Tried it on someone else's phone? That's nice, but you probably didn't get a good chance to really use it.....
Not really. It didn't take me 5 minutes with super monkey ball to figure out that the accelerometer settings needed to be tweaked. didn't take 5 minutes for bookshelf to crash. didn't take 5 minutes to get the gist of urbanspoon.
Used the jailbroken version? Sorry, but I don't want to read reviews on the hacked together version of it...
Sorry, but out of all the apps I do see in the app store, the jailbroken ones are almost functionally similar to the app store versions (yes I have purchased the ones that are not free because I liked them when I used them on my jailbroken phone), maybe with a few improvements. The only ones that are actually sorta different are tap tap revenge (well, it's missing the iTunes library), twinkle (arguably worse than before, but maybe that was because of the simplicity)...
Better alternatives are nice, but that's not what reviews are for....
Apple has no other way to show similar apps, other than purchases made by similar people and categories. This sucks when the search feature sucks and gives me completely irrelevant results that I don't want. Case in point: how the hell do I search for all the gas/car tracking apps? I can't. It's insanely difficult and searching for the logical phrases ends up in lots of irrelevant results. The only way I can tell anything is through reviews.
Soooo, if you read my post, you'd get my reasoning. Non customers should have their say but it should count less to none and be less visible compared to customer reviews, and customer reviews should be marked as such.
Personally I take them ALL with a grain of salt, cause some customers don't know sh*t about what they're reviewing. How frustrating. There aren't many great review sites for all the apps available on the store now..TouchArcade is a nice one but games only? Meh.
I'd wager that customers who have used the app, maybe even paid for it, are the least biased group out there. The biased comments come from people who have never used the app, for example, some of the crap on the iQuaran app, or the other comments from 10 year old internet trolls who don't even own an iPhone or iPod and have nothing better to do but post fake "reviews"
Not always, but Apple should be reviewing those disgusting reviews and removing them in the first place. Reasonable reviews even by non-customers should be left alone.