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NusuniAdmin said:
panther in my opinion is an absolute pos os. If tiger is not any better there is a good chance i will use YDL for my home stuff...

...This whole kill your hands from typing and moving mouse is geting terrible. If that came true id probly lose my gut cause id probly walk around while talking instead of sitting.

Panther is definitely not a p.o.s. OS, try running something in 2004 (Windows XP) that came out in 2001 that's based off of the same core coding from something in 1995...

If you like Windows more than switch back, but you can't honestly call Panther a POS when comparing it to Windows. The CTRL+ALT+DEL factor is off the charts.
Your getting pissed at Apple because their music store doesn't work?

Well if you have that kind of attitude when you switch over to a PC,

you won't need iTMS, you'll need Kazaa.
JDOG_ said:
Panther is definitely not a p.o.s. OS, try running something in 2004 (Windows XP) that came out in 2001 that's based off of the same core coding from something in 1995...

If you like Windows more than switch back, but you can't honestly call Panther a POS when comparing it to Windows. The CTRL+ALT+DEL factor is off the charts.

Panther is a pos in my opinion. I have yet to see it run any faster or be any more user friendly in my opinion.
NusuniAdmin said:
Panther is a pos in my opinion. I have yet to see it run any faster or be any more user friendly in my opinion.

Can't comment on other OS, but xBench scores were faster on my systems after I installed on Panther, versus previous scores when I had Jaguar on the systems
Flowbee said:
You're absolutely right. Apple treats its customers like crap. Switching to Microsoft is like finding a new best friend. If you ever have any problems with their software or services, you just call them up and they make everything better for you. Their motto truly is: "The customer is always right." Microsoft even sent me a birthday card this year, and a realy nice fruit basket after I spent 45 minutes on the phone with their technical support trying to get my computer to recognize my camera. They were really sorry I was having problems and promised to fix their OS as soon as they could.
Oh yeah, and Microsoft's Jersey Music Store really rocks!!

I had problems with my refurbished 1GHz 17" PowerBook. They did not send me a flower basket and birthday card though:( They sent me a brand new 1.33GHz 17" PowerBook and an extra 512MB RAM chip. That added up to over $1000 in price difference b/t what I bought and what they gave me. Sure beats a fruit basket and birthday card.
Oh yeah, my last PC (Compaq Presario) had problems recognizing a memory card reader and a brand new Epson printer. I called Compaq and they said it was Windows ME. I called Microsoft and they said it was Compaq and that ME combined with Compaq combined with an AMD processor would cause some USB peripherals to go unrecognized and never be able to be used. I didn't get an apology, birthday card, or gift certificate from Microsoft for the worst OS ever written.
My Compaq broke down on me 2X in 8 months. Both times I had to drive it to a local repair place that would then send it off and I got it back in 2 weeks. Apple has a box to me the next day for any repairs I've ever had done and has the product back, by mail, in a week (with the exception of the 17" PowerBook (above) b/c they sent me a BRAND NEW better better specs one instead.
I've never had OS problems with no comparison to make there with the OS support vs Microsoft.

I'm pretty sure that qualifies as good-caring customer service on Apple's behalf.
That is a bummer that you had a problem with itunes. Going to windows won't solve your problems. You will be running from them. Instead of telling apple you run to gates to save you.

Now a off topic, When he does make the switch and goes to a windows forum the people there will say," Welcome to the light. Macs are inferior. Glad you came when you did."
this is just what we need

a culling of pansy, mommy whining punk asses that BOO HOO everytime they have a problem because apple is out to get them and ruin everything good in their life. GOOD-RIDDANCE. good luck in the perfect windows world where everything happens instantly when you think about it and everything is really beautiful and is made with the morphing ergonomics that fit to every pansy ass user that comes along in this day and age yelling ME ME ME ME!!! nothing bad should EVER happen to me. especially not being able to acces a music store in it's infancy!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHH.

good bye, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
:) :D :) :D
NusuniAdmin said:
Id say I have more of a chance of leaving than you,

#1, that whole tech service problem. I sent my dual in for repairs got the wrong one back, sent that back and got my dual back with no video or ram cards or hd's, and finally the 3'rd time got it back but it did not boot. Finally the 4'th time i got it back perfectly fine and apple gave me a gift certificate and did not charge for the repairs

#2, panther in my opinion is an absolute pos os. If tiger is not any better there is a good chance i will use YDL for my home stuff (right now i have ydl running as my fileserver) and use tiger for my programming. I really definitly hope tiger will implement the supposed disability junk cause if it supports speach recognition throughout the whole os, no matter what i will switch to it. This whole kill your hands from typing and moving mouse is geting terrible. If that came true id probly lose my gut cause id probly walk around while talking instead of sitting.

those 2 reasons are major ones for me. I could have avoided #1 if i had more time to repair it myself, but i didnt.

And another kinda reason, #2.5 (lol), Apple needs to majorly improve its virtual memory and make the system use less memory. I have 352 megs of memory. When i boot my beige in ydl 3.01 it has 300 left (thats with all the all the eye candy on). On os x no matter what it always uses at least 100 megs of memory. When i do get to virtual memory on ydl is runs literaly 99% of the regular speed because it was written so well. OS x...well it runs like 85% of the speed if im lucky. I think the VM was just thrown together by apple or the developers. Why make people buy 500 dollars worth the ram when they can just add or remove some code?

As for number 1, damn that does suck... but at least they did not charge you and gave you a gift certificate. Had they done neither... there is a REAL reason to be pissed. But at least the made up by not charging the arm and leg it would have cost you had they not made the error.

As for number 2... dude... are you serious? You think you will be able to walk around and talk to a windows box while it accurately does everything you tell it to? Walking while talking may not help your gut much, now treadmill while talking can help alot. Apple has perhaps some of the best Handicap accessability in an OS at this point. No doubt it could be better, but try to walk and talk to a windows computer... not fun, not productive and BARELY works.

As for 2.5, there is a HUGE difference between OS X and YDL. I do like YDL and ran it in place of OS 9 until OS X came out. Main stream application support and an easy to use interface mixed with the backbone of BSD is a hell-uva thing. YDL is lacking those, you can run mac-on-linux but your results will vary. For the reasons mentioned, except for number 1 which is irritating but cost you time not cash, you'd be better off staying with the Mac.

A friend of mine just bought a Dell with XP Pro on it. The damn thing sucks... it crashed 8 times while setting up user accounts for the very first time. Windows Explorer crashed while trying to autoload thumbnails from a floppy (&CD) the first time, and has done so since. He had to re-install the OS twice before it began to behave and then, within the last 2 days he has called me for tech support 5 times, all for things that an OS should have no problem doing. I use a Mac at home and would NEVER think of switching to the PC... expecially for something as trivial as iTMS not working in the UK (BTW iTMS for the PC won't do it either if the Mac version won't) or there not being full voice recognition support. No way... no how.

Think what you will, but know the truth. You now have the information to make up your own mind.

Jacob - I switched for that reason too!

jacobj said:
I have had so many issues with Apple recently, but this is the one that has convinced me that my next computer will be a PC.

I just switched for the same reason! The only problem is, itunes on a PC still doesn't let the Jersey crowd in. Neither does Napster. Or OD2. Looks like you'll have to do things like you always have till Jersey gets itunes in October.
by the way...

what mac are you running and how much will you be selling it for? i may buy it just to ease the transition for you... does it have problems as well? or is it just the music store that makes you want to leave? If it's a g4 AGP or higher i may just purchase it from you for a reasonable price. let me know.

bertagert said:
I just switched for the same reason! The only problem is, itunes on a PC still doesn't let the Jersey crowd in. Neither does Napster. Or OD2. Looks like you'll have to do things like you always have till Jersey gets itunes in October.

Are you going to switch back soon? Had any problems with windows that pisses you off more then apple? I had and thats made me switch back o apple. Being a windows user for 5 years, and getting crappy service made me switch back to mac.
I know exactly what you mean and how you feel - I once bought a package of English Muffins and after leaving the darn things out all night, they had the unmitigated gaul to get stale - so I decided to never again speak ENGLISH because if the English can't make a muffin that will not get stale when left out overnight, I don't want anything to with them. Nevermind that I cant speak any other languages - I can still write notes to people.

Suggestion - when you dump Apple and go to PC and then get frustrated with the PC world - you can grab a pencil and paper. I understand the pencil and paper guild on your little island is quite user friendly
jacobj said:
my next computer will be a PC. I hope that all their users eventually leave them and that the company fades into the history books, because style and gadgets are not the whole thing: support for a loyal customer base should surely be the other.

Before wishing you fairwell, I feel it my duty to point out the irony of your post.

Loyalty? Where exactly can I find this "loyalty" of yours?

Whatever.. you are obviously oblivious to what the PC world has in store for you. Don't let the door hit you on your way out.
jemeinc said:
Nope... I was dead serious, that's why I asked... Guess I'll have to study up on my UK Geography... lol.. ehhh, maybe not... lol...

Maybe if he'd said Isle of Wight, you wouldn't have been confused?

Just think, where did they get those Jersey cows? :D
Bakey said:
Please, please, please, please tell me you're joking!!! :rolleyes:

Well, you know that americans tend to be the worst people in the world about geography. :rolleyes:

edit: note, I did not mean for this to be a dig on you, jemeinc, just stating a known fact. I am sure it is not your fault no one ever taught you English geography.
Panther isn't a POS OS. It may be a memory hog, but not a POS. I do wish OSX wouldn't use 100MB of memory. Which under the minimum requirements leaves you with less than 28MB to open stuff in.
yeah!! switch to a PC dude! i'm serious, if you are unable to take ****ty customer service, maybe you aren't made for a Mac :(

apple has some of the worst customer service i have ever encountered.

also, PCs are not all that bad. the main reason that they are so unreliable is because there are so many viruses and spyware and adware for PCs that do not affect apple computers. windows is an OK operating system. granted, panther is better but it is not microsoft's fault that their OS is the most used in the world, and that hackers in almost every nation want to make viruses for Windows just because it is the most used. hackers that design viruses are @$$holes who set out with the goal to make PC users piss their pants and switch over to Mac. hmmmm...maybe all of these viruses are really programmed by apple to aid their "switch" campaign....
What bank is your credit/debit card with? If if it s a UK bank, just type in a different postcode in the registration form and get on with it. It won´t bother Apple, it won´t bother your bank and you can stop complaining.

Switchin´ to something better? Huhu...
jacobj said:
iTunes music store has just been launched across Europe, including the UK. I have been waiting a year for this and so, when I got home from work, I eagerly opened iTunes and started the whole event. I had to update my Apple ID so that it could be used with iTunes music store and what so I find?
My UK post code is not accepted.
There are only 90,000 people here, but with the other Channel Islands, of which we form part, the total population is around 180,000. OK this is only 0.30% of the UK's population and we are slightly out of the loop in terms of legislation and government, but we are none the less part of the UK and all copyright laws that apply there apply here.
If the fault lays at the door of the record companies my issue would be less, but I still detest the fact that Apple makes no mention of us on their iTunes site, nor in their online help, nor do their support team know anything of us.
I have had so many issues with Apple recently, but this is the one that has convinced me that my next computer will be a PC. I hope that all their users eventually leave them and that the company fades into the history books, because style and gadgets are not the whole thing: support for a loyal customer base should surely be the other.


"This cup holder in my BMW won't hold my super sized slurpee... it sucks. I'm going to sell this piece of **** and by a yugo."

Dude, if this is your biggest problem then your life is pretty good. Have fun with Dell and M$, I am sure your life will be problem free.

On the topic of customer support, it is all in how you approach them. I have had Apple replace an entire computer before, at no cost to me, for a relatively small problem that they technically didn't even have to fix under warranty. Not only did they address the problem, they replaced the entire machine! Apple's customer service was rated number one in a recent PC mag poll... Dell's customer service center is in India I think. Have fun.

Oh ya, and don't let the door hit you on.....
quagmire said:
Are you going to switch back soon? Had any problems with windows that pisses you off more then apple? I had and thats made me switch back o apple. Being a windows user for 5 years, and getting crappy service made me switch back to mac.

I was completely kidding around with my post. I should have marked it with sarcasm tags. Sorry. What I was saying is, for him to switch to windows isn't going to help him download songs from any of online music services any faster. These comapnies are setting up shop in places where money can actually be made. If, and I really don't know the population of Jersey, the population is less than 10 million people, there really wouldn't be any reason to open another store for such a place. He'll just have to get his music the old fashion way, no matter if he's on a mac or a pc.
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