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Report the conduct Please.

Please take the advise of all the other people here and go see the store manager.

I would suggest typing up the dates and times and what the people looked like that gave the bad service and what happened. Then give that to the manager and send a copy to Apple corporate office.

Apple generally has great service and hires people that know how to give it. It's possible that these employees were trainees. No matter what, something should be done to inform the management of the issue or it can't be changed and that behavior will continue on to others.

I did customer service for many many years, and there is NEVER a reason to treat anyone in such a way.

Give Respect to Get Respect
She was making sad faces to imitate my mouth.

Not to be mean or anything, but are you absolutely sure? Of course, yes -- if she was doing this it's completely unacceptable. But coming from a younger generation, I know that I've been accused of doing ridiculous things in my retail jobs.

Working in retail, I've been called racist, I've been called a scammer, I've been told I'm rude, I've been told I hated paraplegics... the list goes on. And truthfully, I'm not any of these things. But for some reason, the customers who believe this are (no offense) usually much older than I am.

Are you sure she was doing this? Or is there a possibility you may have misinterpreted?
14th street store

I emailed apple a day and a half ago and have not received a response. I thought that if they apologized I would not name the store.

This happened at the 14th Street store in New York City on Tuesday, August 25th at about 12:50 PM. I was on the third floor sitting at a table facing north and Barbie and her friend were standing facing south.

I am not going to do anything further about it.
I'm sorry but people that don't fight back and do something about getting made fun of deserve it more than people that don't. They still don't deserve it, but life isn't fair and quite frankly I think it's stupid that you aren't doing a damn thing about people walking all over you.
funny looking=I had an accident and have:
1. scars on my head, so I always wear a baseball cap
2. no eye lashes
3. a skin graft on my nose, which is not that noticeable but blends in with the weirdness
4. a mildly loose neck from an operation
5. a sad looking mouth, even tho I am not sad.

I was just upset, and disappointed, and not even mad. I didn't go to the manager because that person might get fired. What's the point anyway. I am funny looking, and she is rude. Nothing would have been gained by complaining to anyone at the store.

Regardless of what you may or may not look like you have an amazing attitude. Kudos for that. Worrying about someones lively hood after they just ridiculed you shows a real character that often seems all but lost these days.

I agree, I would have said something to management, but it's a bit too late after the fact now. Having acted on it days later would probably translate as bitter and you're obviously bigger than that. Shrug it off and go back... don't be forced to find another store. Hell, have fun with it. Make THEM feel uncomfortable by not leaving them alone with endless questions. I'd probably make it my part time job to be constantly in their face! :D
Why sweat over the little stuff, if you are as you described "funny looking" then you are being unrealistic to think that people will always treat you with respect and dignity.

Which doesn't in any way make their actions any more right. If we don't challenge unacceptable behaviour it will never change.

Unfortunately it is in the species to react negatively to things that are different, not positively. Whether it be a man with a hole in his head or a English man in Scotland, if you stick out or act out of the norm you will be treated with distrust, prejudice or even fear and disgust.

Not always. The idea that we are nature driven and cannot value others who differ from our expectations of a social norm is somewhat outdated. Sure, some people still do make fun of people who don't conform to their definition of normality but I sometimes wonder if we had the ability to see a person's personality just how ugly and deformed these people would look on the inside.

Get over it and live your life without worrying about what other people think of you.

On the other hand you could challenge the behaviour. Little things like being able to vote - or indeed have the right as a woman not to be beaten by your husband and own property - came about because people had the guts to do this.

To the OP: I would have reported her. Losing her job might have given her some of the perspective she seems to lack.
I emailed apple a day and a half ago and have not received a response. I thought that if they apologized I would not name the store.

This happened at the 14th Street store in New York City on Tuesday, August 25th at about 12:50 PM. I was on the third floor sitting at a table facing north and Barbie and her friend were standing facing south.

I am not going to do anything further about it.

If they don't get back to you early next week Ill send an email myself, this really is an issue that needs to be fought. Really disgraceful behaviour.
Why doesn't someone just print the thread, highlight his posts, address it to the manager and post/drop it off at the store?

The manager can look into it discreetely (was a female on, is it CCTV'd etc.) and if necessary ask her about it. I'd imagine she's a lot more scared of her boss than a customer, and it'd shock her to think whilst she'd long forgotten others were working.

AppleMatt (sticking his nose in)
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