounts again right now lol...

yeah i put a youtube link in this form showing how to do just that no one must of payed any attention tho lol the cash amounts that is
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Hey licat

Hey licatHey, I play on my iPad and it is not a broken anything. I. Found that by building so many stock exchanges I can accumulate spcoins very fast, I have 750 million coins. MY PROBLEM IS BUCKS. I. HAVE TRIED AND TRIED TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO GET THEM. SOMEONE HELP.


my town is 33054518


Hi, have you changed all your businesses to offices. Once I did that and built my stock exchanges my coins grew.
Snoopy1967: Now you're at 750MM. Wow! I've never had that many coins at any single time. I usually choose something I want, save up and once I have enough, I buy it.
You're right, the hardest part about this app is getting the Bucks. One must be extremely patient or buy them with real money.
Or as some people have done, jailbreak their iphone, or doing something to the files. I don't know how to do any of that, so I play the game the slow way. lol!
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