all this back and forth debate/arguement about AAA games for the mac is why I posted the question saying one of the editors from macrumours should contact the game publishers asking them why they wont make their AAA game titles available for Mac OS.
It's a very simple question to put to them..MR Editor: 'Macrumours is a forum dedicated to all things mac. A topic that continues to get passionately discussed about by our members is that of Apple mac gaming and the lack of AAA game titles being publish for Mac OS platform, titles such as (then you run off a list of top game titles that members have mentioned) games which our members would like to see on Mac OS. Therefore the question our members would like to know is, why do you not make your AAA game titles available for Mac OS'.
'Macrumours is a forum dedicated to all things mac. A topic that continues to get passionately discussed about by our members is that of Apple mac gaming and the lack of AAA game titles being publish for Mac OS platform, titles such as (then you run off a list of top game titles that members have mentioned) games which our members would like to see on Mac OS. Our members have discussed at length their own views and opinions as to why this might be, things such as it not being financially viable to produce AAA games for Mac OS due to the low number of Mac OS gamers.' How you you like to repond to that. (put to games publisher).
Then depending on the responses back, the editor could then ask the game publishers MR Editor: 'Do you feel it is like the chicken and the egg scenerio, the game publishers want to see higher numbers of Mac OS gamers before they commit resources but to get higher numbers of gamers there has to be AAA games made for them for the number of Mac OS gamers to increase. Without games, no increased numbers of gamers and with no increased number of games, no commitment to make them. Is this a fair analysis of the sistuation? (put to the game pulbishers).
Yes members have mentioned that the game publishers are more than likely going to be very standoffish or reluctant to give straight answers but it is still better than nothing.