The heat problems were not caused by the PPC architecture but by the way the G5 was built. Same thing happened with the P4. That was one thirsty chip.
With enough R&D all these problems could have been fixed and we would be sitting here with ultra fast G5 machines. However i thank god they didn't because the benefits of X86 far out weigh any issues hard core users have with intel.
With enough R&D all these problems could have been fixed and we would be sitting here with ultra fast G5 machines. However i thank god they didn't because the benefits of X86 far out weigh any issues hard core users have with intel.
Timepass said:I dont think the blame all lyes on IBM. PPC arch was flawed from the begining. G5 was a thermo nightmare to put up with. PPC could not get the speed that AMD and intel where both getting on x86 with out heat being coming a huge factor.people keep saying it IBM fault but I bet it was a engineering nightmare to keep increasing the speeds and not having heat issues. The huge sign that there where heat problems was the fact that apple had to go to liquid cooling. To me that was a huge sign that something was wrong with PPC. They arch was producing way to much heat to keep increasing the speeds.
It may be more effeince but it hit the max speeds a lot sooner than x86 did. Also x86 has hit the speed barrier as well. There a reason everyone is going to the multicore. They are maxing out the single core.
That all being said apple is a very hypicritcal company. They will bash one thing and then the next day be worshiping it acting like it is the greating thing ever. (ingtergrating graphic, x86 and so on).
Like some else said earily the product should sell itself. It should not require the mudslinging that apple is currently doing. That is the first sign that something is wrong. That or Steve Jobs is starting to go back to stuff that got him fired in the first place and may need to be fired again. Apple losing my respect as a company and the keynots are no long worth watching because they spend more time bashing comppetors than showing why they are good. there a reason I quite paying attention to politics. Maybe it is time I do the same to apple and do my own reasearch on them from better sourse. Apple is already one of the worse places to get infomation on there stuff.