Has someone robbed you of the ability to form a semi-coherent post? Or is it some kind of minimalist poetry?iPhone 3G
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Facebook App
Me checking facebook in apple store.
Has someone robbed you of the ability to form a semi-coherent post? Or is it some kind of minimalist poetry?
Seemed coherent to me, or at least semi.Has someone robbed you of the ability to form a semi-coherent post? Or is it some kind of minimalist poetry?
Seemed coherent to me, or at least semi.
The reality is, that most teenagers can't afford to buy a computer, much less a Mac. There are some teens (like me) that can afford to spend thousands of dollars at the Apple Store each year, but most will only buy an iPod Nano, and be done with it. Whereas I have bought $3000 worth of merchandise over the past year and a half. Stupid idiot popular girls who treat the Apple Store like a Internet Café shouldn't be allowed to use Facebook, Myspace, etc.
Great move. I hate people using the place as a glorified internet café
Personally, I'm glad they've made this decision. Less people just wasting time in there, more time for people to experience the computers.
Has someone robbed you of the ability to form a semi-coherent post? Or is it some kind of minimalist poetry?
Am I the only one who thinks that people who think that Macs suck because FaceBook doesn't work in the Apple Store are too dumb to own a computer?
I think it's a really good move but I am not so sure about it being a) primarily teens and b) a limited shelf-life with users.
In our department there are at least three people who are always all over Facebook; all are women in the their mid to late thirties and all have been "Facebook, Facebook, Facebook" for well over a year now. Not having Facebook is considered really odd and you are always asked why you haven't and why you don't think it's as wonderful as they do. Personally, I think they answered the question themselves when one of them changed her status to "eating a baked potato" and then, at the end of lunch, changed it to "thinking about the potato I just ate"... it's really earth-shattering stuff, people!