I just filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. The FTC and FCC are next. I've had enough of these app store shenanigans; time to make my voice heard. I'll email my senator if I have to.
WTF? As an embedded systems developer, I find that, well, rude. Kinda like getting a nice quiet table at a restaurant by bussing in winos until the other legitimate customers leave, then vacating the winos.Bjango explains that the "free memory" feature accomplishes its task by allocating memory until the iPhone OS detects critically low memory levels and terminates the other background processes.
Considering HOW the memory is being freed, and that half the point of the AppStore approval process is weeding out ill-behaved code, I'm with Apple on this.
WTF? As an embedded systems developer, I find that, well, rude. Kinda like getting a nice quiet table at a restaurant by bussing in winos until the other legitimate customers leave, then vacating the winos.
If there's a memory management problem, fix the program that has the problem - don't write other programs that solve the problem by screaming at it until it goes away for a few minutes.
The issue in this case though is it isn't a 'program' that has the problem, it's the OS. Safari is the biggest offender. Open it once and it'll sit there and hog all of the memory - even when you start another program that requires more memory. Hence the stuttering and slowness and subsequent crashing in many cases. Mobile safari is great, but it is a hog. The very fact that these memory- clearing applications were a hit is because the OS is flawed. If Apple's going to fix that, great. But I have my doubts.If there's a memory management problem, fix the program that has the problem - don't write other programs that solve the problem by screaming at it until it goes away for a few minutes.
The issue in this case though is it isn't a 'program' that has the problem, it's the OS. Safari is the biggest offender. Open it once and it'll sit there and hog all of the memory - even when you start another program that requires more memory. Hence the stuttering and slowness and subsequent crashing in many cases. Mobile safari is great, but it is a hog. The very fact that these memory- clearing applications were a hit is because the OS is flawed. If Apple's going to fix that, great. But I have my doubts.
I bought iStat specifically for the memory clearing function - without it I really feel entitled to a refund at Apple's expense. Let me know who needs to hear about this and they'll hear plenty from me.
This pisses me off.
While it is all over the net, I ponder the right to ask for a refund if the app is no longer functioning as advertised. I saw this with SongText. I bought it and weeks later the dev pulled it over some purported conspiracy with the MPAA and such. It was stupid. He said he had no moral obligation to refund, I guess in some ways I see that but if I bought a memory app I'd be pissed.
Bjango explains that the "free memory" feature accomplishes its task by allocating memory until the iPhone OS detects critically low memory levels and terminates the other background processes.
I wonder if this "free memory" function has *any* real value at all. It might just be a placebo button. After all, if the OS frees memory & closes background apps as needed -- which the free memory function is depending on -- then there's no need to ever do it preemptively.
Considering HOW the memory is being freed, and that half the point of the AppStore approval process is weeding out ill-behaved code, I'm with Apple on this.
WTF? As an embedded systems developer, I find that, well, rude. Kinda like getting a nice quiet table at a restaurant by bussing in winos until the other legitimate customers leave, then vacating the winos.
If there's a memory management problem, fix the program that has the problem - don't write other programs that solve the problem by screaming at it until it goes away for a few minutes.
This kind of hack is bad. The free memory function is relying on implementation details of the operating system -- details that, (1) they have no way of understanding fully, and (2) will surely change over time. That means this function currently has unintended consequences -- possibly quite bad ones -- and will likely in the future have additional bad consequences.
Abusing the critically low memory feature probably results in performance problems (its prematurely flushing caches), and may even lead to unnecessary data loss (what happens to open Safari pages with partially filled-in forms open?) and who knows what else -- both now and in the future.
After you've been in software development for a while you learn not to rely on side effects, undocumented behavior, etc. of any API. It inevitably leads to more problems than it solves -- and your users suffer the consequences.
I hate Apple's heavy-handedness in regard to iPhone apps, but they are probably in the right on this one. I wonder if this "free memory" function has *any* real value at all. It might just be a placebo button. After all, if the OS frees memory & closes background apps as needed -- which the free memory function is depending on -- then there's no need to ever do it preemptively.
I don't care if you give Windows Mobile crap for having a task manager, id rather have that option than have to restart my phone so much
Well, lucky I already have my free memory app installed then.