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I'm looking a for a $ off coupon code for the Apple Canada store in order to purchase a mac laptop for school. Please PM me if you can help out.

Does anyone have any promo codes for the Australian store? Please PM if so, ordering a new PB.

premium4321 said:
could someone let me know if purchasing AppleCare coverage is worth it for an ibook? do ibooks usually have problems that will require me to bring it in for repair or are they prone to any kind of damage?
i'm sorry b ut as an apple employee this is the most frustrating question ever.

basically you're is the ibook a piece of ****?

NO! they are not designed to malfunction, there is no inherent flaw built in to the system....this is technology, technology is not manufactured in a 100% flawless environment, nor is every machine built in the same factory. Some machines are just going to have issues, this is life, have you ever owned a piece of electronics that never had an issue? I'm sure you have. Have you ever owned a piece of electronics that has had an issue? I'm sure you have.

If you don't think that the apple care is worth it, I will give you an example of why it would be folly not to purchase it. Three people I helped with repairs today would have all spent over $600 on repairs, one guy could have bought a new computer for how much it would have cost him to get his computer fixed. They all paid nothing because they had Apple Care (that ONE time of service paid for the apple care and then some, and they still have their warranty).

apple care ranges in price from $70 for an ipod to around like $350 for power macs. this covers both PHONE SUPPORT as well as HARDWARE, PARTS & LABOR for repairs. maybe you will be lucky and never have to use the repair portion of it, but if you didn't buy the apple care and ever had to have someone repair it for you, you would be purchasing all of the parts & paying them for their time, typical rates of $100 an hour are common. Do the math, that adds up quick, and that's just the labor.

Another gentlemen today brought in a computer for repair's which were very minor. He did not have apple care. He spent $400 on a 2.5-3 year old G4 to fix a very minor issue...he should have just bought a mac mini.

whenever someone doesn't buy the applecare, it's pretty amusing, because we know they are going to come in and ask for technical help and we are going to tell them they didn't buy apple care.
What you gotta understand is that AppleCare is EXPENSIVE. This kind of service should be standard for the first year of purchase anyways. I will be bying an iBook in the UK shortly, and it adds 30% to the overall price of the computer. Thats ridiculous.
"whenever someone doesn't buy the applecare, it's pretty amusing, because we know they are going to come in and ask for technical help and we are going to tell them they didn't buy apple care."

Then it should be included as standard. Every other computer manufacturer includes this kind of aftercare as stndard, so why not apple? If its so amusing that people don't buy applecare, then why not bundle it with the machine?

I mean most free aftercare packages for other computers are better than apple's one which cost a good stack of cash. This is a real sticking point for me in crossing the floor from PC to Mac.
For UK people, remember that UK Trading Standards law does cover you for a few things. Such as the quality and workmanship etc... and yes they do apply, you cant sign/T&C/EULA your way out of law. :)
nomad01 said:
Anyone know roughly how often these become available? Are they a regular occurrence in the UK Store or is it once every few months?


All you have to do is go to the Apple Store's home mage and register to receive the monthly eNews. There's an eCoupon that comes with it pretty much every month (sometimes a little, sometimes a lot). Plus, they always send out regular promotions -- often, you can combine the eCoupon discount with the promo.

I receive regularly both the US and the European versions of these emailings. Both are very nice and very nicely written. The US one is more of an informational newsletter (a little long). The European one is shorter, more of a quick promotional tool.

I'm assuming, however, that you'd need to use the eCoupon for the country you live in (I'm in Europe and I've never tried to use the US one in dollars, but I doubt it would work).

Hope that helps.
here is a good one. If you are in Holland get a free ING bank credit card and get a 8% (!) discount on the apple products when buying through the banks shop.

Now that's what I call a good deal !

Hello fellow MacRumors readers. I'm a poor student and would be very grateful if someone would be willing to email me an unneeded promo code to the online Apple store. Please email the code to:
milesisthebest(remove this) AT

Thank you in advanced.
whenever someone doesn't buy the applecare, it's pretty amusing, because we know they are going to come in and ask for technical help and we are going to tell them they didn't buy apple care.

That statement implies that almost everyone who buys a mac will have problems with it, and therefore everyone should buy AppleCare to protect themselves from their inevitable problems. This seems to conflict with your earlier statement.

NO! they are not designed to malfunction, there is no inherent flaw built in to the system

This statement implies that the majority of users with not have problems with their macs. In which case, most people should not need to buy AppleCare.
Any promo codes for Apple Store France?

Hello, I'm a student trying to buy a new mac (probably a mac mini) in Paris. Does anyone have unused promo codes for the French Apple Store? My e-mail address is descartes92[AT]

Many thanks!
I am a student who want to buy an ibook soon. Does anybook have unuse 30$-off promotion code? please send the code to my email Thank you so much!

As a matter of fact, I have register for the apple store today. But it seems that it usually takes 10 days to send a 30$ promotion code for a new user. I just can't wait to buy an ibook. Once I get it, I will share this code on this forum.

Promotion code: MGJAKYLGEB

*Place an order of $100 or more at the online Apple Store for Education by September 10, 2005, and get $10 off your purchase. To receive your discount, simply click any of the products above or enter the promotion code MGJAKYLGEB when you check out.

might be useful...
Promo code

$30 off on the purchase of $300+ at the online Apple Store

I got it August 24, so it expires this Wednesday (the 7th). Since I don't know who to give it to, I'll just post it:

Hi have a 30 off 300 that expires on the 15 of sept.

But if it's possible that someone has a 10 off 100 that expires after the 25 of sept then please contact me and we can trade.

But if no one has one and doesn't contat me I will still post the 30 of 300 but probably in the last couple of days..
question how do you use the promo codes? and can you use them with the student discount?
Promotion code: MGP8KM7SC8

*Place an order of $100 or more at the online Apple Store for Education by September 24, 2005, and get $10 off your purchase. To receive your discount, simply click any of the products above or enter the promotion code MGP8KM7SC8 when you check out.

Offer applies only to purchases made through the U.S. online Apple Store for Education or over the phone at 1-800-MY-APPLE.
If anybody has another code that can be used in the Education Store, could you please PM me? I would reeeeeeeeeaallly appreciate it!!!

Thank you!!!
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