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Why do Apple fanboys think that just because Apple doesn't like Adobe, that Adobe is somehow in bed with Microsoft. This whole PC vs MAC thing needs to die. I think the MAC vs PC ads are childish and immature.

Secondly, I can understand that Flash isn't doing too well on Mac OS X, Flash runs great on my PCs. The reason for this is that the Apple dev team didn't want to give Adobe access to hardware API's, like Microsoft or other major Linux distributions do. You can't expect Adobe to use R&D and split development just for Apple.

The problem is, Apple is the child in this war. They are stepping to a war that they cannot win. They simply do not have the marketshare. I am not asking for flash to be forced upon you, make it a browser option. Set the default to NO flash so that the grandmas and grandpas don't worry.

I am saddened, that innovation is being hindered by censorship and control on the part of Apple. This will be my last post unless someone says something completely fanboyish.

I guess this is just the philosophy of Apple, and it's their business model. Control everything so quality remains high. I applaud Microsoft and other Linux distributions from not controlling everything and letting us have the option. Sure quality will suffer, but only for those who don't know what they're doing. I just wished Apple would compromise and give the user some options.

I agree with the App store and it's policies, for a mobile device like the iPhone and iPad control quality is key. App store has fostered great innovation. However, limiting flash on a mobile device like the iPad? ugh. wasted potential!

The only mention of Mac vs PC is the fact the vast majority of Windows users do not have a clue how resource intensive flash is, they are the same crowd that has no clue how to maintain their OS to get "like new" performance. They know their machine slows down over time and either accept it, buy a new machine because they have no clue what to do. (not implying you or likely anyone savvy enough to know what flash is)

Anyone posting on a tech site such as this will say "flash runs perfect on my PC". Welcome to the minority of PC and Mac users in the world, the rest of the buying public is clueless. Both Apple and Mozilla (firefox mobile) realize how resource hungry flash is and remove it vs crippling their mobile devices.

You mention "give us the option". Yes that would be great, but again you would have so many people that would have no idea what flash will do to this device with safari as it's browser. Crashing, slow performance and heat. This would result in tons of complaints and Apple would once again be blamed for "bad hardware/OS" vs the real issue being flash. Apple doesn't have to "win" they simply omit flash and the tens of millions of people will vote with their cash when we all buy the iPad.

Hulu and any site that wants to attract this user base will adapt to our needs not vice versa.

If you have ever run a Safari with "click2flash" installed, it's amazing how much faster the entire web is. Sorry I don't miss the annoying ads with fancy graphics and stupid dancing idiots. The end result is a much faster browsing experience.
You morons

You do realize that it is up to Adobe to create the proper software changes for mobile safari to read flash?


Hence Adobe is "Lazy". hehe.

and Really, people lived without flash every iphone user. So will every ipad user. If i wanted to watch Hulu, I go to my computer. Hulu is junk anyways.

go to if you want a good flash site.
Funny thing is, Adobe might have to drop pushing the Flash plugin, and go head first into HTML5...
First, I do agree, Flash does not belong on the iPhone. The chip is inferior to the iPad, the screen size is not conducive to flash content, and the smaller battery is a problem.

However, the iPad would be a PERFECT solution to have flash. 1) The chip is a lot better, the A4 is based on a powerful chip, 2) the screen size is perfect for watching Hulu and other related content, 3) You now have a bigger battery.

So many people would pick this up had it had flash. The ability to sit on your couch and go to Hulu or watch videos on the fly without having to worry about what standard it is, is huge.

Now I'd even compromise, have it set so that all flash content is disabled, and the user will have to enable that specific flash content to play with a click. At least GIVE THE USER the option. The one thing I hate about Apple is that it's their philosophy that the user shouldn't have options, it's their game or the highway, which is why they're able to keep quality so high. I like that, but come on apple.

HTML5/H.264 will come on its own as more people realize it's benefits. If it takes a manufacture to disable support for the popular choice, then it goes to show, that HTML5 isn't capable. Let the websites make that conversion.

Forget Flash it's a dying issue. HTML5/H.264 will finally replace it and Jobs is correct, 90% of the crashes Mac users experience on safari are caused by Adobe Flash.

I have no problems with not ever seeing flash again
Forget Flash it's a dying issue. HTML5/H.264 will finally replace it and Jobs is correct, 90% of the crashes Mac users experience on safari are caused by Adobe Flash.

I have no problems with not ever seeing flash again

That maybe true, but then why does the iPhone crash allot when viewing blogs like engadget?

Why does youtube playback load the video half way and stop and when it loads the rest of the video it still won't play?

My iPhone safari crashes at least twice a day, my Mac browser hardly ever.

I had each iteration of the iPhone and every version I have had problems with Safari quitting for no reason or getting hung and having to manually force quit it.
I am saddened, that innovation is being hindered by censorship and control on the part of Apple. This will be my last post unless someone says something completely fanboyish.

So you will come back to respond to a "fanboy" but not to a well reasoned argument against Flash? Classic. This shows exactly what your intentions are. Just so you know though, there is no "Fanboy Patrol" position available right now. You are welcome to leave your C.V. though.
Flash/Silverlight/ActiveX/Java Applets are bad.

However, the iPad would be a PERFECT solution to have flash. 1) The chip is a lot better, the A4 is based on a powerful chip, 2) the screen size is perfect for watching Hulu and other related content, 3) You now have a bigger battery.

The only thing that a browser should have to deal with is XHTML. I hate anything that requires a pluggin on my browser. I hate Silverlight, Flash, Java applets, Real Player, ActiveX, etc.

JavaScript + CSS3 + HTML5 is the way to go.

Apple is pushing things forward just as Google is saying NO to IE6.
The only thing that a browser should have to deal with is XHTML. I hate anything that requires a pluggin on my browser. I hate Silverlight, Flash, Java applets, Real Player, ActiveX, etc.

JavaScript + CSS3 + HTML5 is the way to go.

Apple is pushing things forward just as Google is saying NO to IE6.

^ This.
On the fence

Ok, at first I was totally going to get the iPad because I thought it was perfect for me. I could get over a lot of the issues that other folks have. To be honest, I thought the lack of Flash support was a non-issue because I agree with some folks that it slows down sites. Now, I decided to do a test and installed ClickToFlash just to see how many sites I visit use Flash. I am surprised because a lot of my news sites, gadget sites, entertainment and gaming sites all use Flash. It's not just for ads but for actual reviews and demos. I couldn't even see all the hands on demos folks have posted on the iPad. I'm going to keep track of how many times it's a pain for me. The problem is, Flash is a reality on many sites and until they switch, I may be screwed. Now I'm not sure if I should just wait a while.
Ok, at first I was totally going to get the iPad because I thought it was perfect for me. I could get over a lot of the issues that other folks have. To be honest, I thought the lack of Flash support was a non-issue because I agree with some folks that it slows down sites. Now, I decided to do a test and installed ClickToFlash just to see how many sites I visit use Flash. I am surprised because a lot of my news sites, gadget sites, entertainment and gaming sites all use Flash. It's not just for ads but for actual reviews and demos. I couldn't even see all the hands on demos folks have posted on the iPad. I'm going to keep track of how many times it's a pain for me. The problem is, Flash is a reality on many sites and until they switch, I may be screwed. Now I'm not sure if I should just wait a while.

Just create a feedback/suggestion letter and as you come across this site submit it to them telling you that you enjoy their site but would appreciate if they keep up with internet standards so you can continue enjoying their sites into the future.

Start doing this now and some of them will get feedback and/or on their own be wise enough to make changes to their sites.

Much more productive route to go than wringing your hands that Apple might support flash.
Just create a feedback/suggestion letter and as you come across this site submit it to them telling you that you enjoy their site but would appreciate if they keep up with internet standards so you can continue enjoying their sites into the future.

Start doing this now and some of them will get feedback and/or on their own be wise enough to make changes to their sites.

Much more productive route to go than wringing your hands that Apple might support flash.

Good idea and probably better chances. Now I just have to get all my friends to do the same so I can enjoy these sites Flash free! I'm really hoping a lot of folks take this route too.

Edit: I sent out a couple emails/contact forms. Now, I was thinking don't websites get stats on what device is accessing their sites? If they see a lot of iPad users hitting it, maybe that will also encourage them to stop using Flash.
That maybe true, but then why does the iPhone crash allot when viewing blogs like engadget?

Why does youtube playback load the video half way and stop and when it loads the rest of the video it still won't play?

My iPhone safari crashes at least twice a day, my Mac browser hardly ever.

I had each iteration of the iPhone and every version I have had problems with Safari quitting for no reason or getting hung and having to manually force quit it.

Had an iPhone from day one and have not experienced those problems at all.:cool:
Good idea and probably better chances. Now I just have to get all my friends to do the same so I can enjoy these sites Flash free! I'm really hoping a lot of folks take this route too.

Edit: I sent out a couple emails/contact forms. Now, I was thinking don't websites get stats on what device is accessing their sites? If they see a lot of iPad users hitting it, maybe that will also encourage them to stop using Flash.

What happens though is the people just stop going to those sites or use other devices, so they don't get a real understanding of how many people they are losing from their site.

I own an internet marketing business. Nobody on the internet can afford to alienate or leave out viewers of their website. Getting as many people access as possible is goal #1. It is silly for websites that rely on flash to not be stepping up as quickly as possible. Anything else is stupid.

It is not like flash has got a chance, it is being rubbed out because it is not going to be part of the standard. So developers need to jump on now and get moving forward to save themselves money down the road.
Apple is never going to work with Flash. They are moving to much more stable and optimized ways of Internet browsing. Apple has stood by with not supporting Flash on the iPhone. I doubt they are going to do so with the iPad. Even since they changed the Ad to show no Flash support.

If Steve thought not supporting Flash would put the iPad at risk for selling it, I think he would figure something out and work with Flash. But I think he feels Flash is not a big deal and Apple wants to move on to HTML5.
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