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macrumors G5
Jul 4, 2005
Still takes an age, maybe longer to export an original size jpeg from my 12MB RAW files.


macrumors 68040
Feb 17, 2003
with Hamburglar.
Really? I can't even time a full size JPEG export from a 24MB RAW file. It's that fast.

And in the Activity Monitor I have 2400+ thumbnails generating and 33,000+ more faces detecting at the same time...


macrumors G5
Jul 4, 2005
Really? I can't even time a full size JPEG export from a 24MB RAW file. It's that fast.

And in the Activity Monitor I have 2400+ thumbnails generating and 33,000+ more faces detecting at the same time...


Took over an hour to export 350 jpegs last night...

I have a bad feeling about this.


macrumors 68040
Feb 17, 2003
with Hamburglar.
300 JPEGs (from 24MB RAW files) took me 30 minutes. That's 6 seconds per image.

The time to do between 1-5 JPEGs is about one second per image.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 12, 2006
The main thing that's screwing up my workflow now is that the mouse scroll wheel no longer can go back and forth between pictures in fullscreen.
Also, the first time you view photos it takes a much longer time to render the zoomed in view.


macrumors 65816
Jan 13, 2008
only problem im having is with faces.
this is retarded.

can't i just highlight, in the original folder, and click, this is..., and if it doesn't find the face in the picture, it would tell you and you could just do it right there quick.

this is really annoying.
i know you can go to the faces menu and do it from there and highlight multi. ones, but really? do i have to do this to every pic? isn't that the point, it finds them for you?

anyway, on performance, i find it actually faster, so no, no problems


macrumors regular
Jan 7, 2007
only problem im having is with faces.
this is retarded.

can't i just highlight, in the original folder, and click, this is..., and if it doesn't find the face in the picture, it would tell you and you could just do it right there quick.

this is really annoying.
i know you can go to the faces menu and do it from there and highlight multi. ones, but really? do i have to do this to every pic? isn't that the point, it finds them for you?

anyway, on performance, i find it actually faster, so no, no problems

This is the only issue I've run into- attempting to tag a face outside of the specific faces "bulletin board" is a no-go, and it will repeat skipped faces :rolleyes:

Beyond that, only being able to create new albums and not contribute to existing albums with the facebook and flickr uploader is rather annoying.

That said, the application on a whole is much, much faster than 2.1 for me and all of the new features that I've found useful work pretty darn smoothly.

Edit- you can add faces outside of the "bulletin board," it just looked to me like facebook tagging integration...durrr


macrumors 65816
Jan 13, 2008
/"\/oo\/"\;9263560 said:
This is the only issue I've run into- attempting to tag a face outside of the specific faces "bulletin board" is a no-go, and it will repeat skipped faces :rolleyes:

Beyond that, only being able to create new albums and not contribute to existing albums with the facebook and flickr uploader is rather annoying.

That said, the application on a whole is much, much faster than 2.1 for me and all of the new features that I've found useful work pretty darn smoothly.

ya, faces is not up to par.
i mean im not a pro, but i have thousands of pics, i would spend days on end just trying to get all the faces recognized individually and going through every pic, dam it would take me weeks.

i thought the point of faces was for to have it recognize faces, the more you "ok" the better it is, and have it fill the album with pics of them.


macrumors regular
Jan 7, 2007
Guys, if you're using Aperture for "Faces" then I think you should stick to iPhoto.

Speaking for myself, and as stated in a number of other threads, I'm not using Aperture for faces, I'm using it because I'm an Aperture user that likes the feature. As an amateur that shoots a lot of raw, iPhoto can't keep up with the adjustments or management that Aperture offers me.


macrumors regular
May 3, 2005
I really think A3 is more a macpro sort of software

The speed difference from A2 to A3 on my macpro is staggering - it's the first time I've really felt my macpro was worth the money.

I have A3 on my laptop (mbp 17") and it's usable but not a patch on the macpro.

The macpro I have has 8 cores and 32gb ram and the gtx 285 card and raid0 drives though.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 12, 2006
I really think A3 is more a macpro sort of software

The speed difference from A2 to A3 on my macpro is staggering - it's the first time I've really felt my macpro was worth the money.

I have A3 on my laptop (mbp 17") and it's usable but not a patch on the macpro.

The macpro I have has 8 cores and 32gb ram and the gtx 285 card and raid0 drives though.

On Apple's site it lists the minimum required RAM to be 1GB except for the Mac Pro where it requires 2GB. I found this odd since the Mac Pro is more powerful; but maybe that's because you can't have 1GB in a Mac Pro (no 512MB FB-DIMMs?)


macrumors 65816
Sep 5, 2009
I just deleted my whole library, and I'm going to start from the beginning again.

I'll import project by project this time. So far, with only one project with 100 RAW photos, I've noticed Aperture starts much faster, and that the lag between making an adjustment, and it taking place is more similar to A2, tho not the same.


macrumors 65816
May 24, 2009
For the few projects and edits I did, I noticed no issues. My camera is a 20D shooting RAW. Of course my MP has 12GB of memory (early 2008) and it seemed faster than A2 even in 32-bit mode (have Nik plug-ins).

But I might wait until the first patch or two and give Nik time to get us 64-bit plug-ins.


macrumors regular
Feb 12, 2007
The aperture 3 is definetely faster than Aperture 2
I didn't compare it side by side, but it seems the aperture 3 is using more memory. For the processor usage it's lower.
I'm using macbook pro 2,1 with 2 G of ram (Use an ATI Graphic Card), but I found a bug that really annoys me. Everytime making changes/adjustment to a photo, the preview will blank or become colorfull lines before the image reappear (hope it make sense).
Personally I like Aperture interface, but I tend to use LR more. it's faster
Just from my experience


macrumors newbie
May 27, 2007
I am very disappointed with the performance. I am using a 2.66 Mac Book Pro with 4 gigs of ram and there is no excuse for it to lag so bad. I hope there is a fix for this because if they don't, there will be a good possibility this could hurt their future sales. There is definitely a lag and crash once in awhile which is not acceptable. If it's not made for a Macbook Pro, then why doesn't it perform like they said it could?


macrumors 603
Aug 1, 2008
Vancouver, BC
Haven't gotten Aperture 3 yet but first thing I do in preferences will be to un-check that stupid faces and places junk. Apple should have just left that to iPhoto and the point-and-shooters.

I'm not sure why you would say that... and you're not the first. Are you implying that Faces and Places are useless for pros?

One chore to managing a large database of images is properly tagging them with meta-data. Any tool that can assist by automating the generation of any meta data such as who's in the picture or where it was taken is a time saver. It means less data entry.

Ironically these features are probably most useful to someone with a vast photo library and of no use to the casual user and therefore are more at home in Aperture than in iPhoto.

Back on topic: The most obvious performance issue for me with Aperture 2.1 was moving the loupe around on large RAW images. That's a lot faster and smoother now with v3.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 12, 2006
I've migrated completely to Aperture 3 from 2 and I can say I like it

processor usage is much higher, which is good since that means it is utilizing much more of the processing power at it's disposal.

The brush functionality is very nice; I no longer have to open Photoshop for a lot of edits.

The loupe is faster, but zooming is slower.

The UI is appalling though, I feel like I'm using Kid Pix back on an old Power Macintosh. I wish there was an option for "use small icons" because the current set is too large; it wastes valuable screen real-estate.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 3, 2008
Osaka, Japan
I am currently on the Aperture 3 trial and LR3 beta. I did not like Aperture 2 due its bugs and slow performance. However Aperture 3 is a much bigger improvement.

I run on an integrated intel graphics (the late 08 white macbook) i have not ran into any issues so far.

However I am still debating whether to completely take in aperture and ditch LR3. I still like many features of LR but aperture 3 has brought some new things over that create some incentives. I do appreciate aperture storing all the photos in one file for easy organization and transferring.

But as far as i see it LR3>Aperture 3 currently for me.


macrumors 6502
Feb 9, 2007
Maui, Hawaii
After a week of fighting issues importing my Aperture 2 library, I dropped off my 24 inch iMac at the Apple store to let them sort out the mess. They told me other customers have had issues, too. I appreciate their willingness to straighten out the problem for me. Another reason I like dealing with Apple.


macrumors newbie
Jan 11, 2010
I am a long time Lightroom user on a PC and couldn't say enough about LR but now being a mac user LR is just not as fast as it should be. It is quite stable but now that Aperture 3 came out with all the features LR has, I want to migrate over. I need aperture/iphoto because all my other applications look to them to pull images/videos from. Aperture 3 is very fast btw

Two problems so far...

1. Aperture 3 crashes RIDICULOUSLY! <--nuff said there
2. How do I export all my folders/categories and collections from LR to Ap as easily as possible. Can I export my raw images with xmp files over and retain everything that was done in LR?


macrumors regular
Aug 18, 2006
I downloaded the trial and have been pretty unimpressed over the three days of use. It crashes regularly, just shuts down. There have been a half-dozen other times when it just hangs and I have to force quit. Exporting a psd takes forever and sometimes the export just disappears until I try to export again and then bam, two psds appear. It sometimes takes three clicks to get a slider to move. I think the new features are pretty awesome, just with it worked a little better. I've been waiting for this release to decide between aperture and lightroom and i think based on these issues, mainly the sluggish performance of aperture, I'm going with Lightroom when version three is released.


macrumors member
Mar 21, 2009
I've been using A3 since Saturday (the day the retail package became available). Since then I've spent most of my time in Places and editing other metadata. Everything has run smoothly.
Last night I began applying adjustments and using the new brushes. I can get just two or three tweaks in before A3 crashes. It's incredibly frustrating because for those few moments of functionality I'm loving the interface - then CRASH. I cant wait for an update.


MacPro 2.8 Octo, 10Gig RAM
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