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Awesome decision; I hate waiting for people when they spend 30 minutes checking their Facebook instead of letting potential buyers look at the machine.
I am all for the ban. However if you want to demo a computer, why not book a viewing?
The reality is, that most teenagers can't afford to buy a computer, much less a Mac. There are some teens (like me) that can afford to spend thousands of dollars at the Apple Store each year, but most will only buy an iPod Nano, and be done with it. Whereas I have bought $3000 worth of merchandise over the past year and a half. Stupid idiot popular girls who treat the Apple Store like a Internet Café shouldn't be allowed to use Facebook, Myspace, etc.


good for you
I, for one, am glad to see this. Although I am on Facebook, I do tire of the uneventful tripe that people deem important. Please, update your status every five minutes and let me know how boring and trite your life is. "So and so is at the gym.". "So and so just had a great salad at Applebees."
Who cares?
It is a covenient way to maintain networking contacts and friendships that you don't really have the energy and time to invest in, but it is also becoming a way for people to share their little lives and inflate and affirm their own sense of worth and self-importance.

Man, that rant came out of nowhere.
Who the hell goes to Apple to go to Facebook and stay online for quite some time?

I mean, I have browsed on their computers to see how it reacted to a site so I get those going to facebook to see HOW it reacted and all that

But to go there and stay on the site for awhile? Really? Go home and do that
EDIT: Oops. Okay, it didn't happen (although, CNN doesn't exactly have a great track record either) but my point still stands.

Am I the only one who thinks that people who think that Macs suck because FaceBook doesn't work in the Apple Store are too dumb to own a computer?
(Or, you can just limit that to people who think Macs suck :D)

I mean, really! If people are influenced that much by some loser screaming about how "Macs are teh suxorz" because the Apple store bans FaceBook ... those people are not likely to have the brain capacity required to run a computer.

Maybe I'm strange, but the first thing I would look at would be support for developing. So I would argue that Apple needs to have XCode installed and easy to get to on each Mac, along with Front Row, Photobooth, and other features of awesomeness. Even non-programmers would love XCode -- you don't need to know anything to make a dashboard widget!
Great move. I hate people using the place as a glorified internet café

Isn't that the point though? Like chairs in a book store.... Maybe they just need time limits, or a section of computers with "serious" applications and blocked social-networking, e-mail, weather bug, IM, etc......:rolleyes:
Personally I think its a good thing although I am not sure how much effect it will have in UK stores (if the ban applies in the UK).

In my experience in UK Apple stores most of the kids spend their time taking silly photos on Photo Booth. Of course Apple wont ban the use of Photo Booth but if they did there would be a lot less kids around!
I don't like this. It's really pretty stupid.

The first thing my friend did when he walked into the Apple Store was jump on Facebook on a Macbook Air and post on all his friends' walls that he was in the Apple Store on some cool thin computer.

If that's not great advertising I don't know what is.
Am I the only one who thinks that people who think that Macs suck because FaceBook doesn't work in the Apple Store are too dumb to own a computer?

Man, if people who are too dumb to own a computer weren't allowed to own one, many of us would be out of work. And computers would still be in the stone ages.
Good for Apple!!

I don't understand the atrraction of facebook anyway. Why anyone feels a need to share information in this fashion is beyond me. :eek:

Young people these days!!!??? :D Not a clue!!!;)
My opinion?

There's nothing wrong with any store restricting which web sites people can visit on the demo computers. I've been to plenty of stores where the machines didn't even have Internet access at all. People still tinker around on them enough to figure out the approximate speed they perform at, etc. and they still buy them afterwards.

Apple tries to raise the bar by encouraging full use of their systems on the net -- but if a certain site is just drawing the wrong crowds in (people with no intention of buying at all, etc.), then it makes sense to block those sites.

That said though, I think Facebook is a really useful tool for those of us in our 30's or 40's. I always got the impression that myspace was the site taken over by mostly teenagers competing to see who could collect up the most "friends", and make the "hippest, coolest" backgrounds on their pages. By contrast, Facebook tends to look much "cleaner" and more professional on the typical user profile page one visits.

Sure, it can be a bit addicting - but as a late 30-something myself, I know how many of my old friends have drifted away over the years. Facebook was an incredible tool for locating most of them and linking everyone back together again. (Friends of yours see other friends you added who they also know, and then they add each other too, re-connecting the whole "chain" of friendship.) The "status" part? Sure, people update it with boring/dumb stuff most of the time. But as much as anything, it's a way to easily see that someone you know "checked in" recently - and over time, it really does give you a better sense of what your good friends do in a typical day.

I think it's a really good move but I am not so sure about it being a) primarily teens and b) a limited shelf-life with users.

In our department there are at least three people who are always all over Facebook; all are women in the their mid to late thirties and all have been "Facebook, Facebook, Facebook" for well over a year now. Not having Facebook is considered really odd and you are always asked why you haven't and why you don't think it's as wonderful as they do. Personally, I think they answered the question themselves when one of them changed her status to "eating a baked potato" and then, at the end of lunch, changed it to "thinking about the potato I just ate"... it's really earth-shattering stuff, people!
Good Move! Its a store and a place to test equipment, not an internet cafe for schmoozing and wasting time doing real "important' things on Facebook. Good Move Apple!
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