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bertagert said:
I just switched for the same reason! The only problem is, itunes on a PC still doesn't let the Jersey crowd in. Neither does Napster. Or OD2. Looks like you'll have to do things like you always have till Jersey gets itunes in October.

What happens when that doesn't work either? It sounds as if moving house is the only solution.
What is with everyone bashing me for hating panther? A bet a lot of you hate os 9...but i happen to like it. Am i allowed to bash you?
NusuniAdmin said:
What is with everyone bashing me for hating panther? A bet a lot of you hate os 9...but i happen to like it. Am i allowed to bash you?

I think alot of people(inluding me) liked OS for what is was. We just didn't like it for what it did. It crashed alot. With Panther and Jaguar I never had crash. With Jaguar I had a couple app crashes but, luckly we have force quit. I think XP is pos. I think windows itself is pos. If longhorn ever comes out it is going to be pos. It is just a copied version of Mac OS X.
I am sure it is not your fault no one ever taught you English geography.[/QUOTE said:
No actually it probably I'm American through & through & sometimes tend to forget I'm reading stuff from all over the world... When I saw Jersey my first thought was naturally, 'what exit?' I still get a laugh out of the original response saying "please,please,please,please, tell me you're kidding" lol... Yeah, riiiggghhht, sorry for the initial reaction being the Jersey just outside of New York- a slightly more relevant version, imho...I'll try to keep up from now on, lol...
wide said:
apple has some of the worst customer service i have ever encountered.
Is that why they are consistently ranked as one of the best in customer service and satisfaction?

also, PCs are not all that bad. the main reason that they are so unreliable is because there are so many viruses and spyware and adware for PCs that do not affect apple computers. windows is an OK operating system. granted, panther is better but it is not microsoft's fault that their OS is the most used in the world, and that hackers in almost every nation want to make viruses for Windows just because it is the most used. hackers that design viruses are @$$holes who set out with the goal to make PC users piss their pants and switch over to Mac.

First, those viruses exploit gapping holes that Microsoft leaves in their OS either because they don't care or because they are to incompetent to write a good OS. It IS Microsofts fault. Thats like saying its not a companies fault if they leave some of the doors open all night long and people come in and steal their stuff. Its the theifs fault for stealing it, so obviously the company isn't to blame for allowing them in.
Second, have you ever met a virus programmer? I have, and I can tell you that none of them or the ones they know are Mac fans. They write viruses because they want screw with other people, or for noteriety, or just because they can.
I love when people rant about something that they don't understand...

NusuniAdmin said:
Apple needs to majorly improve its virtual memory and make the system use less memory. I have 352 megs of memory. When i boot my beige in ydl 3.01 it has 300 left (thats with all the all the eye candy on). On os x no matter what it always uses at least 100 megs of memory. When i do get to virtual memory on ydl is runs literaly 99% of the regular speed because it was written so well. OS x...well it runs like 85% of the speed if im lucky. I think the VM was just thrown together by apple or the developers. Why make people buy 500 dollars worth the ram when they can just add or remove some code?

You obviously don't understand just what virtual memory entails. First in any modern OS virtual memory is ALWAYS on, there is no reason not to have it on. Second, if you aren't running other programs you WANT the OS to use as much memory as possible. That means that it isn't wasting time swapping between disk and memory. A proper modern OS utilizes all resources to the fulllest if it can, it shouldn't be wasting memory. As soon as more programs need memory the kernal will start paging memory to more programs in order to keep things going (I think OS X using paging for its VM scheme). Third, given that you can't turn VM off on OS X how can it run at 85%?
Krizoitz said:
I love when people rant about something that they don't understand...

You obviously don't understand just what virtual memory entails. First in any modern OS virtual memory is ALWAYS on, there is no reason not to have it on. Second, if you aren't running other programs you WANT the OS to use as much memory as possible. That means that it isn't wasting time swapping between disk and memory. A proper modern OS utilizes all resources to the fulllest if it can, it shouldn't be wasting memory. As soon as more programs need memory the kernal will start paging memory to more programs in order to keep things going (I think OS X using paging for its VM scheme). Third, given that you can't turn VM off on OS X how can it run at 85%?

When the pageouts start because i run out of memory the whole system slows to around 85% of the normal speed, ydl and many other linux distro's do not do this and actually run at nearly their regular speed
jemeinc said:
Nope... I was dead serious, that's why I asked... Guess I'll have to study up on my UK Geography... lol.. ehhh, maybe not... lol...

Didn't you ever wonder why its called NEW Jersey? :p
Chip NoVaMac said:
No, then he would think of North Carolina and Kitty Hawk :D

I hope not.

Isn't Kitty Hawk where they have birds that prey on cats? :D Do they have indians in Indiana? I've heard a few things that make me wonder.
Post codes


Try putting in your post code all in lower case. I could not login into ITMS UK, from the Isle of Man, until i used lower case for my post code then i could. strange but true. The IOM is also not part of the UK, but a Crown Dependancy, just like Jersey, so if we have it, i guess you will have to.
NusuniAdmin said:
When the pageouts start because i run out of memory the whole system slows to around 85% of the normal speed, ydl and many other linux distro's do not do this and actually run at nearly their regular speed

I don't know much about Linux. I do know that Linux is faster under some system intensive processes. I also know that the reason we have RAM is because it is a helluva lot faster than a HD. That is a pretty pure and simple fact. No VM will EVER be as fast as RAM.

Also, VM on a computer with a 4200RPM drive, like my laptop, is going to be slower than VM on a 7200rpm drive, like my mom's PowerMac.

If you are getting "nearly regular speed" from Linux while VM is active, than you aren't using memory intensive tasks. If you are getting good speeds, then why even buy RAM? go out and get a bigger HD, it's a lot cheaper than a 512mb stick...

nelwd said:

Try putting in your post code all in lower case. I could not login into ITMS UK, from the Isle of Man, until i used lower case for my post code then i could. strange but true. The IOM is also not part of the UK, but a Crown Dependancy, just like Jersey, so if we have it, i guess you will have to.

The "Isle Of Man" — is that in Manhatten?... lol... Just kidding guys- poking a little fun at my expense- no need to roast me - unless of course you'd like
jacobj said:
iTunes music store has just been launched across Europe, including the UK. I have been waiting a year for this and so, when I got home from work, I eagerly opened iTunes and started the whole event. I had to update my Apple ID so that it could be used with iTunes music store and what so I find?
My UK post code is not accepted.
There are only 90,000 people here, but with the other Channel Islands, of which we form part, the total population is around 180,000.

have you heard about ITMS for any South American country? we are not even mentioned, we do not exist AT ALL!

Now you have a taste of what it feel to be segregated.
jemeinc said:
No actually it probably I'm American through & through & sometimes tend to forget I'm reading stuff from all over the world... When I saw Jersey my first thought was naturally, 'what exit?' I still get a laugh out of the original response saying "please,please,please,please, tell me you're kidding" lol... Yeah, riiiggghhht, sorry for the initial reaction being the Jersey just outside of New York- a slightly more relevant version, imho...I'll try to keep up from now on, lol...

Yeah, why is "New Jersey" shortened to "Jersey", but "New York" isn't.. In fact, sometimes, it's even lengthened to "New York New York"... :p
Oh, yes, someone had to speak up on this

winwintoo said:
You shouldn't have to use a fake post code to circumvent Apple's apparent oversight in designing their store.

This lack of customer service seems to be rampant in Apple lately and almost made me want to switch and might yet.

I recently had dealings with Apple customer service and got no satisfaction what so ever from them. After going through several layers of intermediaries before I could finally talk to "customer service" I got to speak to a dolt whose lack of voice inflection made me want to climb through the phone line and strangle him. He kept saying "I'm sorry you're having this trouble" but with absolutely no emotion in his voice, in effect conveying to me that he (and therefore Apple) could care less if I was having trouble.

Apple better smarten up - if they treat their loyal customers like this, I shudder to think what new switcher must think.

Take care, M

I agree with you 200%. I had my share of severe dissappointments and feel of being ripped off with their highly concentric and arrogant customer services agents. All apple have is their loyal customer base, and nothing else. I have never seen another company that screws over its biggest user-base, or their biggest retail channels (used to be the independent stores see the whole story ). They should be dishing out their anguish of not being able to get more of the market on the competition, not making their user-base pay high royalty fees and crazy margins, and plus, asking 50 big ones for a phone call is just plain cranialrectosis.
whooleytoo said:
Yeah, why is "New Jersey" shortened to "Jersey", but "New York" isn't.. In fact, sometimes, it's even lengthened to "New York New York"... :p

Well, New York, New York is actually a proper way to describe the city of New York in the Stae of New York. There is actually much more to New York (state) than that big city! :D
Krizoitz said:
I love when people rant about something that they don't understand...

You obviously don't understand just what virtual memory entails. First in any modern OS virtual memory is ALWAYS on, there is no reason not to have it on. Second, if you aren't running other programs you WANT the OS to use as much memory as possible. That means that it isn't wasting time swapping between disk and memory. A proper modern OS utilizes all resources to the fulllest if it can, it shouldn't be wasting memory. As soon as more programs need memory the kernal will start paging memory to more programs in order to keep things going (I think OS X using paging for its VM scheme). Third, given that you can't turn VM off on OS X how can it run at 85%?

Thanks for the explination. I personally found it very informative =)
Earendil said:
I don't know much about Linux. I do know that Linux is faster under some system intensive processes. I also know that the reason we have RAM is because it is a helluva lot faster than a HD. That is a pretty pure and simple fact. No VM will EVER be as fast as RAM.

Also, VM on a computer with a 4200RPM drive, like my laptop, is going to be slower than VM on a 7200rpm drive, like my mom's PowerMac.

If you are getting "nearly regular speed" from Linux while VM is active, than you aren't using memory intensive tasks. If you are getting good speeds, then why even buy RAM? go out and get a bigger HD, it's a lot cheaper than a 512mb stick...


You're right there. Linux is still fairly small, unless you use a GUI and I understand the minimum requirements (from some Linux user's article) is 192MB which is higher than Mac OS X although recommendations are about the same.

Laptop users are definitely at a disadvantage on the page out writes. Someone mentioned recently that 5400 rpm drives are as quick on reads as 7200 rpm drives. Even though I find that difficult to believe--people may not noticed the difference but that's another story--they're not that quick on writes almost any time.
aloofman said:
You've chosen to isolate yourself on a tiny island that gets to pick and choose which parts of British law apply to it, so I'd say the lack of an iTunes music store there is not a major issue for the people of Jersey or Apple.

I started this thread off ages ago, and admit that I was more than a little hot headed.. just the dissapointment I suppose.

I am interested to see so many knowledgable people about, all of whom seem to be a little interested in Jersey. I was a little disturbed by the guy that posted information on the Jersey constitution..

Anyway.. as for the above quote: I am a little appalled: one has to assume that you assume that people aren't actually born in Jersey. I lived in London for 3 years, but chose to leave the City for a quieter life and start a family. When making that decision I decided to return home, to Jersey, the place where I was born and raised.

I love the fact that people seem to assume that we are all a bunch of money grabbing, law waivering fools. The truth is that the majority of people living in Jersey believe that the place is poorly managed and would like to see it changed.

In response to the other questions re what Apple actually did so poorly, I can't be bothered to go into it, but I will say that I have bought an iBook, PowerBook, iPod 2nd gen, Airport, numerous peripherals etc.. I have had few issues with the products themselves, and, to be honest, when I have had they have been rectified reasonably well: the issues I do have is the crap tracking system and case information site they have. It doesn't bloody work, nor does their delivery tracking sytem. As someone said above, you sometimes have to go through 3 or 4 different people before you get someone who can a) make a decision and b) has access to all the systems they need to help.
Someone also mentioned Dell's support line, which is manned and operated in India: the same is true of Apple (at least in the UK).

Anyway, my apologies for inciting so much reaction and the good news is that, having calmed down, the truth is I would rather eat off my own feet that return to a MS system.

OK.. enough said

PS... I just bought Airport Express and the iPod 4th gen 40gb...
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