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federal laws and chest bumping aside, apple is choosing to pretend the CR issue doesnt exist, Their censorship is exactly why I registered here and never went back there again. Constitutional or not, its fuct up.
Big Brother is still watching. This is Apple's version of Newspeak. Destroy any "thoughtcrimes" we have. Isn't it ironic that Apple's most famous commercial was "1984"?

I love my iPhone 4, but I sometimes I can despise the company that manufactures it. I always have this love/hate relationship with Apple.
Apple is just getting dumber and dumberer.

C'mon guys .... snap out of it!
federal laws and chest bumping aside, apple is choosing to pretend the CR issue doesnt exist, Their censorship is exactly why I registered here and never went back there again. Constitutional or not, its fuct up.

Exactly. Called Verizon tonight. They are willing to refund me my early termination fee, pay for my AT&T activation fee, give me two months of free service, and ship me a droid x. How's that for customer service? Plus I get a discount through Verizon. However, I have wanted an iPhone for so long. Now I bit and have one. More importantly I need to ask myself if it was worth it. I just wish apple would make this right.
Big Brother is still watching. This is Apple's version of Newspeak. Destroy any "thoughtcrimes" we have. Isn't it ironic that Apple's most famous commercial was "1984"?

I love my iPhone 4, but I sometimes I can despise the company that manufactures it. I always have this love/hate relationship with Apple.

I've been saying for many years now that the company that made itself known as the company that "Thinks Differently" or words to that effect changed to the company that now effectively professes "Think Differently, Just Make Sure You Think Exactly The We Do When You Do It, And Never Badmouth Us, Even When We Deserve It Legitimately" or more words to that effect.

The basic gist is that philosophy of going against the norm, and thinking differently than everyone else breeds the cult-like mentality.

They call it "The Cult of Mac" for a reason, because the Cult leader - Mr. Jobs himself - can never do anything wrong, and is seen as a Messiah of sorts to those that follow the one true path, aka Apple's every whim.

Those are Side 3 folks...

Apple isn't Big Brother... more like Big Stepbrother perhaps... ;)

Bleh... and just for the record - and I'm surprised you missed this one, Chupa, since you're so good at nitpicking every word - I never said the friend of mine (client actually) was a board member for 27 years, I said he's been with AmEx for 27 years and he's a board member, big huge difference there. I noted it not once but twice, even, but I fudged the years on the second mention and said 37, my bad. 27 years since he started with the company, and I'm not going to tell you how long he's been an active board member lest you start stalking him out too... :p

Sorry for the off-topic, sam, won't happen again (at least in this thread).
An article (commentary) posted last week (by others and myself) hit the nail on the head.

Apple WAS the underdog. Apple IS no longer the underdog.
Serious question:

When do you (whoever you are) think this will actually be over, this whole fiasco? I mean, really, try to be objective and think about it along these lines:

- the leaked prototype fiasco
- the Gizmodo reporter having his home trashed after the phone had been returned fiasco
- the embarrassing WWDC iPhone 4 keynote with the now censored footage of Steve Jobs and the iPhone 4's abysmal failure in the demos (not 1 but 3 different iPhone 4's in rotation where the iPhone 3GS - 3 of 'em - performed flawlessly)
- the pre-order fiasco and AT&T taking almost all the blame
- the release day BS
- the observations that many of the phones simply don't work as cell phones when held in the hand
- the emails that seem to have started with samcraig's now rather infamous one that prompted Jobs' even more infamous "Just avoid holding it in that way" response
- the rest of the emails, verified or not
- Spencer Webb's now infamous experience as a real antenna design engineer and his opinions
- the Boy Genius email fiasco, first it's fake, next it's real, what's next?
- the Apple "apology" and lame excuse attempt at misdirection off the iPhone 4 by blaming a problem on every iPhone ever made as the culprit
- the continuing BS that Apple is spewing out by not even saying a word at all (the worst thing they can really do)
- the news reports that won't stop and are growing in frequency
- Spencer Webb's update when he finally got his own iPhone 4 and declared it basically defective because of its design (gee, that sounds familiar, wonder why)
- more bad press, and not the good kind for Apple (yes, there really is bad press that hurts)
- the Consumer Reports fiasco which is now the current "big thing"
- and so on... and so on...

Did I miss anything? Probably not...

So, when's this crazy ride gonna be over, Mister? :confused:
Apparently Apple didn't realize the negative effect of Toyota's recent recall issue. The same is now happening with Apple about negative publicity for coverups.
Before everyone starts believing consumer reports instinctively, let me just share that I thought consumer reports was somewhat negligent and unprofessional in their explanation of their test. Having worked in a test lab, there are specific protocols that should be followed. They specified nothing of the sort. Not to be too provocative but I wouldn't doubt this was a measure to drum up readership and subscriptions in a tight economy.

I posted the following comment to the consumer reports blog, and it was removed...

Two questions about your testing procedure in this circumstance.

A) You specifically mention the word "engineer" when describing your test lab personnel. What type of engineers are they?

B) What specific method did you use for measuring db signal, and on what frequency? Please specify.

CR has not addressed either of these questions in it's statement on the above blog site and deserves clarification.
It's actually nothing like that because they are only deleting threads from its site. Let me know when Apple starts bullying other sites to pull down the CR report and your statement might make more sense.

Apple expects their followers to only read what they give them, kinda like that little bear who wants the iphone with the big gb's.

And any other site or place must be wrong, must of been read,held, or printed wrong:rolleyes:
Apple going the way of every other big business

So now Apple is censoring negative comments about the iPhone 4 on its forums? Can you imagine what the outrage would be if Microsoft or practically any other company on earth did this? Apple is losing it.

"Rumors Swirling Over Possible Recall of Apple iPhone 4 (AAPL)
2010-07-13 14:03:12.964 GMT

Jul 13, 2010 (SmarTrend News Watch via COMTEX) -- Shares of Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) are down more than 3%, in an otherwise positive stock market, a day after Consumer Reports said that it would not recommend the iPhone 4 due to problems with the antenna. iPhone 4 users have complained that when holding the phone a certain way, reception was degraded causing dropped calls and slow data transfer.

Also, yesterday, Apple began to censor any mention of the negative Consumer Reports piece by removing links and threads on the topic from its support forums.

While the company's official stance has been a software problem has erroneously been reporting signal strength - a claim many tech savvy users find absurd - there have been rumblings in gadget blogs that the company should recall the phone, or offer some kind of physical repair or remedy. In any event, until a solution to this is found, a continued overhand in Apple shares may remain."
To be fair - either the forum moderators on Apple are off duty - or they've allowed a couple of threads now to remain.
Comedy Central yanking the 'eyePhone' reference from that episode of Futurama recently is pretty damning evidence that Apple is on a tear to make sure anything anywhere that paints iPhones or Apple itself in a negative light are stomped, fast.

That 'eyePhone' thing was pure parody and protected 110% by Federal law here in the US, they had no legitimate reason to yank it or remove any references to it nor were they legally obliged to remove it regardless of what Apple Legal may have tossed at 'em but, magically, it up and vanished like a fart in the wind.

If you think Apple didn't have a hand in it, or a direct call from Steve Jobs didn't happen, you're sadly mistaken. While it's not the CR report, it IS iPhone related, and it was a pretty heavy handed tactic on their part...

Apple wouldn't make a big deal over a parody, that episode didn't even make fun of the iPhone that much, it mostly parodied Twitter.

As for them deleting messages off their board, I'm not surprised, they do it all the time.

They are getting a lot of bad publicity over this, they sure as hell won't be happy.

/thread :p
You do realize you're defending a policy that does not jive with the right to free speech, right?

Oh, for God's sake. This is not a free speech issue. Apple has the right to forbid anything they want IN THEIR FORUM. If they tried to stop you from talking about the issue in other forums, that would be interfering with your right to free speech. But you have ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT to force anyone to publish your opinion.
Oh, for God's sake. This is not a free speech issue. Apple has the right to forbid anything they want IN THEIR FORUM. If they tried to stop you from talking about the issue in other forums, that would be interfering with your right to free speech. But you have ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT to force anyone to publish your opinion.

On the internet, you are only as free as the TOS you agreed to.
This is surprising or shocking to some, wow!

There is nothing to be done. Apple wins unless consumers stop buying the phone and so far no one has, and in fact not many have even returned it..

Again, Apple wins.
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