Maybe I was given bad information? Why is it that so many of you have become apologists for Apple? Why is it my fault I bought a machine that won't serve my purpose when I was told that it would?
Perhaps you should ask yourself why you apologize for Apple and want to blame me.
I don't think anyone here is apologising on Apple's behalf.
1) Bad/Incorrect information was exchanged over a phone call - maybe they did not interpret your requirements correctly or perhaps you did not explain it well . Things like these do however happen with complicated technical conversations
Either way, it would be speculative to state which party (or both) was at fault.
Now let us for a second presume that it was indeed the L2 support team's fault.
2) Most users would however do some additional secondary research to see if the intended purchase fits the use case.
Given the M1 is a major architectural change, all the more reason to do so.
Having said that, While you did not do that, it doesn't necessarily mean you are at fault
But only if the first presumption is correct and there was
unequivocal confirmation from L2 support that an Intel boot drive would work with an ARM chip (highly unlikely - but weird things can and do happen)
3) So one way or the other, you now have a machine that does not fit your intended usage.
You can choose to either return it
Or use an equally effective solution that would solve for the scenario you intend to solve for.
(i.e. let M1 boot off its own drive and use the external drive from the iMac as the data volume - thereby letting you resume your work exactly as it was as you left it on the other machine)
However you do not seem to be particularly willing to even explore that suggestion but would rather jump to the conclusion that people chipping in to suggest possible solutions are apple apologists instead