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macrumors 68000
Sep 8, 2012
Charlottesville, VA
Apple can do this if they want to. If Stewart wants to do a show he can do it on YouTube (or many other sites) and get advertising dollars. It's entirely up to him.

I watched the very first show when it came out and it didn't make me want to watch more. I still miss the daily show.
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Jun 14, 2007
I find John Stewart’s comedy to be of the flavor that “used to be funny”.

He seems to have nothing to say other than to bash everyone who disagrees with him so I’m not crying for this guy at all.


1. Apple should be ashamed that, in our over-charged, politically correct, blame everyone but yourself for all of life’s problems idiocy, they are furthering this nonsense. What’s next, only hire actors that have an iPhone MP? So immature.

2. While Jon has enough money to not care about the cancellation (and even more coming to him despite it), the staff and crew of the show are hurt by being out of a job because the “kids can’t get along”.

Hey Tim,
We’re getting sick of being overcharged for under-performing and bug-infested devices. We’re disgusted by your total contempt for what the customer wants and for taking for granted that we will always buy Apple.

In my decades of being an Apple customer, I can rarely recall a time where more “Apple fans” have been upset with the company we helped keep in business not that long ago. When your friends start leaving, you’d better see the red flag, because the non-fans can fall fast like the bottom of wet cardboard.


macrumors 603
Jan 6, 2004
The editorial disagreements reportedly revolved around some of the planned guests on "The Problem," as well as potential show topics related to China...
Damn it Apple. Such a cowardly move.
Some might say it actually takes "courage" to abandon your values and culture (i.e. making a positive difference in society, being a force for good, thinking different, pushing for human rights, etc)
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macrumors 68000
Feb 26, 2015
That's disappointing. I've not watched this as I don't really care for Jon Stewart; I agree with him politically 90% of the time, I just don't like his style and don't care for news in comedy form...same goes for John Oliver, but I see the purpose and importance of such styles, and I know a lot of people connect with it.

It would be nice if Apple could put away their politics when it comes to such things, but that's not possible or they aren't willing to. Who knows...


macrumors regular
Dec 3, 2019
anyone else never really liked one TV show besides me?
they all have a mundane factor and never go the extra step.
Anyway, moving on!
Me, I don't like one Apple TV+ show, I love several!

Ted Lasso is bloody brilliant for one, For All Mankind starts as an amazing alt-history show and progresses slowly into sci-fi in an amazing way, Severance is a really cool thriller and I'm literally on pins and needles waiting for season 2.

Then there's Silo, The Morning Show, Foundation, Slow Horses. All super great.

Besides Invasion, I don't think I've run into any Apple TV+ show I didn't get sucked into.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 4, 2011
Here's to the sensible ones,
the conformists,
the docile,
the peacemakers,
the round pegs in the round holes.
They're fond of rules,
and they have the utmost respect for the status quo.

Well done! Hope you don't mind... took that and ran with it a bit:



macrumors 6502a
May 6, 2008
Question is: what is causing more public outcry? Simply airing the show and not many people will notice or cancel it and be in the news for muting criticism of China et. al.?
The cancelling is definitely going to cause more issues, even if it wasn't the specific case. I've had Apple TV+ a few times, and never watched this show, but now I know that Apple Execs were concerned about what he was going to say. If they just let him post it, I likely wouldn't have ever known.


macrumors 601
Nov 12, 2007
Unfortunately, I wanted to like this show and would sub to AppleTV+ for this but it didn’t click for me. Same for rest of my family.

I prefer the lighter daily show version instead.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 21, 2008
I didn’t think it was any good when I tried it, but these comments have me curious to watch more.
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