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macrumors G3
Jan 24, 2008
As we have seen with Google Playstore apps don’t do that. The only app I know of making that move was fortnight outside of that no one does it and they are allowed to that on around so option B is not really valid.

Option A is true for vaste majority. Side loading homes opens the door for a lot more making things for family/ friends only. It also makes testing software for all developers a hell of a lot easier is distributing testing versions of app.

Also makes it easier for a company to have an internal app made and sent out. Enterprise certs are a total pain in the ass and a struggle to keep working. It works but Apple makes it harder than it should be.
Ahh. Yes. The "Nobody will ever use the option that they are trying to use governments to force Apple to create" argument.

We know security claim by Apple is BS.
That's silly. We know that the old way that is being forced on Apple has lead to piracy and a trillion dollar malware industry.
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Mar 25, 2021
Ahh. Yes. The "Nobody will ever use the option that they are trying to use governments to force Apple to create" argument.

No it is saying we have a great example that says otherwise and has been saying otherwise for over a decade. It means the over all likelihood of the argument you said happening is very very low.

It is not saying because no one has done it. It is saying borrowing problems which is exactly what your original argument was.

That's silly. We know that the old way that is being forced on Apple has lead to piracy and a trillion dollar malware industry.

Then why is it that the Mac OS does have an issue. It is not as rampant as you are making it out to be. True lost sales are more than likely much lower than what one claims and if their is no server side support on it then no lost money. If server side support then there should be a way to verify that it is a legit version of the application.

Again just borrowing problems and claiming security of the os is the argument then the OS has fundamental issues.

MacOS where things can be freely installed does not have a malware problem… yet again an example that counters your original argument


Jul 18, 2011
We know security claim by Apple is BS.
Another day, another piece of malware downloaded to an android phone from a scummy Facebook ad.

They all follow the same modus operandi, and it involves sideloading.


Mar 25, 2021
Another day, another piece of malware downloaded to an android phone from a scummy Facebook ad.

They all follow the same modus operandi, and it involves sideloading.

Yet if the argument is Apple is doing it for security reasons still call bs.

Biggest reason Apple does it is for $$$ and limiting choices.


Jul 18, 2011
Yet if the argument is Apple is doing it for security reasons still call bs.

Biggest reason Apple does it is for $$$ and limiting choices.
They need not be mutually exclusive. Yes, requiring that all apps go through the App Store means Apple is able to efficiently get a cut out of every transaction, and it can also mean better security for its users (in the very least, I have not received any reports of this particular scam impacting iPhone users). The issue I cited has garnered so much attention in my country that some of the banks have taken to updating their apps such that they no longer work on android phones if the presence of side-loaded apps are detected.

Additionally, if users want to extol the benefits of sideloading, then I wish they would at least also preface their statements by also acknowledging the risks and pitfalls, rather than sweeping said issue under the carpet and pretending that everything is rosy and there is only pure upside with zero drawbacks.
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Mar 25, 2021
They need not be mutually exclusive. Yes, requiring that all apps go through the App Store means Apple is able to efficiently get a cut out of every transaction, and it can also mean better security for its users (in the very least, I have not received any reports of this particular scam impacting iPhone users). The issue I cited has garnered so much attention in my country that some of the banks have taken to updating their apps such that they no longer work on android phones if the presence of side-loaded apps are detected.

Additionally, if users want to extol the benefits of sideloading, then I wish they would at least also preface their statements by also acknowledging the risks and pitfalls, rather than sweeping said issue under the carpet and pretending that everything is rosy and there is only pure upside with zero drawbacks.

I can also tell you your banks apps will not work if your jailbroken then.

Not sure how the side loading detection works but I suspect it is looking for common attack avenues a side loaded app would use.

Apple could easily mitigate a lot of the side loading stuff same way they force one to allow any app on MacOS that is downloaded from anywhere but the Mac AppStore and you have to say allow. I know for a fact apple’s own Xcode forces that allow when you downloaded it directly from the developer site (f Xcode from the AppStore complete mess). So something like that should be turned on and it would be great.

I just don’t buy the security claim as there are other avenues to protect the os and Apple has apps so sandbox it is pretty hard for them if not impossible for them to talk to each other and require a lot more hoops to jump threw.


Jul 18, 2011
Not sure how the side loading detection works but I suspect it is looking for common attack avenues a side loaded app would use.
The first update will restrict customers’ access to their UOB TMRW app once any apps or tools that are sharing their mobile devices’ screens are detected. Customers can resume accessing the app after they have turned off screen sharing on other apps.

The second update will restrict access to the banking app upon detection of any apps that were downloaded from third-party or unauthorised sites with risky permissions on customers’ mobile devices.
Something like this?


Mar 25, 2021

Something like this?

Could be. One of those things about Android I don’t like that Apple disabled. Namely you can see what other apps are installed that are not your own. Apple you can only see your own apps if you have multiple ones.

Also if I remember it right is kind of a blunt tool scanning for known signature bad apps (not a great solution anyhow) and the also looking for any apps found not in the playstore. Again not a great solutions and more a brute force. Something bad apps can get around pretty easily.

I have used similar tools in the past and even though they were dumb then.

Most of the underlying issue Apple can solve as we can look at Mac OS how they are handled and easy to do the same.


macrumors 6502
Nov 1, 2014
Let’s go down C.

If your financial info is on someone else phone you have other issues. That is on you. So not valid.

Your contacts being snoop up. Again you gave the other person your contact info. Plus plenty of easier ways to scoop it up already in use and chances are good that already been shared and access.

Any messages you sent to another person it is already outside your control.

If anything it would force Apple to increase security and privacy even more and make it harder for apps to break out of the sandbox. Also could encrypt the raw data even more so it can not be scooped up.

Your C is mostly just excuses to cover up your own bad security behavior.
Way to assume and over generalize. I assume you are not married or for other reasons have a shared bank account. There are many reasons to have some level of financial entanglement with another individual or business.

But, nice of you to assume I have no concept of financial or data security.

Texts I may have sent to another are open to be forwarded, true. But an unscrupulous app could quite easily sniff all messaging apps on the phone - including all history. That is a little difffernet that someone I message forward a text or two.

And the fact I gave my contact info to someone does not mean I (or they) are granting access for it to be disseminated to the world. And people do add notes or comments to contacts beyond what I shared in the first place.

Finally, I did say that my comment did lean a little tin-foil-hat side. Is it likely all my hypotheticals occur? No. Is it possible, sure. It is.
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Mar 25, 2021
Way to assume and over generalize. I assume you are not married or for other reasons have a shared bank account. There are many reasons to have some level of financial entanglement with another individual or business.

But, nice of you to assume I have no concept of financial or data security.

Texts I may have sent to another are open to be forwarded, true. But an unscrupulous app could quite easily sniff all messaging apps on the phone - including all history. That is a little difffernet that someone I message forward a text or two.

And the fact I gave my contact info to someone does not mean I (or they) are granting access for it to be disseminated to the world. And people do add notes or comments to contacts beyond what I shared in the first place.

Finally, I did say that my comment did lean a little tin-foil-hat side. Is it likely all my hypotheticals occur? No. Is it possible, sure. It is.

When I refer to your financial stuff on someone else phone I mean it as outside your family. If it is your wife I going to refer to that as one and the same as general. My wife and I have 2 joint bank accounts and then you have your joint brokerage account.

Now in terms of log in on those accounts we have our own to the same joint accounts. Same with credit cards and fully access to everything but it goes back to my statement above I use your financial on your family. Correctly set up with with business partners things should be fired walled. Business accounts have their best up but should not be crossing into personal and so on.

I think your tin foil hat your admit is a big part of it as I put it under some the crazy fears. I know from working in banking on software side your tin foil hat crazy does not even scratch the surface of their tin foil hat crazy. Now still would not bank with an iCore360 backend bank due to me knowing to much about their issues but still saw crazy tinfoil hat crazy in security what ifs and demands. Just they did not fix things to well. But that might be my tinfoil hat talking. Still will never touch them.

For the record do I think your money is at risk if you are using iCore360 no you will be fine. Lots of crazy there in fall backs and safety. Just I know to much about how it works to every feel safe. It is a case of knowing to much.
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