Seydlitz- see post #28. Complain away!
rather disingenious considering the earlier posts (including you) with the general gag line: "if you don't like it don't buy it"
I and many won't buy it.. that doesn't mean we still have the complaints.
My point is you're complaining about the wrong thing. ATV is being marketed as a simple, cheap plug-and-play device. That's it. Pointing out various features it's "missing" to you is beside the point. It doesn't have those "missing" features on purpose.
I'm sorry but first off, consumers are rarely as helpless as you make them out. Secondly, devices are hardly so complicated as you claim. And thirdly, most importantly, things like 1080P are mainstream and are major selling points. Walk into
any tv store and it will be imprinted in you. it obviously works as even lowly 32" tv's are being sold in droves with 1080P, while in that case you need to be about 1.5 meter away to see it (barely).
Might as well complain that Apple computers don't ship with Windows installed. After all, far more software and games that are attractive to the average consumer would be available to the average consumer if those MacBooks were running Windows, right?
Apple's and pears :0
The comparison would be if OS10.7 takes out media capabilities "because you can use an iPod or ATV for it".
Keep in mind that the missing features are part of ATV1. I do not need to buy a windows machine, right now any mac, even the lowly Appletv, can do these media tasks.
And quite frankly, the netflix rave is nice, but keep in mind that a PS3, WII or XBOX can do the same thing. And the XBOX/PS3 have quite extensive other mediaplayer features.
And trust me, these are mainstream items that can be used by a lot of people. They are quite easy to use ;P
About Price: A console is just a tad more expensive and has added game
and media features. And that is without just talking about current market-penetration.
To add insult to injury. My cable provider offers a HD online video rental service for at least three years for comparable prices. The settop box is included in the subscription.
Ovenall, this is why I have a hard time being enthusiastic about the ATV. It works if:
1. I need to live in the USA to fully use it
2. I do not have a PS3/XBOX
3. I need to stream my own media through a second machine, which is quite a lot more complicated than just plug and play. (Yes, you need to create a server, where is the ease of use again?)
4. Or I don't have any own media to play
5. Don't need cable.
6. I don't have cable provider who offers similar features.
7. I need to be so tech-savvy to understand that 1080P isn't neccesary.
I'm sure it will sell, but I don't see it becoming a huge success. Whereas other Apple items add features or convenience, this item seems to miss out. Even the convenience is questionable (more clicks needed than before) considering legacy devices have been around for a while now with decent UI's. We aren't talking a Windows-OSX jump.