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The iPhone with myWi and the iPad together gives me 10 GB of data every month and between MLB At Bat and Slingplayer, I'm using it. Maybe if the iPad had texting capability I could ditch the iPhone but it doesn't so I'm keeping the phone, at least for the foreseeable future.
Sold my 3gs iphone on craigslist a few weeks ago. I didnt use my phone to call that much, mainly sms and internet. So been using my 64gig 3g ipad, with jailbreak, running backgrounder and 3g restrictor, so i have skype always on, no wifi needed and use google voice for sms (messages and sms go to gmail). So far so good.
thought about ditching the iphone after i get ipad 3g but then the more I think about it, the more it is not practical. Yes I can take my Ipad with me to work ok. But at night, what, take it with me to a birthday party? Take it to a club at night and dance with Ipad in my hand? Silly. Unfortunately there is no way around having a portable small phone.
thought about ditching the iphone after i get ipad 3g but then the more I think about it, the more it is not practical. Yes I can take my Ipad with me to work ok. But at night, what, take it with me to a birthday party? Take it to a club at night and dance with Ipad in my hand? Silly. Unfortunately there is no way around having a portable small phone.

you actually go to a night club and dance with the iphone in your hand? lol .

also what do you do with the iphone at a B-day party?
you actually go to a night club and dance with the iphone in your hand? lol .

also what do you do with the iphone at a B-day party?

Point is that having something that fits in your pocket, and can do a lot of what the iPad can do, albeit slower/less efficiently is useful for situations when you want the internet/communication handy but in a smaller package.
you actually go to a night club and dance with the iphone in your hand? lol .

also what do you do with the iphone at a B-day party?

You must have not been to a club in a large city lately. You will see 90% of the people with phones in their hands fevereshly texting like it is really important. People are texting other people because the music is loud. People are texting people, "When are you coming?" or "where are you?" or whatever else. Even people dancing will have phones in their hands because god forbid they will miss that ever important text.
Come to think of it, the iPad can do everything the iPhone can do except take photos. I can always get a pocket camera to do that.

But there are a few situations when carrying the iPad isn't practical or convenient. In those cases, it's nice to have a phone that does what the iPad does.

As for replacing the iPhone 3GS with an Android phone, the Sprint Evo 4G is tempting --- bigger screen, multi-tasking, 4G data speed, ability to use it as a hotspot, opportunity to experience Android's world of apps ...
I did the same thing a couple of weeks ago. My decision was driven by the fact that the ATT data network is unusable where I work (at least during working hours). So far I am happy with the decision. The Pre is not an iPhone, but it's not that bad. For the sync issue I bought Missing-Sync for the Pre which allows me to sync wirelessly (or over USB) with my Mac. It will even sync music and pictures although I haven't tried that part yet.



Are you having issues with Google maps and GPS? From searching around it seems to be a pretty big problem. The GPS and Google maps are basically useless on my phone. It really sucks and might be a deal breaker for me.. (Im still within my 30 day return period)
I will be getting rid of my iPhone 3G in get whatever they call the next generation of iPhone. GOTTA HAVE MULTI-TASKING!!!!

Seriously - I like also having an iPhone in conjunction with my iPad 3G. It is always with me - I wouldn't take the iPad to a bar or other places where having the internet is handy but not conducive to bringing something so expensive. I also am only subscribing to 3G on the iPad when needed (like on a vacation).
Are you having issues with Google maps and GPS? From searching around it seems to be a pretty big problem. The GPS and Google maps are basically useless on my phone. It really sucks and might be a deal breaker for me.. (Im still within my 30 day return period)

Actually the GPS has worked fairly well for me, at least as long as it has a clear view of the sky. I would say the performance is about the same as my 3G iPhone. I have it set to always ask before allowing location services. Don't know if that makes a difference or not. It's certainly not as good as the GPS in the iPad which I have found to be extremely good at getting a rapid GPS fix.

Actually the GPS has worked fairly well for me, at least as long as it has a clear view of the sky. I would say the performance is about the same as my 3G iPhone. I have it set to always ask before allowing location services. Don't know if that makes a difference or not. It's certainly not as good as the GPS in the iPad which I have found to be extremely good at getting a rapid GPS fix.


ARe you on Palm WebOs ?
Point is that having something that fits in your pocket, and can do a lot of what the iPad can do, albeit slower/less efficiently is useful for situations when you want the internet/communication handy but in a smaller package.

Come to think of it, the iPad can do everything the iPhone can do except take photos. I can always get a pocket camera to do that.

But there are a few situations when carrying the iPad isn't practical or convenient. In those cases, it's nice to have a phone that does what the iPad does.

Still very much on the fence here as to what I will do this summer with my iPhone 1G. Will admit that the iPad sees most of the use during my lunch breaks. But for shorter breaks it is the iPhone. But nights out don't want the hassle of the larger size. Can I live with out the net and all that the iPhone offers?

Well been weening myself off the iPhone for data and such - trying to see if I can live with a regular cell phone maybe - waiting to see what the iPhone HD will end up offering. For me it is about how much of my hard earned dollars do I want to give to AT&T.

As I have mentioned in threads on this topic, I am tired of being nickled and dimed by AT&T. Another $10-15 dollars to move to the 3G/3GS iPhone from my iPhone 1G. And we can expect another bump in monthly costs for the iPhone HD IMO. Add to that $15 or $30 for the iPad 3G.

Though my $15 plan for the iPad is so far holding up well at about under 160mb's so far since about May 4th or so. The free wifi access through AT&T has helped. As finding a free wifi connection at the local Quiznos - the owner has not been in of late to find out if he did that on purpose to draw business or is clueless about wifi security. :eek:
After about a month of usage, I have started thinking about selling my iPhone and getting a wifi hotspot capable sprint phone, or basically a phone with a much cheaper plan. I have the 3G iPad, and my reasoning was based on the fact that sprint does have cheaper plans. In my case, if I turned on 3G on the iPad, I would pretty much be breaking even on my monthly payments, but my most capable device would always have access.

Anyone dropped their iphone for a cheaper phone yet, or strongly considering it?

no way!!!
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