Have you guys tried to do real work on iPad? by real work I mean:
- to work on excel spreadsheets
- to have opened side by side a couple of word documents to compare
- to make a folder with various types of files relating to project and to quickly drag and drop them between folders to reorganize the contents
- to have software to enter your citations in a scientific article
etc etc
let me tell you, I have tried hard to find a workflow, which would allow me to do the above things on an iPad, but it is just not worth the effort. Too much frustration, too much wasted time for something I can do really fast and easy on my 12in MacBook.
I am very disappointed that I came to this conclusion, because I love the pencil on my 12.9IPP. I wish there was a way to be able to do my work on the iPad. But as I said, there isn't.
It is obviously a software limitation. By software I mean both the sandboxing feature of iOS, but also the software from the developers.
It's so easy.
- Excel on my 13" Macbook pro is the same cramped space as it is on my 12.9" iPad Pro, I get it done, but even a 27" can feel cramped. Quiet, calm and nose to the grindstone will usually get it done.
- I have split screen for comparing word documents. The one I work in is in Word, the one I'm comparing to is in Documents 5. To be totally honest, I have a second 9.7 iPad that I use for reading books, googling referencing. Know what is nice? If I select and copy some text on the 9.7 I can paste it on the 12.9. That's brilliant!
- I have thousands of folders with mixed file-types next to each other, I can organize them quick and easily with Documents 5, don't see your problem as there must be dozens of other apps that can do this for you.
- if you like Zotero for citations, there is PaperShip, but there is also the app called EndNote or Paper3 for citations. Never used them, have done it so far with Word on the bottom of the page. I know there is a build in plugin called RefME for Word that I could use when it comes to that.
Google can be your friend or ask in these forums if you have a specific problem and usually you'll get really good advice.
I'm really sorry you're disappointed, I certainly believe you want it to work, but it looks like you're too set in your ways of doing it the laptop/old-style-OS way. I'm not saying it's easy, I was on Powerbooks and Macbooks for 15 years or so. It took me about 5 days of reinventing almost everything. The apps I need, the workflow, the tricks to get repetitive work done fast. I hardly did any work at all in these days and I planned them accordingly. After the 5 day period I took my iPad Pro 12.9" everywhere, but almost always also had my macbook pro as a backup. Just in case. After 3 weeks I was confident I could do everything I encounter when I'm away with my iPad. Rare situations could be resolved with Jump Desktop so I could login into my Macbook Pro at home, do the things I need and get back. Al the documents are in iCloud and the sync is quick and good.
AFter a year of iOS and iPad's I think Macbook Pro's are big, clumsy, have no touch, pencil, GPS, TouchID or LTE. Reading letter sized is awkward on a horizontal screen. It's soooo much more logic to rotate the screen. Which dummy ever thought it a good idea to have a horizontal wide-screen for reading and writing???
How do you say it in English? Horses for courses? An iPad work style and workflow certainly isn't for everybody, but the work you've asked about is done by me on a daily basis with my iPad Pro 12.9" (and since 2 weeks with the addition of an iPad Pro 9.7).