Not mine, still showing the Anchorage departure as the latest scan.Anyone from the 12:24 am AK departure scan has gotten Import Scan yet?
Not mine, still showing the Anchorage departure as the latest scan.Anyone from the 12:24 am AK departure scan has gotten Import Scan yet?
Since Louisville is only about 4h away from Chicago, they may be sending it by truck instead of air.
I’m with you - I have faith but it’s hardI know its coming tomorrow but whose still part of the Alaska crew departed at 12:24? Been sitting there all day.
Colorado folks, we're outbound from Kentucky at 4:31pm local time!
Same here. Scanning delayed all the way from ZZ.I know its coming tomorrow but whose still part of the Alaska crew departed at 12:24? Been sitting there all day.
can you help me find the flight mine is on, to Sacramento
Maybe they can pre-sign and then accept goodies "contactless"? 🤣Its the thought that counts i guess. Id be surprised if lots would take people up on it. Shame we have to think that way now![]()
so for ppl picking up at cc. my cc opens 330-6 , y'all think it will be ready by 330?
Just curious is anyone else here going to be coming from a 7/8+? It’s almost exactly he same weight as those phones. Gonna be interesting!
Same here - excited for speed snd 5G, screen, etc. also, Apple Pay and the right most 1/4 inch of my screen stopped working, the latter due to heat I believe.This is such a rush right now. Coming from an iPhone X, im pretty hyped.
LMAO. That or too busy trying to b n control of the hun....He’s with u. We land n 33 minutes... 😉
5 am is plenty of time for UPS to get it to the local station. Some stations don’t dispatch their delivery trucks until as late as 9 am.I was on the first batch of phones out from Anchorage but seem to be on the last batch out from Louisville! If my phone is going from Louisville to Ontario, it will not depart til 23:40 PST which gives them 10 hours to get the phone from Louisville, KY to Anaheim, CA. If it is on flight UPS916 then it should arrive in NorCal around 5 AM which is cutting it close! Wonder what plane goes from NorCal to SoCal.
If I can’t pick it up at 10 AM sharp tomorrow, then I won’t get my phone til Monday due to the needs at my workplace... we will see!
Do Android users religiously track their pre-ordered phones like we do?
Thanks! First time doing a pickup instead of getting it delivered so it seems all so different. Thanks for the heads up!You shouldbe
we are probably same plane, as mine has to go through Dallas then hits a truck to Lubbock, where I am. I chose pickup at CC like 3 days ago as well.
same issue as last year, called them last year when I tried to do it again. Ends up that the exception and pending goes away. They saw all 3 times last year when I kept trying to move it from pending. Then on day of arrival, it sorted itself out with no issues and I was first to pick up last year.
in other words, don’t worry, it’s part of the process. They (UPS) sees all of it even when the MyChoice app doesn’t. And if you go to the website, not mobile site, it looks different as well
Oh lucky you! (Wait is 10/30 your deliver by date? What’s your window?)
I had better quit looking at my order. It’s like watching paint dry. I want to see that Capital One charge so badly!!!
When was this changed? In years past, if you showed up early, they would make you go in a “holding“ line, which was basically the last group of people to be selected. Otherwise, time slots were in a different line.Anyone seeing "ready for pickup" you technically can go get your product, the time slot given is merely to help space out store traffic influxes during COVID, ready however means ready, however Apple still may very well not allow the phone to be "delivered" as they launch tomorrow but just clarifying that pickup window is a suggestion more then a requirement regarding pickups in general. 👍