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I'm glad to see Apple at least has some service response acknowledging it. I really hope they return to the level of ANC they originally had. I know some don't hear a difference and that's valid, i'm just saying i do hear a difference and that should also be valid.
What was the firmware on each set?

& did you swap them, so you actually heard both, to eliminate the subjectiveness?

Mine was 2c54 and hers was 2b588. Yes both listened to the same song, same ears and 2 different people. While the sample size is quite small and 2 firmwares that are fairly close together, something seems to be wrong.

I've also had APP from day one and travel every few months or so. Might be something between just our devices, as my APP gets more use than hers, so one couldn't isolate all variables to even imply causality, I could say that there was something amiss.

That said, if it was me, I'd eliminate humans out of the equation and automate the testing...but Tim doesn't pay me enough to help him.
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I got the second replacements today. Thumping noises are again gone, using the same tips the same way on the same phone. ANC is better at filtering subwoofer level rumbles.

Let’s see how long this lasts. These came with 2B588.

Serial number is showing “1”. Oh well.
In early January, I started having insane charging issues with my Airpods Pro. The case wouldn't seem to hold a charge. It could be fully charged one minute, then I'd take an Airpod out and suddenly the case was at 0%, then I'd plug it in for 2 minutes and it'd jump back up to like 70%. Meanwhile I could never get the Airpods themselves up to 100% charge. They were hopping around from number to number seemingly without any relation to my charging of them.

After reading about the pulled 2C firmware, I looked and that indeed was what I was on. I went to the Apple Store and the employee basically looked at me like I was a nut, and tried to run a test on the battery which didn't turn anything up. He had me running a cycle of unpairing, forgetting, rebooting, etc. I told him about what I'd read and he brushed that off as rumors.

After a few minutes he said "Well I'm going to go ahead and give you a new pair. You're getting lucky because we're super busy today and it'll be easier to just let you have a new one than to keep messing with these."

The new pair he gave me is still on 2B588, and the charging and battery are behaving rationally.

All that said, I've had lag on the Pro's (on all firmwares) that I never had with the original-generation Airpods. When I push play, skip, or change the speed (on a podcast), there is often (but not EVERY time) 5-10 seconds of silence before the audio will kick back in. I mentioned that to the Genius and he blamed iOS for that, said the current version is buggy with Airpods (but still, it doesn't happen with my original Airpods, only the Pros). Anyone else have this particular issue? It plagued both my first and current set of Pros.
In early January, I started having insane charging issues with my Airpods Pro. The case wouldn't seem to hold a charge. It could be fully charged one minute, then I'd take an Airpod out and suddenly the case was at 0%, then I'd plug it in for 2 minutes and it'd jump back up to like 70%.
I’ve got this issue with my pods (not case). The batteries are fine, it’s just an inconsistent battery level reading bug. New firmware will hopefully fix it. You did get lucky at the Apple Store - I went in with a screen recording of the issue, & they didn’t swap them for me (I didn’t mind, as it seemed like a software update would address it anyway).
The grills will get dirty after a few days but you can use BluTac to restore them.

I bought some and tried cleaning. It def gets the black dirt around the case but not sure if it helps the ANC at all. I can't tell that it's improved any since cleaning.
Day 2, 3rd replacements still working well, still on 2B588. I understand the “grill theory” that people suggest here, and using blue-tac to keep them clean from tiny debris. However, if I try to manually and carefully block those openings with these pods, I can’t reproduce the thumping/rumble problem, no matter what I do. The ANC stays good, so far. Or maybe I’m blocking it wrong.

I’m not saying that debris couldn’t cause problems, but it appears that there are more than 1 or 2 root causes that can result in similar symptoms. And therefore no one trick to fix them all. Anyway, I’m sure to try the blue-tac trick if ANC gets worse again. Or any other wizardry people come up with.
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I’m still a little confused about the blu tack. Which grills are we talking about? The outer ones, or the ones that face the ears?
I wonder if we won't get a firmware upgrade until the new over ear or rumored air pod pro lite's release? Either way at this point I'm sure there's something wrong because I noticed today in between songs that i could hear the subway announcements clear as day with my pro's in, when originally I marveled how I couldn't hear them at all.
Either way at this point I'm sure there's something wrong because I noticed today in between songs that i could hear the subway announcements clear as day with my pro's in, when originally I marveled how I couldn't hear them at all.
Same here. On my train commute a couple of nights ago, the announcements were clear as a bell. I thought for a moment that I didn't even have ANC turned on. Nope, it was turned on all right. ANC on these things is practically non-existent.
For the people who complain that ANC is really bad, it would be interesting to know whether they pass the Tip Fit test or not.
Same here. On my train commute a couple of nights ago, the announcements were clear as a bell. I thought for a moment that I didn't even have ANC turned on. Nope, it was turned on all right. ANC on these things is practically non-existent.

I've been saying the same thing here. I travel by airplane quite a bit, and when I first got my AirPod Pros (with the original firmware), ALL of the engine and air conditioning noise was cancelled. Then the first firmware upgrade happened and I immediately noticed on my next flight that only some of the airplane noise was cancelled. I could also clearly hear other people and noise around me, as if the ANC was a lesser version of transparency mode. Then the next firmware update (which was later pulled) caused the fit test to fail. I got replacements with the now latest firmware, but they also had much less ANC than when I first got my original APPs. There are some that say they notice no difference in the ANC between firmware updates, but I can tell that it is much different now. I just hope this isn't the new norm for Apple. But I fear that the long delay in providing a new firmware may (emphasize MAY) be that Apple wants the ANC to be this way. Yes, it will still cancel some of the noise, but I want it back to where it used to be.
and I immediately noticed on my next flight that only some of the airplane noise was cancelled
Reading this, I thought about other potential variables which may’ve contributed to the impression NC wasn’t as effective - seating position, model/size of aircraft etc.

But since you noticed most environmental sounds coming through, then something may be wrong.
I’m using the Symbio mod even if I literally HATE modding a 260bucks product I have to admit they indeed improve the noise canceling.
For what's it worth, I tried the sucking method on the vents on my APP and managed to give myself an
infection in my left ear. YMMV.
For me they are fine. I fly with them every week. Still the best option for me from a easy of carry stand point. The ANC is definitely reduced as I used to not hear any captains notes during flight and now I hear them slightly. I am surprised they haven't offered a fix. Thought for sure they would have by now. I hope they still do.
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ANC is definitely reduced as I used to not hear any captains notes during flight and now I hear them slightly.
Were you in comparable environments on both flights? Maybe the flight speakers were louder or you were seated closer to one of them?
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