Ok I’m with you on the feeling that this price increase was a bit ridiculous. But I feel like you’re having revisionist history here. Apple has always been like this
If someone you contracted to do work for you that has done it for 3 years at a certain price but then out of nowhere , for some trivial small reason they make up on the spot decide to jack up the price 30%, you wouldn’t question it at least? We would be in the right to call you entitled then? If you would be totally cool with it no questions asked, then you’re a sucker. Questioning things in life is what grown ups do, not just blindly accepting things and trying to justify it later by repeating apples marketing speak.
I don’t like the price increase, but I’ll probably end up buying it at some point just because I enjoy having an iPad. Why are we supposed to enjoy unnecessary price increases all of a sudden? Like we’re all supposed to have no opinion about it all and walk around like mindless dumb sheep accepting whatever companies throw at us?
Throughout all these whiny super pro Apple fan rants about justifying price increases and how anyone that has an opinion is “entitled” they all just miss what’s abundantly obvious right in front of them: the price to make this is not worthy of a $200 increase. They just raised it because they wanted to raise the average selling price per device/category and they did market research that people would still pay it. They could probably raise it another $100 for no reason at all and some would still pay it. If Apple changed the price on their website tomorrow to be $100 more expensive, people like you would blindly accept it and call everyone else entitled. That’s how ridiculous this is
Entitled is not even remotely the right word for this situation.
This. Just this.