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macrumors 604
May 20, 2010
Unions created the middle class, period and created many benefits that exist today, including weekends off for many many people, sick days, and health benefits. None of these would exist without the past efforts of unions.

Corporations have systematically destroyed the middle class through anti-union behaviour and clawing back all of these gains. Now while Apple has dangled a few tiny carrots as short term bribes to prevent unionization, they are playing the long game. These workers have sacrificed long-term benefits for short term gains. Billionaires exist because unions have vanished. And while most Apple users are well off and-or affluent, and can’t relate to the struggles of average people, society will suffer as a whole as the middle class disappears.
I think the issue might not be disappearing, but the buckets keep rising but wages don't. I read some article where they stated avg middle class income has risen from around $70k to around $100k in mayeb 10-20 years


Aug 22, 2022
My suspicion of Apple unionization is it’s the work of outside agitators. Apple’s response seems to be taken from the Schultz playbook at Starbucks which is smart in my opinion. What’s unclear is if Cook’s actual motivation is as genuine as Schultz’s.
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