Well, the fact that it's expired and voided doesn't give me any security concern. The ID is still mine and the info on it was still current. They aren't looking at anyone's face and comparing it to what's on the ID either, so there really is no positive match going on that way even with a current ID. My guess is that it simply scans for the DL number and address and then does a match with state databases to make sure that is the person.
I actually thought of trying this when I put my visor down in my car the other day because I kept my old DL there with my insurance card. My idea for keeping my old license there was that if I ever accidentally forgot my wallet with my current DL, I'd at least have something to show an officer. While I'm sure the police would prefer to have my current DL if I'm pulled over, I bet they'd appreciate having the expired one presented over none at all or a fake one. It is the same DL number as my current one and does still show my identity, voided and expired or not.
I do think it's a shame that the verification system GS/Apple are using can't process all legal state ID's. Especially since the ones that don't seem to be working are the ones that actually have the enhanced security features. And I'd guess that there's a big overlap between best qualified credit customers and people who cared enough to get an enhanced ID.
One other interesting part of my experience. I did have a freeze in place on my credit report with TransUnion. I went online and did a temporary lift of the freeze before applying. Once I did apply and got approved and got the AppleCard loaded into my wallet, etc, I went back online and removed the freeze. A few hours later I got an alert from one of the credit protection websites informing me that GS had tried to pull my report and that it was blocked because of my freeze. I find it strange that I was given my credit line and account opened before they even pulled my credit? I'll have to see if this causes any problem with the actual opening of my account, and I'll be interested to see if the hard inquiry shows up on my credit report.