Same as it's been since it dropped:
For getting work done 7,1's make a lot of sense if you can't or won't leave the MacOS ecosystem.
They make very little sense if you're platform agnostic, because the hardware fields are much greener elsewhere - cheaper, faster, and with better end-to-end business support all at once.
This is why most of the favorable comparisons on this forum are by people who only compare the 7,1 MP to other Macs and not the broader desktop computing field as a whole. That will be perfectly valid if all you do is cut footage in FCPX and much less so if you're trying to build VR games in Unreal.
For getting work done 7,1's make a lot of sense if you can't or won't leave the MacOS ecosystem.
They make very little sense if you're platform agnostic, because the hardware fields are much greener elsewhere - cheaper, faster, and with better end-to-end business support all at once.
This is why most of the favorable comparisons on this forum are by people who only compare the 7,1 MP to other Macs and not the broader desktop computing field as a whole. That will be perfectly valid if all you do is cut footage in FCPX and much less so if you're trying to build VR games in Unreal.