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i use a app called "FreeMemory" has to features, quick free and game mode... very good app... its a shame that apple are pulling the plug on them :(
It sounds to me like there is a background process that Apple is trying to protect. Or perhaps they will release their own memory manager as part of an upcoming update (pardon me while I take a picture of the pig that just flew past my window...).
There's still an app in the UK App Store called "Memory Sweep" by Gary Fung. And it's free.
I thought about this since it happend, are there any chance that freeing memory can hurt the iPhone? And this is the reason they had to remove the apps doing so?

I updated istat anyway, great features in the new version and I still have free memory installed. But it's not as good as istat was.
I'm guessing it finally dawned on Apple that approving such an app is an admission that the OS doesn't quite do what it's supposed to do. You know, the whole official reason why they don't allow multitasking and all the rest of that bull**** that came out of Cupertino. Like everything else, paper covers rock and no one is any the wiser. Day late and a dollar short, as usual, and all the developers die a little inside, again.
I've always preferred FreeMemory over iStat for this purpose, and I'll hang on to that unless Apple releases a similar function.

The iStat update is certainly welcome even without the memory freeing ability.
i use a app called "FreeMemory" has to features, quick free and game mode... very good app... its a shame that apple are pulling the plug on them :(

That was one of my favorite apps that I have downloaded. I'm glad that I still have it on my phone for now. I do not understand why apple would do this since these apps prevent people from having to reboot their phone if they want to clear memory.
Thank you, FXT 1! Available in Austrian App Store too (not tested yet).

Thanks from me, too. :) This app is still in the US store, too. Apparently it refuses to work in the absence of a wifi connection or something? It's only able to come up with about 30MB of memory on the original iPhone, but it is free and still available. In the reviews, some users complain that the app tries to harass them to buy another fingerprinting app from the author if there's no wifi, but I couldn't replicate this (in a few tries, at least).

A few reviews also claim that the app interfered with other software like navi software -- I was actually wondering if, right, wrong, or indifferent, there actually are some side effects to using these apps with certain other apps that were part of the real reason for pulling them.

I still think Apple should fix it, and perhaps also provide a memory sweeping API that intensive programs can call on launch.
Why did Apple software companies remove "Free Memory" functionality from the Apps?

Hi, I use iStat for the iPhone and especially the free memory functionality. The new update for iStat out today has removed this functionality with a note that it was at Apple's request. This functionality is vital for my phone to run efficiently. When my phone becomes sluggish I free the memory with the app. As soon as I do this my phone works great. I have narrowed the issue down to bad memory management in some 3rd party apps from the app store. When I launch those apps and close them I still see the memory they used not freed. Any ideas why Apple has made this request? I'm not updating because I use the free memory functionality all the time.
Maybe it messes with some of the background Push functionality.
On the other hand, it makes it more profitable to Apple for people to upgrade some of the older phones to 32GB.
On the other hand, it makes it more profitable to Apple for people to upgrade some of the older phones to 32GB.

Does the 32GB iPhone 3GS have more (volatile) memory than the 16GB iPhone 3GS?

Thank you! This is frustrating for me because I use this functionality so much.

Yeah... for now, install one of the still momentarily available programs above and/or don't update iStat, sadly, are your options.... I actually didn't have any of these programs before, but I took the opportunity to get the free one mentioned above.
Does the 32GB iPhone 3GS have more (volatile) memory than the 16GB iPhone 3GS?

Yeah... for now, install one of the still momentarily available programs above and/or don't update iStat, sadly, are your options.... I actually didn't have any of these programs before, but I took the opportunity to get the free one mentioned above.

No, the 16 and 32 GB have the same amount of memory.

I use memory sweep, which is also free. IDK, if you can still get it, but I'm just throwing it out there as another option from the other free option mentioned above.
I thought apps were supposed to be 'sandboxed' so that they can't make any changes outside of their 'sandbox', except for contacts?
I use memory sweep, which is also free. IDK, if you can still get it, but I'm just throwing it out there as another option from the other free option mentioned above.

That's the free one I just got. It was still in the US store as of a few minutes ago, and per the above reports, in the UK and Austrian ones as well.
Look like apple yet again is sweeping another one of its problems under the rug. Lets face it apple shows that is does lots of underhanded stuff to make sure it looks good. The OS have a memory leak problem but apple does not want some one making an apple to clean it up. Apple does this because it means the app is covering up it OSX has a massive memory leak.

Makes you wonder if full version OSX has the same memory leak problem.
I use FreeMemory daily. I can not let Apple get rid of this app from me. Wasn't there some setting on the iPhone that blocks Apple from removing an app from your phone if they pull it from the AppStore? I remember hearing about it somewhere, but can't remember what it was.
Wasn't there some setting on the iPhone that blocks Apple from removing an app from your phone if they pull it from the AppStore?

Apple has never removed apps from phones and there is no indication that they'll do it here.

They have the option to do that, yes, but the press would be so bad you'd better believe they won't use it unless they REALLY have to.

I mean, people still have that old tethering app from last year and Apple never touched that one, so I doubt this kind of thing would qualify.
If any of you guys are interested in jailbreaking, there is an app (SBSetttings) that has a free memory function as well. The app does a lot more than that too (it's probably one of the top 5 jb apps), but I know a lot of people don't want to jailbreak. Just thought I'd put it out there for those of you that are sick of Apple controlling what you can and can't do with your phone. I understand why some people don't want to jailbreak, but it's amazing how much more the iphone is capable of doing once you break out of Apple's constraints
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