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macrumors member
Sep 11, 2021
Okay I will try to explain why they want to charge you the 200 for the battery. Even though I don’t think they should charge you.
As YOU say, you want like for like. Well you basically gave them a laptop with a bad battery and they are giving you a laptop with a brand new battery. Their thinking (not mine) is you should pay the 200 to upgrade the battery on the old laptop to make it like for like. Although the laptop they would give you is worth 2 or 3 times what your laptop was worth, money wise.
Sounds like someone decided to play hardball with you for some reason.
I am not a legal expert or anything but I think normally you get a like for like or a monetary equivalent of your device that was lost unless there was negligence on their part, then you would be entitle to more. A company to keep a client or for publicity or just to make the matter go away may offer something of greater value than the item that was lost.
Hope it all works out.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 21, 2015
Munich, Germany
How come they would send the machine to another country for a battery replacement....suppose they could do it in-store in 15 mins
Because the battery is sticked on the aluminum case of early 2015s. They could not do this in store, and the whole topcase is replaced in this case (Topcase + Trackpad + Keyboard + Battery)
Very sad to hear that was yesterdays outcomeo_O.

If this situation really doesnt let you get the 2021 mbp for free, i think that first you need to ger rid of the battery replacement charge, even if they did the replacement but lost your mac, they cannot charge for a mac repair they dont have. That said thats 209€ less to pay.

Normally apple is very sturdy to give things for free, but if you are paying i think you will be able to negotiate things a bit better. It does not mean you really should tho, but how the situation stands its how you have to adapt, although to having to pay something you maybe cant afford is a bad thing aswell

That said, lets see if you can get the difference price a bit down like maybe 600€ And also applying the student discount to that so it stays between 400-500€. It probably will be difficult to do this but let see if it is possible!:D

Trying to look on a brigh side of things even though i know you were completely fine with your mac and were not in for a change (maybe also economically), but i think 600€ Or less for the 14” macbook pro is quite good, i wish i could get one at that price!?

But still, push the free mac to the limit, and lets see if you reach to higher ranked people in the company, if the outcome HAS to be paying for it then i think you should embrace it and try to take as much advantage as possible.
The final result is probably going to be like what you have said, also please read below.

Haven't read the whole thread, but you should've wiped the machine before handing it in.
I know, I have not done, it is my bad mostly. However I already asked about this to the employee at the Genius Bar. He told me it was not needed, as they were not going to work on the SSD part.

LAST NEWS FROM 16.12.2021 morning:

I got a phone call from the store this morning. It was again the manager from yesterday. He told me that there existed a misunderstood yesterday, he was insisting on the payment for the battery replacement service, I denied, because the first manager on Monday told me there was going to be "zero" cost. Yesterdays manager called me to apologize, I am not pushed to pay that amount right now.
"You will not pay the battery replacement price in either case, this is a good news. Sorry I did not know the previous manager told this to you like that." he said.
Plus, they are still ofering the 2020 M1 13" device, which is not really beneficial for me because of the aforementioned reasons (ports and 2 display support). If I want to have the 2021 14", I have to pay the price difference. This is what he expressed again. So he told me also that there are still both 2020 13" and 2021 14" MBPs reserved for me, I have time to decide which to get.
I started feeling like it will not get in a nice pathway, they still denies giving the 2021 14", which I can not understand 100%. Hence I decided to ask about the price difference.
He told me it is normally 800 Euro difference that I have to pay, but it becomes around 480 Euro with a student discount that I am eligible for. So in this case, I had him to reserve the 2021 14", but I have to pay in total 480 Euro. There will be no +209Euro price for the battery replacement service from my lost early 2015 device. And I also asked for a USBC-USBA converter, he offered me for free. He was really more reasonable and trying to be helpful today, he was not like yesterday. I am glad.

This is probably what will happen 2 hours later. I have an appointment there again. We have the following deal:
- MBP 2021 14" base-model
- 2 USBC to USBA dongles/converters
- 480 Euro payment from me (student discount)

And I am not sure if I should also get the AppleCare+, maybe, as he mentioned.
I am not so well informed about this service, but if you advise and say "it is worth", I will consider.
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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 21, 2015
Munich, Germany
Pretty sweet deal. Imo. I would take apple care if you can afford it. Good outcome.
It makes my financial status a bit limited, however if it is really a good thing to have the Apple Care, I can consider again.
The manager told me that the guarantee is 3 years, but not free-of-charge for all accidents or problems.
For example if a display change is 1000 USD, then it becomes 200 USD. If a battery change is 209 USD, it becomes 99 USD etc.
I can not remember the exact prices, but he told something like that.

Is there any more benefits of Apple Care, that someone maybe mention with his/her own experiences?


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 21, 2015
Munich, Germany
Just a hint: you can buy AppleCare+ within the first year after you get the device.
So if your financial status is limited yet: do not buy it now. The first year is covered by German/European law.
Actually it is stated “in 60 days” in the Apple’s website.
But, for example, If I get it maybe 2 months later than today, during how many months will I get the Apple care then? I am trying to understand the time and date
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macrumors 65816
Mar 28, 2019
Sounds like you arranged something a bit better, if not perfect. Good for you. As for applecare, yeah, if you can do it, I would, given that you can’t repair anything on the new machines yourself, except, strangely, the battery. I’d offer advice on timing for apple care, but I don’t know the laws or rules for Germany and how they differ from the US.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 21, 2015
Munich, Germany
Sounds like you arranged something a bit better, if not perfect. Good for you. As for applecare, yeah, if you can do it, I would, given that you can’t repair anything on the new machines yourself, except, strangely, the battery. I’d offer advice on timing for apple care, but I don’t know the laws or rules for Germany and how they differ from the US.
We will see if I choose it or not. I asked the manager about the Apple Care. He will give me further info. Now I am at the Store and waiting.

Sounds like a good deal under the circumstances.
At least I am happy they were trying to help me, and I tried to get a bit further to have a deal. This is what we are in now. I find it as an acceptable deal as well.


macrumors member
Dec 13, 2021
Because the battery is sticked on the aluminum case of early 2015s. They could not do this in store, and the whole topcase is replaced in this case (Topcase + Trackpad + Keyboard + Battery)

The final result is probably going to be like what you have said, also please read below.

I know, I have not done, it is my bad mostly. However I already asked about this to the employee at the Genius Bar. He told me it was not needed, as they were not going to work on the SSD part.

LAST NEWS FROM 16.12.2021 morning:

I got a phone call from the store this morning. It was again the manager from yesterday. He told me that there existed a misunderstood yesterday, he was insisting on the payment for the battery replacement service, I denied, because the first manager on Monday told me there was going to be "zero" cost. Yesterdays manager called me to apologize, I am not pushed to pay that amount right now.
"You will not pay the battery replacement price in either case, this is a good news. Sorry I did not know the previous manager told this to you like that." he said.
Plus, they are still ofering the 2020 M1 13" device, which is not really beneficial for me because of the aforementioned reasons (ports and 2 display support). If I want to have the 2021 14", I have to pay the price difference. This is what he expressed again. So he told me also that there are still both 2020 13" and 2021 14" MBPs reserved for me, I have time to decide which to get.
I started feeling like it will not get in a nice pathway, they still denies giving the 2021 14", which I can not understand 100%. Hence I decided to ask about the price difference.
He told me it is normally 800 Euro difference that I have to pay, but it becomes around 480 Euro with a student discount that I am eligible for. So in this case, I had him to reserve the 2021 14", but I have to pay in total 480 Euro. There will be no +209Euro price for the battery replacement service from my lost early 2015 device. And I also asked for a USBC-USBA converter, he offered me for free. He was really more reasonable and trying to be helpful today, he was not like yesterday. I am glad.

This is probably what will happen 2 hours later. I have an appointment there again. We have the following deal:
- MBP 2021 14" base-model
- 2 USBC to USBA dongles/converters
- 480 Euro payment from me (student discount)

And I am not sure if I should also get the AppleCare+, maybe, as he mentioned.
I am not so well informed about this service, but if you advise and say "it is worth", I will consider.

Im happy you’re glad with this outcome,which is quite nice, i mean it is not a free macbook but hey 480€ for a just released macbook pro 2021 is a pretty sweet deal. At the end even though you had to burn your wallet a bit, it was kind of Glück im Unglück:D, you can do at least another 6 years with it just paying less than 1/4 of its price + your getting dongles as well.

I think normally the students discount is not normally above 20% in european countries. yours is 40% so they may have actually arranged a discount on top of it as well (even though they did not tell you?)

About apple care+, im not able to give you a certain answer, the service’s core purpose is if you accidentally break your mac, and battery replacements, for any other issues regarding product faultiness you only need to use the mac’s warranty. If you are a person thats really carefull with it, probably you wont encounter this, but as you know accidents happen even if you are carefull?, the service is at least 200€ For 2 years i think(same two years of your warranty) but i think after that you can still pay another year or two (someone from europe please confirm this). Btw every repair has also a “small” cost. Accidental repairs are quite expensive without it, so eventually it is up to you if you think or care about it breaking. Myself i havent ever bought apple care for my mac and dont think it is very needed, but this is just my singular opinion let’s see if anyone in the forum knows better about the service and has better pro’s to tell :D specially europeans because laws are quite different compared to US.

Btw apple is rolling from next year the self repair program, so next time you need a battery replacement you will be able to do it yourself, they are quite easy to replace even if you dont have a lot of tech knowledge, so NO MORE LOST MACBOOKS ?

Have fun with it.
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macrumors 6502
Dec 13, 2016
Charlotte, NC
I think given the circumstances of your situation, this is really the best possible outcome. They consider the 2020 M1 MBP the base model that was equivalent to your 2015 13". They're allowing you to upgrade to the base 14" at your choosing, and crediting you the entire 2020 13" M1 MBP toward the 14". This is incredibly generous.

I understand your need for supporting multiple displays and additional ports - but I think Apple is treating you fairly and in good faith here. Either way, you're going to end up with a 5+ year newer device than the device that you had brought in for battery service, and you're getting it at a fraction of the cost as to what you would be purchasing new.

Having been through some difficult situations with Apple shipping/repair/trade-in partners, I can tell you that this is one of the best outcomes I've read. In my personal case, Apple's executive relations team did get involved and refund me a recent purchase, but it was only a few hundred US dollars (approx value of the device that their partner damaged).

I'm really happy that you got a preferable outcome here. This actually shows that Apple is trying to meet you halfway and in good faith provide you a good outcome to a frustrating and disappointing situation.


macrumors 604
Aug 20, 2015
Lawyer up and threaten to sue the pants off them. Seriously: if it’s lost then someone else could have your personal data in their hands due to apple’s gross negligence. That’s a huge liability for them. Get your lawyer to hold their feet to the fire — with a company that has as deep pockets as Apple you can practically name your price for the settlement.
Yeah that sounds like it'll work out great and won't cost many thousands in legal fees for nothing.

If you send your Mac out for repair, it's on you to 1) have backups and 2) have passwords set to keep it locked. You just have to assume it could get lost in the mail, just as literally any package can.
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macrumors 604
Aug 20, 2015
This is probably what will happen 2 hours later. I have an appointment there again. We have the following deal:
- MBP 2021 14" base-model
- 2 USBC to USBA dongles/converters
- 480 Euro payment from me (student discount)

And I am not sure if I should also get the AppleCare+, maybe, as he mentioned.
I am not so well informed about this service, but if you advise and say "it is worth", I will consider.
This is a great deal. I'd advise you to make sure you keep the machine locked with a password this time :)


Apr 26, 2013
If having HDMI and SD card is important to you then you must express that very clearly to Apple but and yes there is a very big BUT, Apple are not legally required to offer a recent model with those requirements because the machine costs way more than what the 2015 is worth. Apple CAN offer you a machine with your requirements BUT they may ask for extra money due to the cost of the new model.
Oh look, guess what I wrote on Tuesday at 1pm :), I called it how it would happen and low and behold that is EXACTLY what Apple has done. Yes I have a smug expression on my face because I knew exactly how it was going to play out, I knew i was right yet my view/opinion was ignored and/or dismissed by others in here. I knew I was right and yes turns out i was right :)


macrumors 601
Feb 23, 2009
Why would Apple have to replace it with "something very nice" ?
This sounds like if it was Santa Claus.
The offer is like more than double the value already.

Well, in real life if you dont come to an agreement with someone, legal aspects is all you got to rely on.
Not sure what US laws and Germany has to do with it.
Of course german laws apply here , but what is your point?
Apple does not have to. It could. If it wanted to. To compensate for the inconvenience caused and to keep the customer happy. When a service is not up to expectations, the service provider may choose to give the customer a "gift" to turn a bad experience into something memorable. Again, Apple should not be required to do it. But it may voluntarily do it. Apple did not become a 2.5 trillion-dollar company by only providing its customers only what is strictly required by law.

German law applies here, and I do not know how it would treat this situation. Apple is probably required to restore the laptop to the customer. I am not sure if the law in Germany provides for any indemnification on top of that, for the inconvenience caused or moral damages or whatever. The point is that I am reading some Americans posting what would be the legal consequences to Apple, but that may be not applicable.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 21, 2015
Munich, Germany
Here is the final result of the topic.
I went to the store, my selection of MBP 2021 14" was ready to be picked up.
The manager worked on the thing a bit, took almost 30-40 minutes to be completed.
I did not pay for the battery replacement, which has never been done, as 209 Euro. The manager has apologised me for the inconvenience and misunderstanding, and they waived it off.
At the end, I received the brand-new 2021 14" MBP base-model, and now I am writing on this computer. (For now it does not feel like my early 2015 lovely MBP, however it is damn fast, I liked.)

The manager also has given me 2 Apple USB C to USB A dongles, for free, gift.

I also added AppleCare+. I asked about it to the manager, he told me that it is completely up to me, but is beneficial. Especially the 3 years coverage seems so nice. And if I ever drop my computer or maybe my coffee spills on it, even the most expensive repair like maybe motherboard, would cost me 249 Euro. Normally it is more than 1000, he said. So I just accepted the AppleCare+, student discount was 10%, so I paid 269 Euro for it.

For the difference between 2020 and 2021 MBPs, I paid 480 Euro. I guess this is really acceptable. It would be better if they could give me the 2021 directly, however I can understand them as well.

Long story short, I am grateful that there are lots of respectful users, who tried to help me by sharing comments, ideas, and experiences. I am so happy to have this interaction with you all, even in negative comments.

Here is the closing part, happy pictures! ☺️


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macrumors 6502a
Feb 8, 2013
Here is the final result of the topic.
I went to the store, my selection of MBP 2021 14" was ready to be picked up.
The manager worked on the thing a bit, took almost 30-40 minutes to be completed.
I did not pay for the battery replacement, which has never been done, as 209 Euro. The manager has apologised me for the inconvenience and misunderstanding, and they waived it off.
At the end, I received the brand-new 2021 14" MBP base-model, and now I am writing on this computer. (For now it does not feel like my early 2015 lovely MBP, however it is damn fast, I liked.)

The manager also has given me 2 Apple USB C to USB A dongles, for free, gift.

I also added AppleCare+. I asked about it to the manager, he told me that it is completely up to me, but is beneficial. Especially the 3 years coverage seems so nice. And if I ever drop my computer or maybe my coffee spills on it, even the most expensive repair like maybe motherboard, would cost me 249 Euro. Normally it is more than 1000, he said. So I just accepted the AppleCare+, student discount was 10%, so I paid 269 Euro for it.

For the difference between 2020 and 2021 MBPs, I paid 480 Euro. I guess this is really acceptable. It would be better if they could give me the 2021 directly, however I can understand them as well.

Long story short, I am grateful that there are lots of respectful users, who tried to help me by sharing comments, ideas, and experiences. I am so happy to have this interaction with you all, even in negative comments.

Here is the closing part, happy pictures! ☺️
YES!!! So excited and happy for you. I hope you enjoy your laptop. I knew Apple was going to take care of you...a little stumble yesterday but it all worked out in the end.

Please share the full specs on your new machine. I bet in a few weeks, you'll forget about the old one. ? It served you very well.

Congratulations and I hope this laptop lasts many years. This laptop is gorgeous.
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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 21, 2015
Munich, Germany
YES!!! So excited and happy for you. I hope you enjoy your laptop. I knew Apple was going to take care of you...a little stumble yesterday but it all worked out in the end.

Please share the full specs on your new machine. I bet in a few weeks, you'll forget about the old one. ? It served you very well.

Congratulations and I hope this laptop lasts many years. This laptop is gorgeous.
Hahah, we will see ?
That Early 2015 was so emotionally valuable and important for me. It did not make me upset, never.
I completed my Bachelor, all submissions, all works on it. It was always excellent. My friends have purchased 2-3 devices as theirs were not-usable, slow, as time goes by. But mine has been always solid and powerful!
Hence I am feeling still sadness inside, emotionally different. However I am happy that I can start having new vibes with this new 2021 14", and also it looks like my lost device in terms of keyboard, case visual, and ports ☺️

The exact spec of my current PC is, as written on the box:
2021 14" MBP (Model No A2442)
M1 Pro processor
16GB Unified Memory
8-Core CPU
14-Core GPU
14" diagonal display with true-tone technology
Magic Keyboard with Touch ID
3 Thunderbolt 4,HDMI, SDXC Card, Magsafe 3 ports



macrumors regular
Jun 11, 2020
Hahah, we will see ?
That Early 2015 was so emotionally valuable and important for me. It did not make me upset, never.
I completed my Bachelor, all submissions, all works on it. It was always excellent. My friends have purchased 2-3 devices as theirs were not-usable, slow, as time goes by. But mine has been always solid and powerful!
Hence I am feeling still sadness inside, emotionally different. However I am happy that I can start having new vibes with this new 2021 14", and also it looks like my lost device in terms of keyboard, case visual, and ports ☺️

The exact spec of my current PC is, as written on the box:
2021 14" MBP (Model No A2442)
M1 Pro processor
16GB Unified Memory
8-Core CPU
14-Core GPU
14" diagonal display with true-tone technology
Magic Keyboard with Touch ID
3 Thunderbolt 4,HDMI, SDXC Card, Magsafe 3 ports


I am happy for you, GoztepeEge. ?

Allow me to bid a fond adieu to your lovely 2015, which served you well for so many years.

I wish you many more in good health and excellent vibes with this new beauty. Viel Glück! ?

Happy Holidays.
Best, KM


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 21, 2015
Munich, Germany
I am happy for you, GoztepeEge. ?

Allow me to bid a fond adieu to your lovely 2015, which served you well for a good many years.

I wish you many more in good health and excellent vibes with this new beauty. Viel Glück! ?

Happy Holidays.
Best, KM
Vielen dank for your kind words and best wishes ☺️
I wish you the same as well, thanks again for your comments also.

Have a nice Christmas and a good new year ahead ?
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